10 signs of good parenting skills you need to have

Being a parent is a blessed and challenging role at the same time. Parenting is a responsibility that can create good human beings out of kids when done perfectly. You might find many parenting books that tell you the tips and tricks of being a good parent. Here, we have summed up all those facts and listed the 10 signs of good parenting skills that you should follow to become great role models for your kids.


10 signs of good parenting skills you need to have

1. Express your love

If you want to become a good parent, you should express your love to them. Physical and verbal expressions of love are considered one of the best positive things to say to your child. Hug them or cuddle them, whenever you feel like it. If your kids are really young, you can kiss them many times in a day to tell them you are

You should tell your kids the three magical words, “I Love You,” as many times as possible to assure them of your unconditional love through thick and thin. This will boost their confidence and improve your bonding with them in the long run.

2. Set the right example

If you want to teach your kids feelings such as respect, love, empathy, gratitude and more, you should set the right example at home. Be the person that you want your kids to be. This has got to be right on top of the list of the 10 signs of good parenting skills.

When you practice what you preach, it becomes easy for your kids to follow your words easily. Ensure that the environment in your home is always peaceful and positive. This will encourage kids to observe and learn many things from you.

3. Spend time for your kids

More often than not, parents are guilty when they can’t spend enough time with their kids. So, they try to make up for it by buying them expensive gifts. However, one of the best signs of good parenting is to give them your time, not your money.

When you prioritize your work and spend quality time with them, you show them how much you love and care for them. Your kid will also learn that he needs to spend quality time with his loved ones when he grows up. This is one of the major benefits of good parenting – to see your kids become good human beings.

4. Give them proper feedback for their mistakes

Do you know what could be one of the best positive things to say to your child? When he makes a mistake, you should tell him that it is okay and that nobody is perfect. While saying that, you should also tell him what he did was wrong by explaining the consequences of his action.

We aren’t asking you to be lenient with your kids’ mistakes, but we are only asking you to give them constructive feedback. This will help them understand their mistakes, and they will never repeat them. Harsh criticism and punishments can create a negative impact on your kids’ lives.

5. Appreciate them whenever they deserve it

An important aspect in the parenting tips discipline manual is that you should give your kids a pat on their backs, whenever they have done a commendable job. Regardless of the nature of the job, you should appreciate them for every accomplishment of theirs. It would help if you told them that you are proud of them.

All of these positive feedbacks are very important for the overall personality development of your child. A simple “well done” from you can motivate your kid immensely to do well in his future endeavors.

6. Assure them of your conditional support always

One of the most powerful positive things to say to your child is that you will be there for him always. Assure him of your unconditional support, and promise him that you will trust him. This will encourage your child to approach you first, for any problem that he may face in his life.

When you give him the comfort and safety of your trust & support, it makes him confident of his actions. Be as responsive as you can for his needs, as this will help him enjoy good social skills and mental health always.

7. Value their opinions

As part of good parenting tips discipline, good parents are those who respect their kids’ opinions. You need to respect him and ask about his feelings or opinions when you are about to make big decisions in your family. When you consider his opinions important, he feels respected.

What is the best way to teach your kids to respect others? You need to follow the same at home by respecting them. Give respect to them and earn their respect, and that’s one of the best benefits of good parenting skills.

8. Please give them the freedom, but know the limits

As a good parent, you should be flexible enough to change your parenting styles depending on your kid’s age. As a 3 –year old, some strict rules can work with your kid, but the same rules may not work for a 15-year-old. While you set the rules, you should also be aware that teenagers require their space & freedom.

Once you have followed the above rules of assuring your kid of your love and support always, he will be honest and transparent with you, regardless of his age.  One of the top 10 things you must say to your kids daily is that you are there for him, no matter what.

9. Never beat your child

If you thought beating could instill good discipline in your kids, you are badly mistaken. It will only encourage your kids to hide certain things from you in the long run, for fear of being beaten. When you exhibit the behavior of beating, you are teaching them to be aggressive and violent.

These kids will grow up to become bullies, and they exhibit violent behavior in school and college. Hence, never beat your child if you want your kids to become good individuals.

10. Take care of yourself

Last, but definitely not the least, you have to take good care of yourself if you want to become a good parent.  Devoting time to yourself is the most important of the 10 signs of good parenting skills mentioned in the above paragraphs.

While it is important to spend quality time with your kids, never do that at the cost of your physical and mental health. You need to be fit and healthy, if you want to instill the right behaviors in your kids.


parenting is one of the most important and rewarding jobs a person can have, but it also comes with its own unique challenges. The ten signs of good parenting skills mentioned in this article provide valuable insights into the qualities and behaviors that can help parents raise happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children.

By prioritizing their children’s emotional and social development, setting clear boundaries and expectations, and fostering open communication and respect, parents can create a nurturing and supportive family environment. While there is no “right” way to parent, these positive behaviors can help parents build strong and lasting relationships with their children, and prepare them for success in all aspects of life.

Frequently Asked Questions:

why strict parenting is good?

Strict parenting can be beneficial as it can instill discipline and structure in a child’s life. It may also help them develop good habits, manners, and values. However, excessive strictness can have negative consequences, such as a lack of creativity and self-esteem issues.

what is a good co parenting schedule

A good co-parenting schedule depends on the unique needs of the family, but a 50/50 custody split is often considered optimal. It’s essential to create a schedule that prioritizes the child’s well-being and includes clear communication between both parents. Flexibility and the ability to adjust the schedule as needed can also contribute to a successful co-parenting arrangement.


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