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TOP 10 particularly notable UFO contactee figures throughout history

The UFO craze was started way back in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold and the phenomenon quickly spread throughout a community of believers who had been in contact ...

TOP 10 One Piece Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

These One Piece characters may be a high-sea terror now, but they weren’t always as skilled in their prowess. Their capabilities came from good mentorship and ...

TOP 10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist

A healthy lifestyle abundant with quality food, exercise, and lots of water consumption will always be superior to any gimmick diet. But that doesn’t stop the ...

TOP 10 Best Theories That Explain The Bermuda Triangle

When it comes to the most intriguing global lore, the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is usually a topic close to the top of the list. Often referred to as the ...

Top 10 Anime Superpowers Based On Real Animals

The primal appeal of anime’s use of animalistic power in characters is very powerful. The powers often grant the character who wields such power superhuman ...

TOP 10 Ancient Magical Spells That People Actually Believed

Unlike today’s more practical world, where magic and lore are reserved to excite the youth and entertain the masses, there was a time in the ancient world ...

TOP 10 Abandoned Settlements That Are Now Underwater

Towns and cities have been cultural and social epicenters throughout humanity’s existence. In recorded history, entire civilizations, each baring invaluable ...

TOP 9 MIND BLOWING Mysterious Plane Crashes

Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, man’s once forlorn dreams of flying have now been made real. Of course, airplanes are still machines that need ...

TOP 8 Informative Facts About Depression You should Know

Humans have suffered from the effects of depression for as long as humanity has been on the planet, but it wasn’t until recently that depression was ...

TOP 8 Alien abduction accounts that suggest Underwater Activity

We have all heard about strange and unexplained accounts that are commonly attributed to alien abductions. Bizarre tales of crop circles in farm fields, ...

TOP 8 Accounts Of Werewolves Throughout History That Seem Oddly Real

Werewolf lore has freaked out humans since the dawn of storytelling. A man living in a civilized society, with friends, neighbors, and people who count and ...

TOP 6 Health Benefits of Eating Cherries

Most people are aware of what cherries are, but many don’t realize that there are two kinds of cherries in existence The first type is sweet cherries. These ...

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