The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

So, Monster Hunter – heard of it? Well, if you’re a gaming newbie or someone looking for the best hunting games for iPhone, let me drop some knowledge on ya. 🎮🔥 Capcom’s genius baby, Monster Hunter is an action-packed fantasy RPG that first graced our PS2 screens back in 2004. But wait, if you’re wondering about games like Monster Hunter World, hold tight! The mission?

Bring down some seriously dangerous monsters! And, boy, did it resonate! With a whopping 90 million units sold globally, this game series isn’t joking around. But hey, not all Monster Hunter editions made the cut. Today, we’re gonna break down the creme de la creme of this epic franchise. And, for the console lovers out there, we’ll touch on the best Xbox hunting game too. Buckle up!

Top 10 Monster Hunter Games That’ll Rock Your Socks!

The OG: Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Starting our journey, we’re rewinding to 2004 – where it all began on the PS2. This baby was more than just a game; it was a phenomenon. With over a million units flying off the shelves, it was clear – gamers were obsessed.

Playing solo? Cool beans. But, to level up, you might wanna connect online. Why? Well, the loots you get for knocking out monsters offline? Kinda meh. But hop online, and it’s not just about monster hunting; it’s about climbing that Hunter Rank ladder. From the Village Elder to the Guild, quests come in flavors like Hunting, Gathering, and Capture. Pro-tip: If you’re a collector at heart, focus on gathering herbs and monster parts.

For those feeling a tad adventurous, try your hand at capturing monsters using traps. Talk about a challenge! This game was the spark that set the Monster Hunter universe on fire. And while its successors have evolved, this one? Still a blast!

Dive into the Madness: Monster Hunter Tri/ 3 Ultimate

Monster Hunter Tri 3 Ultimate - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Flash forward to 2009, and we were introduced to Monster Hunter Tri. But wait, there’s more! It made its Western debut in 2010 as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Initially destined for the PS3, plans switched gears, rolling it out on the Nintendo Wii. Fancy, right? And in a twist, 2011 saw it grace both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, boasting enhanced graphics and swanky game progress imports.

Online multiplayer may be a thing of the past for the Wii, but back in its heyday, a squad of four could team up for quests. Remember, online quests were a touch trickier – more players, more challenges. But Wii U diehards can still experience the thrill!

A stand-out feature of this edition? The return of the G rank. This bad boy ups the ante, making beasties more challenging but giving players a chance to score some superior weapons and armor. It was the comeback fans had been waiting for since Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. And boy, did it deliver!

On hitting the shelves, the Wii version sold a cool million, and the 3DS? A mind-blowing 2.6 million! Not the series’ top seller, but still, a game that carved out its niche and stole gamers’ hearts.

Got your gaming appetite riled up yet? With a series as rich and vibrant as Monster Hunter, you’re in for a ride! 🎮🐉 But hey, that’s a story for another day. Stay tuned for more rankings, rants, and rave reviews!

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

Monster Hunter Stories 2 - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Remember 2021? Ah, good times. That’s when Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin dropped on the Nintendo Switch. Yep, it’s the sequel to the OG Monster Hunter Stories. Get this: you’ve got a whopping 100 monsters in the main quest and, hold onto your hats, an extra 150 that crash the party post-main storyline. Sounds intense, right? But wait, the plot thickens – think disappearing Rathalos and mysterious pits with eerily glowing pink lights. Like, what’s up with that? It’s almost as perplexing as my failed diet plans!

Monster Hunter Stories

Monster Hunter Stories - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Jumping back to 2017, Monster Hunter Stories rocked the Nintendo 3DS world. This isn’t your regular hunt-and-slash; you play as a Rider, not a Hunter. Your mission? Befriend monsters, steal their eggs (just for a bit), and hatch ’em. The combat? Classic turn-based. And there’s a trifecta of attack styles: Power, Speed, and Technical.

Just remember, folks, always play to your enemy’s weakness – kinda like avoiding debates at family dinners, right? 😉 Fun fact: this gem was later jazzed up and introduced to Android and iOS devices. And, spoiler alert, the game’s success gave birth to the sequel we just chatted about. Bursting with story and character, it’s a rad deviation from the traditional Monster Hunter vibe.

Get it from Here: Monster Hunter Stories 

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Throwing it back to 2008, here’s a juicy one for the PSP lovers – Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Think of it as Monster Hunter Freedom 2’s cooler, older cousin. More gear, more quests, more monsters, and, let’s be real, more time we all willingly surrendered to gaming. Bonus? Store up to 99 items and recruit a Lelyne buddy. They even tossed in a new “Epic Hunting Quest” where you can show off by taking down four monsters in one mission.

It’s burstiness at its finest! Need a cool fact to impress at the next virtual party? It was the fifth top-selling PSP game, with 3.8 million copies flying off shelves in Japan alone! Sadly, we’re still twiddling our thumbs, hoping it gets ported to modern consoles. There were whispers of a 2020 remaster, but so far, nada. But hey, you can always relive the magic on a nifty PSP emulator! Just, maybe don’t tell your boss, okay? 😜

Monster Hunter Generations/Generations Ultimate

Monster Hunter Generations Generations Ultimate - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Oh boy, 2015! Remember the days when we thought skinny jeans were a good idea? 😆 That year, Japan was graced with Monster Hunter Generations, and the rest of us had to play the waiting game. The basis? You guessed it, hunting gnarly creatures. You’ve got your 14 weapon types making a comeback, but here’s the twist – you can go full Felyne mode. How purrfect is that?

Crafting’s the name of the game here. Beat monsters, snatch their loot, then pimp out your gear. Simple, yet so addicting! Due to its sheer awesomeness, a switch version popped up in 2017 (Japan) and 2018 (the rest of us) named Generations Ultimate. The kicker? Seamlessly transfer your progress between 3DS and Switch. Plus, engage in cross-platform multiplayer shenanigans. Burstiness alert: This gem sold a whopping 8.3 million copies globally making it a true behemoth in the Monster Hunter world.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Flashback to 2013, and Japan was served the Monster Hunter 4 treat. Fast-forward two years, and bam! International fans were handed the upgraded Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. On the agenda? Embark on quests, eliminate dangerous critters, and earn some sweet loot. Unlike its predecessors, this one’s got an added zing of 3D movement and combat.

On the questing front, you’re in a sprawling region, divided into tiny monster hubs. And yeah, the game’s got its quirky rules. You get KO’d thrice, and it’s game over, buddy! No loot for you! The cherry on top? This bad boy was the first to feature a fully integrated online multiplayer. Talk about being ahead of its time. With its perfect blend of action and connectivity, it’s no surprise that it earned the title of the fastest-selling Monster Hunter in North America. And the ultimate flex? Selling a cool 4 million units globally.

Monster Hunter Rise: Climbing to New Heights!

Monster Hunter Rise - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

In 2021, our beloved Nintendo Switch said ‘hello’ to Monster Hunter Rise. And boy, was it a game-changer! New features, new mechanics, and swoon, a brand-new companion named Palamute. Who doesn’t want a ride-or-die quite literally battle buddy? The maps here are just chef’s kiss – think seamless transitions with a dash of Spider-Man action. Plus, there’s a tower defense mode. 🛡️ And, did you hear about the Skill Swap from the Sunbreak expansion? Mid-hunt skill switch? Groundbreaking! Still waiting for ‘Monster Hunter Now’, though? Same, mate.

Get it from Here: Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – It’s Frosty, Baby!

Monster Hunter World Iceborne - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Can we chat about Iceborne? Technically an expansion for Monster Hunter World but it’s so cool, it deserves its own spot. Stunning arctic visuals of Hoarfrost Reach, beastly monsters, and hey, we got the Clutch Claw (monster rodeo, anyone?). Iceborne isn’t just about fighting – it’s about strategy. Watch that stamina in the snow! Plus, *hello*, Master Rank! Bring on those tougher baddies. 9.2 million copies sold by 2022. If that isn’t bursting success, I don’t know what is.

Monster Hunter World – A World Apart!

Monster Hunter World - The 10 Best Monster Hunter Games (Ranked)

Topping my list is the legend itself, Monster Hunter World. Ditching zones for an immersive open world, this game leveled up in 2018. Smarter monsters, a sleeker UI, and don’t even get me started on that streamlined skill system. New to Monster Hunter? This is your golden ticket! By the way, 21 million copies sold by 2022. It’s Capcom’s shining star and rightly so.

Get it from Here: Monster Hunter: World

To Wrap It Up

Hope you had as much fun reading this as I did playing these bad boys. Monster Hunter has etched itself into gaming legend. But if you’re a newbie, Monster Hunter World is your jam. Dive in! For those of you who prefer a different platform, I’d also recommend exploring the best hunting games for iPhone.

If you’re an Xbox enthusiast, I’ve heard whispers about the best Xbox hunting game, so keep your ears to the ground. By the way, if you’re thinking about games like Monster Hunter World, you’re in for a treat. And, what is the best Monster Hunter game in your opinion?

What’s your Monster Hunter go-to? Drop those thoughts below. Game on! 🎮👾🔥 And if you have a minute, let us know your pick for the best Xbox hunting game out there.

Frequently asked questions:

what’s the best monster hunter game

Aight, when picking the best Monster Hunter game, it’s all about personal vibes. We’re focusing on main games from North America and Europe, skipping ones like Monster Hunter Stories. And yo, check out Monster Hunter Rise on PC or Switch before the Sunbreak expansion drops this summer.
Top 3:
3. Monster Hunter Freedom
2. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
1. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

which monster hunter game is the best

Looking for the ultimate Monster Hunter game? We’ve ranked ’em all, focusing on Western releases. It’s tricky with so many top titles, especially for the uninitiated. But among the freshest, like Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Stories 2 on the Switch, we’ve nailed down the top three:
3. Monster Hunter: World,
2. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, and taking the crown,
1. Monster Hunter Rise.


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