TOP 12 Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons You’ll Adore

Since Pokémon started two decades ago, the series offered many designs of Pokémon creatures that are modeled after real-life forms. In fact, the great majority of the creatures in the Pokémon-verse were crafted from the inspiration of many of Earth’s currently and formerly existing creatures. A number of these Pokémon resemble dinosaurs and creatures of a bygone era that roamed the planet long before humans existed, ranging from obscure invertebrates who lived over 500 million years ago to many well-known dinosaurs from the Cretaceous era. Keep reading to discover our list of the TOP 12 Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons You’ll Adore.

The Pokémon franchise is home to roughly 900 Pokémon types, none of them are strict dinosaurs, but the inspiration behind many of their designs is clearly based on the ancient reptiles. Let’s talk about 12 of the most popular Pokémon in the franchise inspired by dinosaurs.

1. Tyrantrum (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Tyrantrum T-Rex - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

One of the clearest examples of dinosaur inspiration is a rock and dragon combination that is Tyrantrum, drawing its likeness from the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex. The designer embedded numerous elements of the “king of lizards” into the creature’s design, including the golden spikes on its head resembling a crown. Its overall likeness makes a fossil Pokémon that is similar to dinosaurs.

2. Meganium (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Meganium Sauropod - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

The Meganium’s design draws its inspiration from a Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, and a host of other sauropods. As these creatures were herbivores, they feature plants on their neck, paying homage to their inspirations’ dietary tendencies.

3. Cranidos And Shieldon (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Shieldon and Bastiodo Chasmosaurus - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

In the Pokémon’s 4th generation, players were allowed to select from a choice of dinosaur-honoring headgear. The choice is between the marginocephalians (Cranidos the Pachycephalosaurus) and the ceratopsian (Shieldon). Cranidos, as well as Rampardos (its evolved form), stand out for their propensity for high attacks and headbutts, a direct nod to the thickened bony head of the Pachycephalosaurus.

While Shieldon’s designs seem to contain similar elements to Dracorex and Stygimoloch, generally seen as Pachucephalosaurus’ juvenile forms, it and Bastiodon (its evolved form), have their playstyle more closely leaning to the dinosaurs’ defensive tactics.

4. Tyrunt and Tyrantrum (Dinosaur Pokemons)

2013’s sixth generation of the Pokémon game included the T-Rex-inspired Tyrunt and Tyrantrum, both sporting big heads, heavyweight forms, and feathers, a general delight to Pokémon fans who also love paleontology. Other fossil Pokémon from the game are inspired by other notable types of Earth’s extinct creatures.

5. Amaura (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Amaura and Aurorus Amargasaurus - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

Some designs were built off the backbone of giant dinosaurs like the Amargasaurus, such as the sauropod-influenced Amuara (and Aurorus, its evolved form). The Amaura resembles the ancient dinosaur from the Cretaceous era with two rows of extended spines down the back of its neck. The Aurorus, takes the form to a more extreme length, removing the solid structures from its back, and replacing them with a pair of aurora-Esque, wavy sails, reminiscent of ice themes.

6. Archen and Archeops (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Archeops Archaeopteryx - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

Archen and Archeops are not run-of-the-mill Pokémon for battle, the former is seemingly incapable of battle, while the latter just wobbles and hovers on the battlefield. These creatures are molded from the form of the iconic Archaeopteryx, long-tailed, feather-covered creatures, with a highly visible set of teeth. These two forms were considered to be Pokémon’s first bird creatures. The Archeops is more suited for terrestrial life, much like the Archaeopteryx, as clearly stated by the game itself.

7. Aerodactyl (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Aerodactyl Pterosaurs - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

One of the first generation Pokémon to be introduced was the Aerodactly, generally regarded for its similarity to the pterosaur. Its anatomical attributes are a mix of varying features of a dragon, something that makes it tough to pinpoint the Pokémon’s exact source of inspiration, but the true hint is in its Japanese name, Ptera, which feels like a dead giveaway of the fact that it influenced by the pterosaur.

8. Dracozolt (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Dracozolt T-Rex - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

The Pokémon Sword and Shield Crown Tundra DLC, the franchise’s new legendary installment, and the game’s eighth generation introduced the Dracozolt, a combination of a dragon and dual-type electric. Its tiny hands, large feet, and long tail are an obvious nod to the T-Rex, and its classification as a “fossil” Pokémon leave little doubt about the source of its inspiration.

9. Feraligtr (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Feraligatr Mosasaurus - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

The Mosasaurus is a massive creature resembling a giant alligator that was seen leaping out of the water in the movie’s climatic third act, giving a challenge to the dinosaurs let loose in Jurassic World. The Feraligtr has legs for traversing land-based terrain, yet is a water-based Pokémon, making it seem close enough to resemble a Mososaurus’s distant cousin, especially when considering its enormous size and primal design. While it does have land-based abilities, the Feraligatr’s weight alone makes it hard to move around. According to the Pokédex, this giant Pokémon most certainly belongs in the water.

10. Tropius (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Tropius Brachiosaurus - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

The Pokémon known as Tropius can best be described as a flying brachiosaurus. While often forgotten in the Pokémon world, the long-necked herbivore has a dual-typing of flying and grass. Giant leaves protrude from its back, and while the Tropius can fly, these leaves aren’t wings, they are, in fact, simply leaves. However, the Tropius can flap them with so much force that they elevated the strange Pokémon creature into the air. In essence, the leaves serve as wings. As much of a strange sight as a flying brachiosaurus creates, that is quite nearly what this creature resembles, except for the fact that twice a year, fruit grows out of its neck, much like it would from a banana tree.

11. Haxorus (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Haxorus Theropod - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

The Haxorus displays a massive amount of energy and possesses the strength of the most intimidating among the ancient reptilians. It is, however extremely passive and kind, though when someone encroaches on its territory, the Haxorus will fiercely defend its domain. Mandibles protrude from its face, serving as tusks, while its body is covered in rigid armor.

The pre-evolved version of the Haxorus form is far more dinosaur-like, while the Haxorus is a pretty far cry from it. Luckily, its appearance makes it far more similar to a pokemon than to the actual dinosaur creature which would have been quite a terrifying sight.

12. Rampardos (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Rampardos Pachycephalosaurus - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

In terms of appearance and personality, the Rampardos Pokémon does not stray far from the thick-skulled Pachycephalosaurus. The Rampardos is thick-headed in every sense of the word. Not only is it physically equipped with a strong skull, but it exhibits impulsive, unrestrained reckless behavior. The hardness of its skull prevents the growth of its brain, resulting in reckless behavior even when it reaches adulthood.

13. Lapras (Dinosaur Pokemons)

Lapras Plesiosaurus - Most Popular Dinosaur Pokemons

One of Kanto’s most appealing and prized Pokémon is the Lapras, which is akin to the legendary Loch Ness Monster. Many believe that much like Lapras who it’s modeled after, the monster from the lake of Loch Ness in Scotland is resembling a water-dwelling dinosaur named Plesiosaurus. Lapras is as close to the authentic appearance of the Plesiosaurus as any “fossil” Pokémon is to their influence, but it also has a turtle shell that is a natural saddle for not only its trainers but also passengers that Lapras transports across various bodies of water.

Dinosaur Pokemons Conclusion:

There is our list of 12 dinosaur-influenced Pokémon. If you wish to endure a higher thrill level, check out the dinosaur puppets to feed your Pokémon obsession. Not only can they open their mouths and blink their eyes, but they can also even move their legs. If you are a true “fossil” Pokémon fan, we know you’re dying to have one in your collection.

From the fierce Tyrantrum to the adorable Charmander, these Pokemon have captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned trainer or new to the world of Pokemon, these dinosaurs are sure to become some of your favorites. With their unique abilities, designs, and personalities, they are sure to offer endless entertainment and adventure.

As we continue to explore the world of Pokemon, it’s essential to acknowledge the weaker Pokemon that exist in the franchise. If you enjoyed this article, check out the next one in this series, “TOP 10 weakest Pokemon Who Are Weaker Than Humans“. It will be an exciting read and give you a new perspective on the Pokemon universe.

Frequently asked questions:

blue dinosaur pokemon?

The blue dinosaur Pokemon is Charizard. It is a dual-type Fire/Flying Pokemon and is known for its powerful fire attacks and flying abilities. Charizard is a popular choice among trainers in the Pokemon series.

purple dinosaur pokemon?

The purple dinosaur Pokemon is Tyranitar. It is a dual-type Rock/Dark Pokemon and is known for its powerful attacks and high defense. Tyranitar is a popular choice among trainers in the Pokemon series.

dinosaur pokemon cards?

Dinosaur Pokemon cards are a popular subset of Pokemon trading cards featuring various Pokemon based on dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures. Some examples of dinosaur Pokemon cards include Tyrantrum, Aurorus, and Terrakion. These cards feature illustrations of the Pokemon, their stats, and special abilities and can be used to play the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

rock dinosaur pokemon?

The rock-type dinosaur Pokemon is Tyranitar. It is a dual-type Pokemon, also having the Dark type. Tyranitar is known for its high attack and defense stats, making it a formidable opponent in battle.

fossil dinosaur pokemon?

Fossil dinosaurs are a group of Pokemon that are based on extinct dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. They are obtained by reviving fossils that can be found in various locations in the Pokemon games. Some examples of fossil dinosaur Pokemon include Kabuto, Omanyte, and Tyrunt.


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