Matrix 4 How Neo and Trinity Could Carry on Morpheus’ Legacy

Since Laurance Fishburne is not returning to the Matrix series, as evidenced in Matrix 4, there was seemingly no way to have Morpheus take back his pivotal role. This has spawned a ton of theories about what the Matrix creative would do about the glaring omission of Laurance Fishburne, the actor who brilliantly portrayed Morpheus in the original film trilogy. When asked about this in an interview, Fishburne even went so far as to confirm that he was never approached to reprise the iconic role.

Before the film’s release, the Matrix fandom blew up into a whirlwind of theories about how the critical role of Morpheus would be reintroduced back into the film. One particularly popular theory involved Trinity, who meets a tragic end in the series 3rd film, returning as a program inside the Matrix, where Neo decided to stay just to be with her.

Here are some other prominent fan theories that fans put forward ahead of the 4th Matrix film:

How Neo and Trinity Could Carry on Morpheus’ Legacy

Neo Returning To Reality

Neo Returning To Reality

It would seem that at the end of Matrix Revolutions (the third installment of the franchise), Neo sacrifices his life to end the war with the machines, by bargaining for the lives of the people who want to exit the Matrix, returning to the real world to continue humanity. By doing so, he effectively resets the Matrix by returning his code to it.

The fourth film clearly picks up with Neo existing inside the Matrix, but perhaps living alongside the construct of Tirnity. Fans believe that much like he ultimately did in the first film, Neo should have rejected the false world of the Matrix, and returned to the real world just as Morpheus allowed him to do.

Trinity Realizing That She Is No Longer Human

Trinity Realizing That She Is No Longer Human

As Trinity died in the third film, the only way for her to return is as a program in the Matrix. Fans wanted this to be an opportunity for the film to explore the idea of what it actually means to be human from her perspective. By realizing what she is, Trinity would be experiencing an awakening akin to what she was allowed to do before the events of the first film with Morpheus’s help.

As she would figure out that she is no longer human, this might present a difficult decision for her. No longer being human, there is no humanity for her to return to. But that doesn’t mean she cannot act as a rogue program that makes the operations and intentions of the machines in charge difficult, as she aids humans in the war.

Neo Training New Soldiers To Fight The Machines

Neo Training New Soldiers To Fight The Machines

Many fans believed that in the new film, Neo would essentially take over Morpheus’s role from the original Matrix. Just like Morpheus freed the minds of disillusioned humans inside the Matrix, bringing them into the real world now run by sentinels, Neo could take over the mantle in training the next line of soldiers.

Morpheus exercised extraordinary patience in training Neo in the first film. He was more than just a teacher to Neo too, he was also his guide and his savior. Much like his mentor, Neo would have potentially served as the de facto replacement for Morpheus, pulling more souls from the grip of the Matrix, and training them in their actual reality.

Trinity Recalls That She Was Always Guided By Faith

Trinity Recalls That She Was Always Guided By Faith

Trinity had been one of the most faithful characters to the cause of Morpheus’s people, and her whole existence had been guided by faith as well. When the Oracle had told her that she would fall for The One, she chose to support Neo till the end of the journey, though the Oracle’s words could have been a mere manipulation to get Trinity to her desired point.

However, much like Morpheus, she believed so deeply in Neo that she was willing to her life at risk to make sure that he would be safe.

Neo Becomes More Than A Hero, But Also A Leader

Neo Becomes More Than A Hero, But Also A Leader

The original trilogy focuses primarily on Neo’s journey to becoming the chosen One, though a lot of it happens discretely, mostly through his own conclusions or the triggering of a spiritual realization brought about by conversations with various individuals. This is a drastically different mindset from Morpheus, who continues to seek an earnest end to the war.

In the fourth film, it was thought by many that Neo’s character should develop further from being just the lone hero, and earn the role of a leader of humans in their war against the machines in the real world.

Trinity Returning To Recruit The Next Generation Of Matrix Warriors

Trinity Returning To Recruit The Next Generation Of Matrix Warriors

Before Neo was awakened from the Matrix in the first film, Trinity’s job was to run missions for Morpheus, finding a host of people who were willing to accept the truth and go down the proverbial rabbit hole in discovering the reality of their “world.” It was argued that her relationship with Morpheus and how they planned who to recruit came to be, should be one that Trinity explored taking on herself.

As a potential rogue program, especially considering the fact that Merovingian was to return, Trinity could have hidden in the Matrix and sought out others who would be willing to stand by the cause Morpheus worked so tirelessly to build.

Neo Letting Go Of His Love

Neo Letting Go Of His Love

It was long suspected that by returning to the Matrix was Neo’s only way to remain with Trinity, living a fully virtual life in a place where she isn’t “dead.” It would essentially have been a crafting of his own prison. Meanwhile, Niobe and Morpheus don’t get a lot of dedicated screen time in their relationship, but it is quite apparent that the two would have parted. While their intentions are both centered on winning the war against the machines, Niobe is not one for prophecies, while they are pivotal to Morpheus’s entire belief system.

Trinity Leaving Neo And Moving On

Trinity Leaving Neo And Moving On

If there is no escape from the Matrix for Trinity, and a return to her physical form is out of the question, Trinity may have had to bid Neo farewell. After all, if she exists only digitally and he is plugging into the Matrix for missions, their relationship would be hard-pressed to be sustained.

Much like Niobe accepted the fact that her relationship with Morpheus was not to be, Trinity may have had to accept that she and Neo are living in entirely separate realities preventing them from coexisting. To concentrate on defeating the machines and toppling the Matrix, Trinity may have needed to let go of her feelings for Neo to focus on the cause.

Neo Ending The War Once And For All

Neo Ending The War Once And For All

At the end of Matrix Revolutions, Neo seems to have successfully brokered a peace deal between the machines and humanity but is warned that it cannot last. The humans inside the Matrix are given what they did not have prior to that time: a choice. They could opt to continue living their Matrix life or to unplug and join the real world.

Fans speculated that the fourth installment would challenge Neo by putting him at a crossroads between destroying the Matrix to save the humans, or saving Trinity’s digital facsimile by opposing them. As he is the hero of the film series, he would likely follow through on the goals that Morpheus put in place, in freeing subjected humans from their Matrix pods

Trinity Leads Marginalized Sentient Programs

Trinity Leads Marginalized Sentient Programs

One particularly interesting theory going into the fourth film was that since Trinity was going to be stuck in a simulation program, she should act from the inside as Morpheus formerly did, to shepherd those who are enlightened to the true nature of the Matrix. While she herself would be a sentient program, she would ultimately act on the behalf of humans.

Additionally, Revolutions introduced viewers to Sati, a child of two sentiment rogue programs, which means that since the third film, more sentient programs may have been birthed in the Matrix. It would have been interesting for the marginalized “people” of the system to be explored and how they exist in a construct that did not intend for them to exist.

How Neo and Trinity Could Carry on Morpheus’ Legacy: Conclusion

The Matrix 4 is highly anticipated, with fans eager to see how the story will continue after the events of the original trilogy. With the absence of Morpheus, there is speculation about how Neo and Trinity will carry on his legacy in the fight against the machines. Some theories suggest that they may take on new roles as mentors and leaders, guiding a new generation of rebels against the Matrix.

Others speculate that the legacy of Morpheus may be carried on through new characters, with Neo and Trinity serving as a bridge between the past and the future. Whatever direction the film takes, it is sure to be an exciting continuation of the beloved franchise.

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Frequently asked questions:

what happened to morpheus in matrix 4?

The fate of Morpheus in “The Matrix 4” has not been officially confirmed yet. While Laurence Fishburne, the actor who played Morpheus in the original trilogy, has confirmed that he will not be reprising his role, it is unclear whether a new actor will take on the character or if he will simply not appear in the film. As of now, fans will have to wait until the release of the movie to find out what happens to Morpheus.

how old was keanu reeves in the matrix?

Keanu Reeves was 34 years old when he starred in the first “Matrix” film. The movie was released in 1999 and quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Reeves’ portrayal of the protagonist, Neo, helped solidify his status as an action movie star and cemented his place in pop culture history.

what does escaping the matrix mean?

In “The Matrix” franchise, “escaping the matrix” refers to the act of breaking free from the illusionary world created by the machines to enslave humanity. The matrix is a simulated reality designed to keep humans docile and unaware of their true situation. By escaping the matrix, characters are able to see the truth and join the resistance against the machines.


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