10 signs of bad parenting skills you need to AVOID

Nobody wants to be a bad parent. We just do certain things unintentionally, which impacts our kids negatively in the long run. The way we bring up our kids has a big role in their social, physical, mental and emotional health. So, here we give you the top 10 signs of bad parenting skills that we should stay away from.

10 signs of bad parenting skills

10 signs of bad parenting skills you need to AVOID

1. Being a helicopter parent

One of the most common bad parenting methods that we adopt is being a helicopter parent for our kids. What does this mean? Just like how a helicopter hovers around the sky, we hover around our kids to monitor all their activities. Though we are only trying to help here, we can curb our kids’ creativity and social skills very much when we continue to do this.

How to recover from bad parenting, you may wonder. All you need to do is give your kids enough space, so that they figure out the solutions for themselves. You can always help them, when needed. However, it doesn’t hurt to give them the freedom to analyze the problems themselves.

2. Beating or spanking your kid

Of all the 10 signs of bad parenting skills that we will talk about here, this one has to be the worst. According to the global bad parenting statistics, close to 94% of the parents spank their kids when making a mistake. Parents think that beating their kids can help them become good individuals.

On the contrary, beating or spanking kids can only make them more violent or aggressive. When you spank your kids, it can impact their social life to a great extent. Kids, who are beaten often when young, grow up to be bullies or violent individuals, when they grow up.

3. Comparing your kids to others

The good parenting tips discipline manual, as suggested by experts, tells you that you should never compare your child with other children in his class or group. Many parents tell their kids, “Look at X, he is so obedient, unlike you.” However, this is the wrong approach to teach your kids to be obedient.

When you compare your kid with others, he will grow up to be a man of very low self-esteem and self-worth. They start feeling insecure in their homes, which can affect their mental health greatly.

4. Providing an unstable environment to them

If you want to be a good parent, you should always follow consistency in dealing with your kids. It would help if you never allowed your mood swings to dominate the way you deal with your kids.  You and your spouse should work together to ensure that you provide a stable environment for your kids to grow up in.

Uncertain behavior among parents can lead to depression, anxiety and vulnerability among kids. They don’t know when to trust you as you display different parenting behaviors at different times.

5. Criticizing your kids before everyone

According to bad parenting statistics calculated globally, more than 50% of parents commit this mistake, though they don’t intend to insult their kids. When you yell or scream at your kids before everyone, you are damaging their self-worth forever. They feel insulted, and they become an easy target for bullies at school.

How to recover from bad parenting of this kind? The best way is to be patient, and have an open talk with your kids whenever they commit a mistake. Give them constructive feedback about their action, and explain to them the consequences of the same. You need to understand why your kid behaved a certain way, so that you can ensure that they don’t repeat the same mistakes anymore.

6. Expecting your kids to be perfect

One of the worst bad parenting habits is when you expect your kids to be perfect all the time. Please understand that each kid is unique, and that he/she is blessed with some special talents. According to the good parenting tips discipline, you must identify those talents in your kids and encourage them to pursue their passion.

When your child is interested in painting or writing, you need to encourage him to develop his talents in these fields. Instead, when you continuously expect him to excel in his studies, you create unwanted pressure and trauma in his mind.

7. Not setting the right example

When you expect your kids to learn gratitude, you must be grateful, yourself. When you expect your kids to learn empathy and care, you should practice these qualities at home. Right on top of the 10 signs of good parenting skills you will find this – be what you want your child to be.

This means you cannot expect your child to learn empathy or love when you always fight with your spouse. Your child will not learn to respect others, when there are constant fights between you and your spouse.

8. Ignoring their questions and ideas

Did you know that each time you ignore your child he is going a few miles away from you mentally? Most parents ignore their child’s opinions or ideas while making important decisions. Your child may be small, but you need to treat him with respect.

His mind is always curious with questions; therefore, never ignore him when he approaches you for something. Make some time from your busy schedule, and treat your kids with the respect they deserve. This is the only way you will learn how to recover from bad parenting of this kind.

9. Not discussing sensitive topics

Many parents feel uncomfortable to discuss sensitive topics such as sex with their children. They have always believed that children will learn about these topics from friends, books, teachers, etc. However, many studies have proved that children, who don’t discuss these topics with their parents, have to deal with unwanted pregnancies in their teens.

As a parent, you must tell your child about the basics of sex education when they reach the right age. Always remember that you are the best teacher for your child.

10. Not appreciating them when needed

Whenever your kid tells you about his accomplishment, please appreciate him with all your heart. Tell him that he has done a great job and that you are proud of him. This will encourage him to achieve many more milestones in his life. Ignoring him or not taking his accomplishments seriously is one of the top 10 signs of bad parenting skills that you should avoid, at all costs.


parenting is a challenging and complex job that requires a lot of patience, empathy, and responsibility. The ten signs of bad parenting skills mentioned in this article provide important insights into common mistakes that parents should avoid. By recognizing these warning signs, parents can take steps to improve their parenting skills and provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

It’s important to remember that parenting is an ongoing learning process, and there is no single “right” way to do it. However, by prioritizing their children’s emotional and social development, and avoiding negative behaviors and practices, parents can give their children the best possible start in life.

Frequently Asked Questions:

why gentle parenting is bad?

Gentle parenting is not inherently “bad.” It is a parenting style that emphasizes empathy, communication, and understanding over traditional forms of discipline such as punishment and rewards. However, some people criticize gentle parenting for being permissive and potentially leading to children who are not properly equipped to handle the challenges of the real world.

why strict parenting is bad?

Strict parenting can have negative effects on a child’s development, such as causing anxiety, low self-esteem, and rebellious behavior. It can also hinder their ability to make decisions and solve problems independently. Children of strict parents may also struggle to build trusting relationships with their parents and others.

why is authoritarian parenting bad?

Authoritarian parenting is bad because it is characterized by strict rules, punishment, and little room for individuality or autonomy. This parenting style can lead to poor self-esteem, anxiety, and rebellious behavior in children. It can also inhibit the development of important life skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and self-regulation.


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