F9 Who’s the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

F9, the 9th installment of the Fast And Furious series, is full of heroic characters, though their degree of heroism varies. Some are willing to double cross, while others are willing to sacrifice their lives. Between the well-loved repeating personalities and those that seem to come back from beyond the grave unexpectedly, most of the main characters are trying to outdo each other, in an almost passive-aggressive manner, in their heroic actions.

But pointing a finger at who the protagonists are in F9 might give one pause. Sure, there are long-standing favorites but one could argue that leave quite a path of destruction in their wake. After all, they cost people’s lives and destroy cities with their antics. In that sense, the actions of the characters and the incidents caused by them being viewed as heroic are largely left to the perspective of the viewer. Needless to say, some F9 characters, are far less heroic than their counterparts.

Let’s take a look at the 9 characters from the movie who are “heroic” in their own way, ranked from least heroic to the most.

Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious

1. Cipher

Cipher - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Since fans last saw Cypher in Fate of the Furious, she hasn’t learned any lessons and is still the same evil master manipulator that she always was.

After successfully bribing a way out of a glass prison, she attempted to shoot Dom and Letty down. Seeing Cypher as any type of hero is borderline impossible. It’s doubtful that Cypher would ever heroically be able to redeem herself, despite the fact that most villains in the series, like Deckard Shaw or Jakob, are able to achieve a certain degree of redemption arcs.

2. Jakob

Jakob - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Jakob, Dom’s long-lost brother, as well as the franchise’s most recent addition, is the movie’s obvious antagonist though he does turn the corner a bit to the “good” side after realizing that their lengthy sibling dispute was the result of their getting their wires crossed.

By the conclusion of the film, Jakob assists Dom’s team in getting out of some really difficult predicaments, even though he is the primary cause of nearly all of them. Although Jakob is by no means the film’s protagonist, he certainly developed into a more likable character by the film’s end. But Jakob will undoubtedly get his chance to shine since he will surely become a key member of the Toretto family in the future.

3. Han

F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Han was a fan favorite and hadn’t been in the series since Fast and Furious 6, so his appearance in the new film was one of its major selling points. Fans called for Han to find justice, but that isn’t precisely what occurs. Despite being on the side of the good folks, the guy is a ruthless killer.

In the series, the characters have never openly murdered anyone—certainly not in such heinous ways as Han has, altering things when he skillfully picks off Jakob’s accomplices with a sniper rifle, physically strapping one of them to a bomb, and shoving him out of a vehicle.

4. Ramsey

Ramsey - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Since her debut in Furious 7, Ramsey has had a substantially larger presence in each subsequent film, and fans appreciated her screen time in F9 almost more than anything else. The film finds her participating in the action rather than just observing it from her typical position behind a laptop.

To put an end to the Aries Project, the character joins in the grand finale. Ramsey bravely hijacks the truck carrying magnets in Edinburgh despite having no idea how to drive. She may have broken into tiny shops and destroyed automobiles belonging to ordinary people, but the millions of dollars worth of damage she caused to the city isn’t exactly heroic.

5. Dom

Dom - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

In previous installments of the series, Dom has consistently outperformed Brian as a hero, but not in F9. Dom was far from heroic in F9 as he skips out on the operation, leaving Letty and crew on their own, defying expectations at first.

Dom makes the correct decision in the end as he joins the squad and defeats Cypher, despite the fact that he allowed his wife to embark on what appeared to be a hazardous mission that involved his own brother. In F9, however, it might be argued that Dom creates more issues than he resolves when he completely ruins the gang’s hideaway and decimates half of Tbilisi.

6. Letty

Letty - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Letty has established herself as one of the group’s most important resources throughout the years. One of the boldest characters in the series, Letty frequently seizes the chance to defend her people from harm. This was also seen in F9 when she jumped to the rescue of her friends once they reached out for her aid in taking out Jakob and Cypher.

But the time when Letty saved Dom was the one that really stuck out,  endangering her life by diving into the water after Dom in an act of unbridled bravery, preventing him from drowning. This brave deed only served to highlight Letty’s capacity for selflessness and altruism.

7. Mia

Mia - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Up until F9, Mia was absent while the group was out executing their dangerous activities. She was dispatched to Tokyo with Letty in the ninth episode of the series, which was their first ever alone scene together, and that’s when things changed.

Of the Fast gang, Mia may not have the best chance of winning the Hunger Games, but she surprisingly exhibits some outstanding martial arts abilities. With her skills, Mia managed to eliminate Jakob’s allies in a very small space.  Given how proficient she is in hand-to-hand combat, many fans questioned why she wasn’t part of any of the crew’s other operations.

8. Tej

Tej - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Tej has generally performed many heroic deeds, including rescuing Rome on the ice in Fast and Furious 6. He was portrayed in F9 as taking another one for the team as he traveled into space with Rome in a rocket automobile after a mere single test run.

Tej had the guts to give the rocket car another chance even if it’s one and only test had ended in a genuine explosion. He couldn’t have been partnered with anybody better either, since a fantastic example of Rome and Tej’s friendship in the franchise is when they journey into space together and have a surprisingly heartwarming moment.

9. Roman

Roman - F9 Who's the Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious Franchise

Rome is undoubtedly the most heroic character in the film, as well as in the majority of the franchise’s earlier films. He is nearly the literal definition of a hero since he miraculously survives with virtually no injuries despite his vest being perforated with bullet holes.

But more than anything, Rome was the one who came up with the plan, as ironic as it was, to blow up a satellite in space. Rome and Tej’s only remaining alternative after their window of time to carry out their original plan has passed, was a mission that would endanger their lives. Rome implores Tej to use their rocket car to collide with the satellite in the interest of the greater good.

Most Heroic Character in the Fast and Furious :Conclusion

The Fast and Furious franchise is known for its high-octane action and larger-than-life characters, but which one is the most heroic? With the release of F9, fans have seen their favorite characters once again push the limits of what is possible on screen. While each character has their own unique qualities and strengths, some stand out as more heroic than others.

Whether it’s the unwavering loyalty of Dominic Toretto, the technical expertise of Tej Parker, or the bravery of Letty Ortiz, each character brings something valuable to the table. Ultimately, it is up to the individual viewer to decide which character they find the most heroic, as each has their own special brand of courage and selflessness.

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Frequently asked questions:

where is fast and furious 7 filmed?

“Fast and Furious 7″ was filmed in various locations, including Los Angeles, Colorado, Abu Dhabi, and Tokyo. Some of the key scenes were filmed in Atlanta and the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, USA. Additionally, parts of the movie were filmed in the Dominican Republic.”

is tom Holland in fast and furious 10?

Tom Holland is not confirmed to be in Fast and Furious 10 as of now. While there have been rumors about his potential involvement in the franchise, nothing has been officially announced by the film’s producers or Holland himself. However, the actor has expressed interest in joining the series in the past, so it is possible that he could appear in a future installment.

where was fast and furious 6 filmed?

“Fast and Furious 6” was primarily filmed in the United Kingdom and Spain, with some scenes shot in the United States and the Canary Islands. The film features iconic locations such as London’s Tower Bridge and Trafalgar Square, and the Canary Islands’ Tenerife South Airport.


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