The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

Hey, pals! Planning a vacay? Perhaps you’ve been hearing tales about haunted hotels in Pennsylvania or been intrigued by the whispers of haunted hotels in Wisconsin? Thinking sandy beaches or maybe some mountain views? How about spicing things up a bit?

Ever considered chilling pun intended! in a haunted hotel? Trust me, some folks find it an adrenaline-pumping escape. But for others, it’s an eerie dive into haunted hotels in PA or the challenge of spending a night at the most haunted hotel in Colorado. For them, it’s the stuff of nightmares. 🌚.

Looking for a Spirited Stay? Dive into America’s Most Haunted Hotels!

BUT, HOLD UP! Would you swap your reservation if you found out Casper was your next-door neighbor in one of the haunted hotels Pennsylvania? Gotcha thinking, right?

Check out these top 5 hotels in the U.S. where you might just need more than a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign to keep the spirits at bay.👻

The Stanley Hotel, Este Park, Colorado: Where Ghosts Have a Reservation!

The Stanley Hotel, Este Park, Colorado - The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

Wandering into what many consider the most haunted hotels in Colorado, The Stanley Hotel, is like diving straight into Stephen King’s mind! Located in Este Park, this hotel, often regarded as the most haunted hotel in Colorado, is notorious for spirits who just can’t seem to check out. Hear a phantom piano? Or some spooky chuckles? That’s them!

A lil’ fun fact: Mr. King got inspired to write The Shining right here in 1977. Before that? It was all peace and quiet. But, post-Shining? The Stanley turned into ghost central. Even TV series like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures can’t resist the charm. And hey, if you’re up for some supernatural shenanigans, they host eerie events too.

Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas: The Eternal Inn!

Crescent Hotel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas - The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

If the haunted hotels in Wisconsin got your heart racing, then the Crescent Hotel in Arkansas is another must-visit. Built in 1886 for the elite, it saw some hard times and even shut shop. But guess what? It bounced back in 1908 as a college. And then swapped roles between a school, hospital, and hotel. Talk about career changes!

The plot twist? In 1997, a brave couple bought it, only for the hubby to meet a tragic end in 2009. Yet, the hotel still stands. Even bagged a spot in the National Register of Historic Places in 2016.🏆

In 2005, Ghost Hunters dropped by and yup, they vouched for the paranormal vibes. Guests often bump into a lost cancer patient, a dapper dude in white, a worker with a tragic past, and…wait for it…Morris, the phantom feline!

So, my daredevil buddies, ready to jazz up your next vacay with some ghostly encounters? Remember, always be nice; even spirits appreciate good manners! 😉 Safe travels! 🚗💨👻

The Grand Midway Hotel, Windber, Pennsylvania: An Artsy Spookfest!

The Grand Midway Hotel, Windber, Pennsylvania - The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

Next on the list, and giving the most haunted hotels in Wisconsin a run for their money, is the Grand Midway Hotel, a testament to the tales of haunted hotels in Pennsylvania. Built in the late 1800s, initially for coal mining immigrants, and later boasting haunted hotel records with tales of the spirits left behind.

Each room’s got its tale to tell, and if you’re a fan of the Guinness World Records, this place boasts two: the largest Ouija board AND tarot card. Did you catch their spotlight on TV shows like The Haunted Collector?

Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans: Generations of Spirited Care!

Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans - The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

Built in 1886, this grand ol’ dame isn’t one of the haunted hotels in Wisconsin or haunted hotels in Colorado, but its legends are no less chilling. Ever heard of the International Society of Paranormal Research? They had a little sleepover here in 2003. 👻

The ghosts? We’ve got William, an ex-employee, and Maurice, a young lad. A mystery maid’s also seen, probably just ensuring cleanliness. Other quirks? Dining hall doors with minds of their own and an elevator that’s a bit confused. The creepiest bit? A hallway where the temp drops and phantom kiddos appear. Spooky, right?

Colonial Inn, Concord, Massachusetts: Revolutionary Ghosts? Sign Me Up!

Colonial Inn, Concord, Massachusetts - The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

Founded in 1716, this inn turned wartime hospital is bursting with history. Fancy a stay in room 424? That was Dr. James Minot’s makeshift OR back in the day. Reports say some ghostly soldiers still roam, probably bummed they missed checkout.

So, there you have it, a sample of America’s spectral hotspots! Most hotels with a touch of tragedy or age sometimes both! seem to attract the otherworldly. Up for a challenge? Why not check out the Historic Hotels of America list for a stay to remember? And hey, always remember to pack your bravery… and maybe some sage. 😉 Safe travels and spooky dreams!

Frequently asked questions:

is the strater hotel in durango haunted?

In the heart of old-school Durango, Colorado, there’s this dope four-story Victorian-style brick hotel called The Strater Hotel. Built right by the tracks, it’s the spot for train enthusiasts who are amped to hop on the Durango & Silverton steam train ride with those narrow-gauge vibes. And guess what? The train station’s just a quick stroll from the hotel. Last year, I was lucky enough to kick it there and ride the rails just as the leaves were doing their color-change thing.

is hotel emma haunted?

So this hotel’s named after the legend, Emma Koehler. She’s a big deal in Pearl’s story. When her hubby and the head honcho of Pearl, Otto Koehler, passed in 1914, Emma stepped up big time. During Prohibition, when brewing was a no-go, she was mad clever, switching things up to dry cleaning, car fixes, whipping up near beer, ice cream, and sodas. While other beer joints were closing up shop, Emma made sure her crew stayed on the payroll. She handed the reins to her nephew in ’33, but trust, she remained a boss at the brewery till she dipped in 1943.

what well known hotel is haunted in hawaii?

When you say “Hawaii” to most folks, they’re instantly vibing with tropical feels! But, dig a little deeper and you’ll find Hawaii’s got deep cultural roots and some spooky stories lurking. Beyond the chill waves and beachy vibes, there’s a shadowy side to these islands, packed with ghostly tales. Places like the VOLCANO HOUSE HOTEL on Big Island and WAIKIKI PARC HOTEL on Oahu? Straight-up haunted hotspots!


Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Idammah, and I am the founder of this site dedicated to exploring the world's mysteries, uncovering fascinating facts, and delving into science's weird and beautiful aspects. I have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and I love nothing more than digging deep to find the answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, investigating ancient civilizations, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, I am always on the hunt for new knowledge and insights. As a self-proclaimed weirdo and science enthusiast, I believe that there is always more to learn and discover, and I am constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to expand my understanding of the world around me. Through FoxPeek blog, I hope to share my love of all things strange and wonderful with like-minded readers and inspire others to embrace their inner curiosity and seek out the world's mysteries for themselves.

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