TOP 9 MIND BLOWING Mysterious Plane Crashes

Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, man’s once forlorn dreams of flying have now been made real. Of course, airplanes are still machines that need ...

TOP 8 Alien abduction accounts that suggest Underwater Activity

We have all heard about strange and unexplained accounts that are commonly attributed to alien abductions. Bizarre tales of crop circles in farm fields, ...

TOP 8 Accounts Of Werewolves Throughout History That Seem Oddly Real

Werewolf lore has freaked out humans since the dawn of storytelling. A man living in a civilized society, with friends, neighbors, and people who count and ...

Mind-Blowing 10 facts about Easter Island

Do you love a place that is filled with mysteries and rich history? You have to pack your bags and visit Easter Island, located in Chile, to revel in the ...

Top 10 facts about Bigfoot You never heard of before

Over the last hundreds and thousands of years, many unusual creatures have lived and walked on the earth. We might not even have heard about some of them. The ...

Top 10 facts about chupacabra you won’t believe

If you are an avid traveler, you might have heard about interesting myths and legends of certain places. Sometimes, the locals get so involved in their ...

Top 10 Mind blowing facts about Mariana Trench

There are many fascinating facts about the place named Mariana Trench in the Dominican Republic. It is very well known for its archaeological site called ...

Top 10 Facts about Mermaids, The Real History Behind Mermaids

If you are looking for the top 10 facts about mermaids, then you’re at the right place. One way to get started is to look at popular culture, particularly the ...

Top 10 Indian myths, Epic Hindu Mythology

There are many fascinating facts about Indian myths that make it an interesting subject for discussion. Not only does it have legends and stories of great ...

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