This is the deadliest day of the week according to science

So, you know that feeling? Friday's knocking on the door, you're wiped out, itching for some fun, maybe a drink or two. I mean, who doesn't love to kick back ...

The 5 Most Haunted Hotels in America

Hey, pals! Planning a vacay? Perhaps you've been hearing tales about haunted hotels in Pennsylvania or been intrigued by the whispers of haunted hotels in ...

Why 3 is so important, Egyptian numerology explained

Hey there, pals! Let's travel back in time for a bit, shall we? Imagine those ancient Egyptian times. Yep, you're probably thinking of those fancy ...

Top scariest Ghost Trains around the world

Hey, all you paranormal aficionados out there! Have you ever heard about haunted mansions, cursed objects, or spooky graveyards? Sure, we all have. But what ...

TOP 60 Mind-blowing Facts About Antarctica

Many think of the gigantic continent at the bottom of the world as a frozen, uninteresting, and lifeless realm, but Antarctica's reputation is highly ...

TOP 10 Amazing Sea Survival Stories

Countless tales have been crafted about amazing stories of sea survival and people trapped on desolate, remote, inhospitable islands. However, much of the ...

TOP 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

There is something viscerally appealing about going away to vacation on an island. Whether traveling solo or with company, a trip to a remote part of the ...

TOP 15 Unexplored Corners Of The Earth

Throughout recorded human history, mankind has visited many formerly uncharted places and reached many impressive milestones. We have scaled the highest ...

TOP 10 particularly notable UFO contactee figures throughout history

The UFO craze was started way back in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold and the phenomenon quickly spread throughout a community of believers who had been in contact ...

TOP 10 Best Theories That Explain The Bermuda Triangle

When it comes to the most intriguing global lore, the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is usually a topic close to the top of the list. Often referred to as the ...

TOP 10 Ancient Magical Spells That People Actually Believed

Unlike today’s more practical world, where magic and lore are reserved to excite the youth and entertain the masses, there was a time in the ancient world ...

TOP 10 Abandoned Settlements That Are Now Underwater

Towns and cities have been cultural and social epicenters throughout humanity’s existence. In recorded history, entire civilizations, each baring invaluable ...

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