bug juice camp drink recipe

Bug Juice Drink Recipe: A Healthier Camp Classic with a Twist

Hey there, campers! Gather ’round because we’re bringing back a nostalgic favorite—Bug Juice—but with a grown-up twist! Forget about those sugary, store-bought mixes; we’re whipping up a homemade version that’s still sweet, but a tad healthier. Let’s dive into the world of Bug Juice, where fun meets flavor, and every sip takes you back to those summer camp days!

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Ingredients for Bug Juice Drink

Let’s be real: you can’t make Bug Juice without some powdered Kool-Aid. But don’t worry—we’re adding a few extras to make this a tad more adult-friendly. Here’s what you’ll need:

1 pack Strawberry Kool-AidThe classic base—go ahead and relive your childhood!
¾ cup SugarSweetens the tart Kool-Aid, but we’re using a bit less for a lighter touch.
1 pint StrawberriesAdds a burst of natural sweetness and a vitamin boost—take that, sugar!
2 Tbsp Fresh Lemon JuiceFor a zesty twist that’ll make your taste buds dance with delight.
8 cups WaterKeeps you hydrated while holding everything together.

How to Make Bug Juice (Without the Bugs!)

Okay, folks, it’s time to mix things up—literally. This recipe is so simple, even your little ones can join in on the fun!

  1. Start the Party:
  • Pour your Kool-Aid packet into a large pitcher. Add the sugar and water, and give it a good stir. We want everything to dissolve nicely, like your favorite childhood memories.
  1. Get Fruity:
  • Toss the strawberries into a blender and puree until smooth. If your blender had feelings, it’d be smiling right now.
  1. Strain and Gain:
  • Pour the strawberry puree through a fine mesh sieve to catch any sneaky pulp. You only want that smooth, juicy goodness in your pitcher.
  1. Add a Zesty Kick:
  • Stir in the fresh lemon juice, and don’t forget to give it a taste. Adjust the sweetness if needed—this is your Bug Juice, after all!
  1. Chill & Sip:
  • Pop it in the fridge to cool down, then pour yourself a glass. If this doesn’t make you feel like a kid again, I don’t know what will!

Tips and Tricks for a Better Bug Juice

  • Switch It Up: Try different Kool-Aid flavors like cherry, black cherry, or pink lemonade for a fun twist. Who says Bug Juice has to be one flavor?
  • Citrus Swap: Use lime juice instead of lemon for an extra tangy zing!
  • Tools You’ll Need: Measuring cup, tablespoon, pitcher, blender, fine mesh strainer, large spoon—nothing fancy, just the basics.

Is Bug Juice Healthy?

Let’s not kid ourselves—regular Bug Juice is basically sugar in a cup. But our version? It’s got real fruit and less sugar, which means it’s a bit better for you. With the addition of fresh strawberries and lemon juice, you’re getting a nice hit of vitamins and antioxidants. So while it’s still a treat, at least it’s a slightly smarter one.

Whether you’re craving some childhood nostalgia or just need a fun drink for a summer day, this Bug Juice recipe has got you covered. Grab a glass, sit back, and enjoy—camp never really ends!

Bug Juice Drink Recipe

  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes


  • 1 pack of strawberry Kool-Aid
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 pint strawberries
  • 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 8 cups water


  1. In a large pitcher, combine the Kool-Aid, sugar, and water, stirring until fully dissolved.
  2. Puree the strawberries in a blender and strain through a fine mesh sieve. Pour the juice into the pitcher.
  3. Add lemon juice, stir, and chill before serving. Enjoy!

Pro Tips:

  • Experiment with different Kool-Aid flavors.
  • Swap lemon juice for lime juice for a zesty twist!

And there you have it, folks—Bug Juice with a fun, healthy twist! Perfect for those summer afternoons when you want to relive the good ol’ days without the sugar crash. Enjoy!


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