Top 13 facts about KETO DIET You Didn’t Expect to Hear

The weight management industry has undergone a lot of change in the recent past. Many styles of diets have come and gone, but still manage to retain their hold for a long time. One such diet is the Keto Diet. While most of us know that this is a low-carb diet.

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Top 10 facts about the Keto Diet:

Top 13 facts about KETO DIET You Didn't Expect to Hear

1. What is the Keto diet all about?

The Ketogenic Diet, popularly known as the Keto diet, is very low on carbohydrates and very high on fats. This diet intends to replace the carbs with the fats, creating a metabolic condition known as ketosis in your body. By following this diet, you can burn fats very quickly. Your body also uses your liver’s ketones for energy consumption.

Ketones are formed when the fatty acids get broken down. It helps to correct problems of low blood sugar and insulin. Therefore, we will talk in the following sections about quite a few keto diet benefits.

2. Different Keto Stages

Like most other diets, even the Keto diet follows different types. The Keto stages that you should know about are:

3. Standard diet followed by Keto followers:

It contains very little carbohydrates, a reasonable amount of protein and a large amount of fats.  The ratio of fats, protein and carbs is 70:30:10 in this diet.

4. Cyclical Keto Diet:

Many people also call it the carb-shifting Keto Diet. In this style, people consume a low amount of carbs during the first 4 or 5 days of the week, and then consume carb-rich foods for the next 3 or 2 days. Since this method involves intermittent feeding of carbs to your body, the carb-shifting Keto diet is useful for professional bodybuilders, athletes and other sportspeople.

5. Targeted Keto Diet:

Like the carb-shifting Keto diet, here too, you can shift the carbs intake during your workouts or specific occasions. This is also useful for professionals.

6. Keto Diets rich in proteins:

Like a standard keto diet, this one is also rich in carbs. However, it has higher protein content than standard diets. Here, the ratio of fats, proteins and carbs is 60:35:5 in this diet.

The various Keto Diet types are one of the most important of the top 10 facts about Keto Diet that you should be aware of. This will help you get into a proper diet plan, whenever you are ready to follow this diet.

7. Keto diets can help you to lose weight

The low-carb, high-fat and moderate-protein foods that are part of the Keto Diet make you feel full and hunger-free for a long time. Therefore, you can get read of your unhealthy binge-eating habits when you follow a Keto diet.

A study was conducted to find out the relationship between the Keto Diet and weight loss. Here, it was proved that people who followed the Keto diet for about 8 weeks lost at least 2 pounds more than the weight loss witnessed in the group that didn’t follow the Keto Diet.

8. Keto Diet can protect you against several ailments

Why is the Keto diet so popular, and why do many celebrities endorse this? This is because the diet reduces your risk of severe ailments such as heart diseases, cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, epilepsies and traumas related to brain surgeries. This is one of the most essential top 10 facts about the Keto Diet the top facts about Keto Diet that you should know.

While more details are required to test the diet’s benefits in other fields, the Keto diet is known to bring about a phenomenal improvement in insulin sensitivity in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

9. Foods that are allowed when you are on a keto diet

While you might know that a Keto diet consists of low-carb and high-fat foods, do you know about the details of the foods allowed as part of the diet? Some of the foods that you can eat as per the Keto Diet are the following:

  • Seafood, including any shellfish
  • Vegetables low on carb content (cauliflower, zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, green beans, peppers, tomato, etc.)
  • Fruits such as avocados
  • Dairy products such as cheese, butter and cream
  • Meat and poultry dishes
  • Greek Yoghurt
  • Oil such as coconut oil and olive oil
  • All types of nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, chia seeds, etc.)
  • All types of berries
  • Coffee and tea, but without any sweetening agents

10. Risks of Keto Diet

There are two sides to every coin. So, you must understand the pros and cons of the Keto Diet before following it. Please remember that you should follow the Keto Diet only after consulting with your doctor. Else, it can lead to issues such as low blood pressure, formation of kidney stones, constipation, dizziness and deficiency of vital nutrients. This is the most important of the top 10 facts about Keto Diet that you should always bear in mind.

11. Keto Diet Pills – Are they good for your health?

Keto diet pills are health supplements that put your body into a ketosis state, which increases the metabolism rate very quickly. Though they bring about a considerable weight loss, you should always opt for natural foods that are allowed as per the Keto plan to get the desired weight loss. These pills can cause long-term side effects/

12. Fruits are limited

Fruits like berries and avocadoes are allowed as per the Keto diet. So, if you are a fruit lover, you may not like this plan too much. The high-sugar content of the fruits doesn’t allow them to part of this diet structure.

13. Be prepared for KetoFlu

One of the most common side effects of the Keto Diet is a condition known as Keto Flu. It is not necessarily a sickness, but an irritating feeling that you will experience in the first one or two weeks of following the Keto Diet, but you will be fine when you keep following the diet for more than 2  weeks.

Before moving to any diet plan, you should know all the facts about that. For example, if you want to become vegan, you should know about the top 10 facts about veganism to be prepared.

Don’t follow the diet for too long

One of the important top 10 facts about Keto diet is that you shouldn’t follow it for a long time. According to experts, it would take 28 days for the results to be visible in your body. Even when you are following the diet, you should opt for a carb-cycling diet, wherein you follow a low-carb meal for 4 days and then opt for high-carb meals for the remaining 3 days to balance your body.


the keto diet has gained popularity in recent years as a way to lose weight and improve overall health. The top 13 facts about the keto diet mentioned in this article provide surprising insights into the science and practice of this diet. From its impact on metabolism to the potential risks and benefits, understanding these facts can help people make informed decisions about whether the keto diet is right for them.

While the keto diet can be effective for weight loss and other health benefits, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle. With the right approach and guidance, the keto diet can be a powerful tool for achieving optimal health and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions:

is diet lemonade from chick fil a keto?

Diet lemonade from Chick-fil-A contains artificial sweeteners and has 5g of net carbs in a medium-sized drink. While it can fit into a keto diet in moderation, it’s important to consider other sources of carbohydrates in your overall diet to ensure you stay within your daily carb limit.

are plums keto diet friendly?

Plums are relatively high in carbohydrates, with a medium-sized plum containing around 7g of net carbs. While they may be compatible with a keto diet in moderation, it’s important to consider the number of carbs from plums and other sources to ensure you stay within your daily carb limit. Other low-carb fruits like berries may be a better option.

is optavia a keto diet?

The Optavia diet is not strictly a keto diet, although some of its pre-packaged meals may be low in carbohydrates. Optavia aims to create a calorie deficit to promote weight loss through portion control and balanced macronutrient intake. While it may be compatible with a keto diet, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.

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