What Is the Citizenship of a Baby Born on an International Flight

Ever wondered about the most unexpected place to give birth? How about 40,000 feet in the air? Crazy, right? And while we're on the topic, have you ever ...

Unbelievable 50 Bizarre Facts About Every State Seem Too Crazy To Be Real

Every state in the United States has a history, and that history carries with it a lot of significance. Some of the facts are cool, some are odd, and others ...

Top 10 safest countries in the world to visit

Are you planning on a foreign trip with your family shortly?  You have come to the right place, then. Here, we present you with a list of the 10 safest ...

TOP 10 things not to do in Germany, watch out

Before planning a trip to any country, you must know the rules and regulations of that particular country. There are certain unique rules pertaining to some ...

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