Top 5 Surprising Facts About Baby Yoda You Might Not Know

Fans of Star Wars and The Mandalorian on Disney+, and pretty much anyone who has seen pictures on social media or connects to the internet at all, has surely seen an adorable miniature version of the pop culture staple Yoda. Many have taken to calling the creature “Baby Yoda.”

Top 5 Surprising Facts About Baby Yoda You Might Not Know

Now two seasons into the Mandalorian, Baby Yoda has been a pivotal character. Viewers got to know a lot more about the creature as the Mandalorian series moved forward, but all along the way rumors about the creature’s identity and his origin ran rampant in the Star Wars verse. Some believed he was a reincarnation of Yoda, others that he was a Yoda and Yaddle’s lovechild. While many aspects have been disproven, and much still remains unknown, here are a few things that we know for certain.

Facts About Baby Yoda

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1. “Baby Yoda” is NOT Yoda

Those who may not have watched the Mandalorian and have only seen pictures of the adorable character, may not be aware that he is not actually Yoda, the Jedi Order’s Grandmaster, who appeared in Star Wars films from Episode I to VI. As the actual Yoda perished at the end of the original trilogy (Ep IV to VI), and the Mandalorian takes place in the time between episode VI and VII, Baby Yoda, who we have come to find out is named Grogu, is not the same character.

2. He And Yoda ARE Of The Same Species

Very little is known about the species that Yoda belonged to, including their home or even the species’ name, but based on their outward appearance, there is no mistaking the fact that Grogu and the actual Yoda most certainly are of the same genetic makeup.

3. He Is 50 Years Old

During Return Of The Jedi (Star Wars Episode VI), fans found out that Yoda was 900 years old at the time of his death, a lifespan that is one of the longest in the Star Wars lore, along with Maz Kanata from The Force Awakens (Episode VII) who is over 1000 years old. In the first episode of the Mandalorian, we find out that the main character’s, played by Pedro Pascal, mission includes collecting a bounty on someone 50 years of age. Of course, that ultimately ends up baby Grogu.

The interesting part about this is that when Disney purchased the rights to the entire Star Wars library, including comics, films, and books, there was already a series of comics explaining Yoda’s ascension to the Jedi Order’s Grandmaster was something that he had done at age 96. Either his ranking was unfathomably quickly attained, or the aging process of the species had been altered by the creators of the series.

It was noted early in the process that only the Star Wars films were canon to the upcoming projects, while the stories rendered in books and comics were thrown out. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why.

4. “Baby Yoda” Is The Third Of His Kind In The Known Star-Wars Universe

As noted earlier, when Disney purchased Star Wars, they started a clean slate with past publications, ruling that it would only be their own material that is canonical in nature going forward. And while Grogu is the first addition to the species in the Disney era, the former Star Wars films are still linked to the new Star Wars shows, he is actually the third character from the species viewers have met.

The first two introduced to fans were Yoda, of course, as well as another Jedi Master, Yaddle. Her membership on the high council of the Jedi order preceded Yoda’s. She did however sit on the council for a hundred years, appearing in Episode I of the movie chronology, until she perished between Episode I and II. While her background was explored even less than Yoda’s she is still part of the Disney-era Star Wars canon. That means there is a chance that her backstory and lineage will potentially be explored one day, yielding more answers about Yoda’s and Grogu’s race.

5. The Force Is Strong With “Baby Yoda”

While some Star Wars elitists snub their noses at midichlorians, regarding them as garbage ideas introduced by the polarizing Star Wars prequel trilogy, it is an important aspect to explore when talking about the ability to control “the Force” in the world of Star Wars. This comes from George Lucas himself who in a 1977 interview talked about certain creatures born with higher awareness and distinguished by higher levels of midichlorians in their cells.

The point is here that this interview predated the ending of the original trilogy, which means that man whose mind devised this incredible universe already had the idea of midichlorians in his mind way back then. The midichlorians are, therefore, are essential components of this world, and certain characters’ ability to channel a power that surrounds and penetrates all of its creatures, commonly known as “the Force.”

In The Phantom Menace a young apprentice to the Jedi Qui Gon, Obi-Wan exclaims that young Anakin Skywalkers midichlorians are off the charts, numbering over 20,000 and far surpassing even the level that Yoda was at. If we consider that both Yoda and Yaddle both wielded the power of “the Force” as well, it comes as no surprise that much like his predecessors, Grogu has a natural predilection to harnessing and controlling “the Force” as well.

From the first two seasons, it has become undoubtedle that Grogu’s possession and control of the Force are already excessive at a young age of 50, which means that his potential for wielding it as he matures is potentially unrivaled.

Facts About Baby Yoda: Conclusion

Those are some of the things fans know for sure about Groku or “baby Yoda” but much yet remains to be answered about the cute but powerful Mandalorian star, like where he came from, who are his parents, and what does his future hold. Keep watching the Mandalorian to find out more in the upcoming seasons.

While Baby Yoda may be one of the most adorable and powerful characters in the Star Wars universe, some Pokémon don’t quite measure up in terms of strength. Our next article delves into the top 10 weakest Pokémon who are actually weaker than humans. Read our article now to discover which Pokémon are at the bottom of the strength rankings and continue your journey through the world of fictional characters.

Frequently asked questions:

what color is baby yoda?

Baby Yoda, also known as Grogu, has greenish-gray skin with large ears, big eyes, and a button nose. His overall appearance is similar to that of the iconic Star Wars character, Yoda, but with a more youthful and adorable appearance.

is baby yoda a superhero?

Baby Yoda, also known as “The Child,” is a character from the Star Wars series “The Mandalorian.” While he possesses certain abilities like the Force, he is not considered a traditional superhero.

how old is baby yoda when he died?

Baby Yoda has not died in any official Star Wars canon material, so there is no answer to this question.


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