TOP 5 Dangerous Pokemon That Can Take Down Thanos & 5 That Cannot

Thanos is a mighty threat in the Marvel lore, especially when he is armed with the Infinity Gauntlet. He was nearly impossible to deal with before he got his hands on it and all of the stones, but it was even harder for the Avengers to deal with him after. If he were to go up against almost any Pokémon, he would likely prevail. But there is a handful of them who could counter the effects of the Infinity Gauntlet, possibly defeating Thanos, or at least standing a chance against him.

Consider Arceus in a godly state as a worthy contender, while weak Pokémon like Mew would certainly fall short against someone of Thanos’s might, especially with the Gauntlet in hand. So join us as we cross the two distinct, unique worlds, and see which 5 Pokémon would be able to contend with Thanos, and which 5 certainly could not.

5 Pokémon Who Can Defeat Thanos

1. Arceus: The Pokémon God

Arceus: The Pokémon God

In the Pokémon world, there is no being higher and mightier than Arceus seeing as he is the literal god that has all the powers of a god and predates the existence of all living things. No matter what kind of strength Thanos brought to the battlefield, he would stand no chance against a god who can use any power to smite Thanos. Since Arceus used his powers to create an entire universe, he could also destroy anything in it, including Thanos should he ever have arrived.

2. Eternatus: Like Thanos, But More Destructive

Eternatus: Like Thanos, But More Destructive

Eternatus brings the Darkest Day about twice, once during the current events of Sword and Shield and again in the actual game. Armed with such destructive prowess, it is likely that he would match Thanos in the destruction sphere. Eternatus is far too powerful of a villain to defeat alone, when when the game’s player teams with Hop to eventually beat him, they needed help from Zamazenta and Zacian. It is very unlikely that Thanos would stand a chance against such a being on his own.

3. Palkia: With Space Itself For A Domain

Palkia: With Space Itself For A Domain

While Thanos can use the space stone to bend space to his will, space is Palkia’s entire domain in Pokémon. Had Thanos arrived in Palkia’s realm, Palkia would intervene and smite him with furious anger and spatial powers, no matter how powerful he was when he arrived. Once determined to destroy, Palkia will not be stopped until the opponent is completely defeated and wiped out.

4. Dialga: Can Reverse The Infinity Snap Or Send Thanos Back In Time

Dialga: Can Reverse The Infinity Snap Or Send Thanos Back In Time

Since Dialga controls time, Thanos could be easily sent back into the past long before he came to possess the Infinity Gauntlet. Dialga can also simply send the world back to before the snap. That is before mentioning that since time is Diagla’s domain, it is highly offended by anyone else trying to manipulate it, which does not bode well for Thanos. If he tried to alter the world, Dialga would likely intervene on the world’s behalf.

5. Solgaleo: Amazing Moves Would Conquer Thanos

Solgaleo: Amazing Moves Would Conquer Thanos

While no match for Thanos in the Cosmoem form, once the evolution to Solgaleo takes place, Thanos has a worthy rival. Solgaleo is a Pokémon with many moves in its arsenal that can break down Thanos’s durable form. While this would be a close battle to be sure, Solgaleo would prevail in the end since it can withstand most of Thanos’s attacks and hit back just as hard. If all else fails, Solgaleo can open an Ultra Wormhole in space-time, and pull Thanos through it. After all, it is said that Solgaleo will light up the world by dispelling all darkness from it.

5 Pokémon That Cannot Defeat Thanos

1. Lucario: The Aura Sphere Is Impressive, But Not Enough To Match The Might Of Thanos

Lucario: The Aura Sphere Is Impressive, But Not Enough To Match The Might Of Thanos

Lucario might be a Steel-based, fighting Pokémon, who can use the Aura Sphere and other related moves in combat, but compared to Thanos, they are not enough to take him out, at least not in solo form. It would take a lot of strategies and methods, and a lot more than a few rapid maneuvers, to take down the highly durable Thanos. Lucario might be faster, but in battle, Thanos would dominate.

2. Pikachu: No Match In Strength Against Thanos

Pikachu: No Match In Strength Against Thanos

Pikachu, even in his fully overpowered form can attempt to beat Thanos, but Pokémon’s main mascot would most certainly lose. He may dodge Thanos with his speed and stun him with a few rapid blows, but Thanos would regenerate quickly. Thanos also carries the time stone on his Infinity Gauntlet, so he can not only slow Picachu down, he could snap him out of existence. Try as he might, Pikachu wouldn’t stand a chance.

3. Ursaring: Impressive Strength But It Won’t Be Enough

Ursaring: Impressive Strength But It Won’t Be Enough

As a Normal-type, Ursaring is strong, but against the durable Thanos Ursaring doesn’t stand a chance. Thanos is much faster too, and arguably more cunning. In reality, Thanos might not even need the Infinity Gauntlet’s power to defeat Ursaring. Of course, if Ursaring has a chance to reform into the massive Gigantamax, but without that, Thanos would have a relatively easy time putting him away.

4. Azelf: Too Much Of A Glass Cannon

Azelf: Too Much Of A Glass Cannon

Azelf may be a prolific Pokémon psychic, but there isn’t much Azelf possesses in terms of defense against Thanos’s powerful attacks. Even with higher attack and speed stats, Azelf is far too much of a glass cannon Pokémon due to its fragility. Thanos hits harder and is more durable than his legendary Pokémon opponent. Perhaps in tandem with Mesprit, Uxie, and other legendary Pokémon figures, a group would stand a chance against the purple titan, but going solo against him for Azelf is a recipe for certain defeat.

5. Mew: Powerful, But Not Quite Powerful Enough

Mew: Powerful, But Not Quite Powerful Enough

Mew is a powerful psychic Pokémon in the series’ first generation, but none of its abilities can hold a candle to Thanos’s raw strength. Mew might be able to dodge Thanos’s attacks by teleporting out of the way. It might even be able to land a few surprise hits, but one snap of the Infinity Gauntleted hand would rid Thanos of the hassle that is Mew’s very existence. No matter how hard Mew fights, there is simply no chance of dominating Thanos possible.


In conclusion, there are certain Pokemon and Naruto characters that have the potential to take down Thanos, while others may not be able to do so. It’s important to note that this is all based on fictional scenarios and should not be taken as real-world possibilities. If you’re interested in exploring more of these types of scenarios, be sure to check out the next article: “TOP 5 Naruto Characters Who Can Take Out Thanos & 5 Who Cannot.

Frequently asked questions:

Most dangerous pokemon?

Mewtwo is considered one of the most dangerous Pokémon due to its high attack and special attack stats, as well as its powerful psychic abilities. Another dangerous Pokémon is Arceus, known as “The Original One,” it has the ability to change its type depending on the plate it holds and possesses high stats in all categories.

Is pokemon go dangerous?

Pokemon Go is generally considered safe to play, but there have been reports of players becoming distracted and getting into accidents while playing the game. Additionally, playing the game in unfamiliar or isolated areas can pose a safety risk. It’s essential to be aware of your surroundings and stay alert while playing the game to avoid potential dangers.


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