Top 11 facts about bear hunting that will shock you

Bear hunting is prevalent in the world ever since prehistoric times. The bears are a great source of raw material for many things. This is one of the reasons why they are being hunted so frivolously. In prehistoric times, bear hunting was considered an act of courage. In the following sections, we will see the top 11 facts about bear hunting that one should be aware of.

Bear hunting has a significant history throughout the whole of Europe and North America. These regions witnessed a lot of bear population. Even though the practice of bear hunting has been going on in Europe and North America, both regions had very different methods of hunting. The hunting techniques and the type of bear were quite different in both these regions.

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Vulnerable bears

Currently, there are around eight types of bears, according to wildlife experts. Even though the types are fewer, there used to be many bears in each of these types. However, that has changed drastically in recent years due to many factors like climate change, illegal poaching and even bear hunting.

Six out of the eight types of bears are on the list of vulnerable or endangered species. The brown bear, which is one of the eight types of bear, is at the risk of extirpation. In the following paragraphs let us get to know more about some bear hunting facts, which are the bear hunting states and how are grizzly bear hunting trips done.

interesting facts about bear hunting

Top 11 facts about bear hunting that will shock you

The following are the top 10 facts about bear hunting that might not be known to many people.

1. Why the bears are hunted

Bear hunting is not just done for hunting purposes, per se. Theyare also hunted for fur and meat. Bear hunting isn’t just about hunting the bear for its flesh and fur, but it is also considered as a recreational game for some even though it sounds cruel to hunt.

2. Types of bears that can be hunted during a bear hunting expedition

There are as many as eight types of bears, with each havingits own name. These 8 types are Asiatic bears (also called moon bears), brown bears (which include grizzly bears), North American black bears, polar bears, sloth bears, giant pandas, spectacle bears (also called Andean bears) and last but not least, sun bears. You might encounter these type of bears, when you set out for bear hunting.

3. Brown bears and their unique claw

When you are bear hunting, you can figure out if the bear you are hunting is a brown bear. You can identify this by looking at the claw marks that the bear might have left. Brown bears have claw marks that are much deeper when compared to black bears.

4. Bear hunting for comfortable winter garments

People hunt bears for many reasons. One of them is to get the fur of the bear so that they can make garments to give them warmth during the cold winters.

5. Hunting them for the meat of the bear

Another reason why bears are being hunted is for their meat. A single bear has a large amount of meat. This meat can be stored and eaten, as and when one gets hungry. Bear meat can be sold for a good sum of money. These meats are usually cooked by boiling them or by making a stew out of them.

6. Bear hunting for the fat of the bear

Fat, extracted from the bear’s body is great for cooking. Most people, who are in North America, use the bear fat for cooking foods. This fat makes the dish creamy and rich.

7. Hunting them for materials for medicine making

Bear hunting is also done for getting materials that are used for making medicines. The bile and the paws of the bear have great medicinal value ,and are used by people to make various medicines.

8. Different methods of bear hunting

Bear hunting is not as easy as hunting other animals. This is because it is a very huge animal, and it is also a predator. If they feel threatened, they might start attacking. You cannot match the brute strength of a bear. Hence, bear hunters use different methods to hunt down bears. Some of them are firearms.

These firearms should be strong enough todo enough damage to the bear. Sometimes, spears are used to attack the bears. At other times, baiting is used to poison the bears before hunting them down.

9. Bear hunting is an aristocratic activity in the past

In the late middle ages, in the regions of Europe, hunting bears and eating them was consideredan aristocratic activity.

10. Special dogs for bear hunting

While bear hunting people also use hunting dogs to hunt bears. Since bears were huge animals, it was becoming increasingly difficult for the hunters to hunt these animals without any support. So they used the help of dogs.

Bear hunting may be permitted in your country. However, that doesn’t mean that you can walk into the jungle and hunt down bears at will. The state laws should allow for the hunting of bears. Otherwise, it would be illegal. If you are caught bear hunting illegally, you can be imprisoned for the same. The states considered as bear hunting states in the United States of America are Alaska, North Carolina, Arizona, Northern Wisconsin and Idaho.

There are some common questions like “can you hunt grizzly bears in Alaska?” and “is it legal to hunt bears in California.” The answer to both these questions is yes. The grizzly bears can be hunted in Alaska if they are a threat to the person andtheir livestock.

Bear hunting is legal in California if the person is above 18 years of age and has a hunting license and a bear tag. We hope our article managed to throw some light on the top 10 facts about bear hunting. We have also answered two of the most common questions that people have about bear hunting- can you hunt a grizzly bear in Alaska and is it `legal to hunt bears in California.


bear hunting is a controversial and highly debated topic. While many people support it as a way to manage bear populations and provide a source of food and recreation, others argue that it is cruel and unnecessary. The facts presented about bear hunting in this article reveal some shocking and concerning practices, such as the use of bait and hounds, as well as the impact of hunting on bear populations and their ecosystems.

As society continues to grapple with issues related to conservation, animal welfare, and ethical hunting practices, it is important to stay informed and engaged in these discussions.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

why bear hunting is bad?

Bear hunting is considered bad by many due to several reasons. Firstly, bears are intelligent and sentient animals capable of feeling pain and fear. Secondly, hunting can disrupt the balance of ecosystems and lead to unintended consequences. Lastly, bear populations are often already under pressure from habitat loss and climate change, and hunting can further endanger their survival.

when does bear hunting start in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, bear hunting typically begins in September and lasts through October, depending on the specific hunting zone and method. The exact dates for bear hunting in Wisconsin may vary from year to year and are typically set by the state’s Department of Natural Resources.

when is bear hunting season in NC?

Bear hunting season in North Carolina typically begins in mid-October and runs through mid-November. The specific dates for bear hunting season in North Carolina may vary slightly depending on the hunting zone and method, and are typically set by the state’s Wildlife Resources Commission. There may also be additional restrictions and regulations that hunters must follow during bear hunting season.


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