TOP 10 Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

Batman’s amazing devices range from the shock glove to the classic Batarang, and he uses all of these to be able to defend Gotham. In the four Arkham games, Batman contends with an array of threats and a litany of villains, relying heavily on his trusty utility belt stocked with impressively unique gadgets. There are the Batarangs, the grapnel gun, and a trove of other tools that are provided to a player to battle criminals all over Gotham. Keep reading to discover the Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games.

Batman is not like other superheroes who rely on intrinsic powers to help them fight crime, so he relies on advanced tech and puts his faith in his equipment. To his luck, his gear has allowed him to rampage through four games over twelve years, leaving fans of the series interested in the type of gadgets Batman will use in the upcoming Gotham Knights came. For now, let’s talk about the 10 best gadgets that Batman Arkham Games contain so far.

Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

1. Line Launcher – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Line Launcher - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

First introduced in the Batman: Arkham Asylum game, the line launcher helps Batman navigate various chasms and other places where the grapnel gun simply won’t work. It also helps him solve zipline dilemmas. But the line launcher is not just a tool for navigating depths or heights, it also allows Batman to hunt and battle during his many missions.

As players continue through the Arkham series, the line launcher keeps upgrading with various abilities such as creating a midair zipline with just a button tap. As more upgrades come along, the line launcher becomes more than just a transportation mode for the caped crusader but also doubles as a deadly tool.

2. Glue Grenade/Freeze Blast – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Freeze Blast-Glue Grenade - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

Batman is given the ability to incapacitate his foes with Mr. Freeze’s cryogenic grenade, a weapon first introduced in Arkham City. The grenade serves other functions as well, working to separate rafts of ice and set proximity mines, allowing creative takedowns in predator encounters.

Batman: Arkham Origins, a criminally underrated game, the precursor to this cryogenic grenade exists. This glue grenade operates similarly, except it uses a clay-like substance, which hardens during usage. One underused benefit of both of these weapons is to ward off enemies during combat. Leveraging them bolsters the variation bonus for additional experience and points.

3. R.E.C. – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

R.E.C - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

The R.E.C. (Remote Electric Charge) fires negative and positive charges intending to activate electronically powered doors and other challenges of an electric nature. It has a variety of utilities including solving Riddler’s challenges and breaking down a locked door with a massive crane.

Just like the glue grenade, the R.E.C. can also be used to stun enemies. If a player encounters a melee weapon-wielding thug or a large bruiser, R.E.C. makes for a handy equalizer to make stun them, and redirect their hits at their allies. This gadget type is actually featured in Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man game, showing a similarity between that and the Arkham games.

4. Batarang – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Batarang - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

Across the many Batman films, comics, and video games, fans have seen a variety of Batarang incarnations. In the Arkhamverse, it acts as a multifunctional gadget with several battle utility abilities that help to stun enemies, and even incapacitate them when used properly. Over the game series, the Batarang is upgraded to be given the ability to allow Batman to remote control the gadget. These upgrades include the ability to program the Batarang to launch special attacks which involve a direction reversal. Batman can wield three Batarangs simultaneously, allowing him to hit multiple targets at once.

5. Sonic Batarang – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Sonic Batarang - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

The sonic Batarang is one of the most useful gadgets in the game. This alternative to the Batarang can be thrown into a particular direction, luring an enemy to the sound, and allowing Batman to incapacitate them. It can also be used to distract one thug while Batman takes care of another. But that is just the tip of the iceberg of the sonic Batarang’s potential.

A properly upgraded sonic Batarang can lure a criminal to its location and surprise them with an electric shock. While it creates fun, stealthy attacks, it is limited in that in function in that it cannot be used in combat missions.

6. Voice Synthesizer – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Voice Synthesizer - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

Batman: Arkham Knight disappointed longtime fans by omitting the sonic Batarang from the game. But it made up for it with a spiritual successor in the form of the voice synthesizer. While it isn’t useful in electrocuting enemies, it can distract them and misdirect them to the Dark Knight’s many traps.

When Batman faces enemies from certain factions, the voice synthesizer allows him to mimic the voice of their leader and issue commands. This is not only a good way to turn foes against other foes but also carries a comedic element when Batman suddenly begins to sound like Tara Strong’s Harley Quinn performance. If the voice synthesizer tool is hacked, it can lead to explosions, shocks, and other tactics that a creative player can devise.

7. Shock Gloves – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Shock Gloves - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

Interesting in Batman issuing double damage to his enemies? Thanks to an upgrade to his gauntlets, the young Batman secures from the Electrocutioner, he can activate shock gloves to deal out electric punches that carry a lot more of a power surge than a regular hit.

While these are fun to use when battling enemies, Shock Gloves are best used only in emergencies, as they are too overpowered in certain fighting situations. They do aid in solving multiple puzzles across the Gotham city landscape and are an important part later in the overall story of the game. Sadly, the only game actively using these handy Shock Gloves is Arkham Origins.

8. Disruptor – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Disruptor - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

One of the most frustrating aspects to deal with in Arkham Asylum is the slew of gun-wielding foes and snipers. Rocksteady evened the odds a bit in Arkham City by allowing players to use the disruptor to disable firearms, use multiple combat options, and secure unique takedowns.

The disruptor is upgraded to disable almost everything from turrets to massive drones in Arkham Knights. If the disruptor is used on the same weapon twice, it will cause it to explode. As players progress through the Arkhamverse, they realize that the disruptor quickly becomes one of the game’s most essential gadgets.

9. Explosive Gel – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Explosive Gel - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

If there is one gadget used across all four Batman games, it is the explosive gel that helps takedown special predators, solve puzzles, and defeat most of the Arkham game bosses. It has, in fact, become a signature weapon in the game series due to its flexibility of optional uses. It can be used to trap an enemy and tear them apart, though its combat usage requires near-perfect timing. It can unlock hidden or obstructed areas by breaking cracked walls allowing Batman to access them. It also serves to create explosions that act as loud distractions.

Needless to say, Rocksteady is not sleeping on the various forms of the utility of explosive gel in its Arkham games. After all, they have found quite a few creative uses for it across the series’s four installments.

10. Grapnel Accelerator – Batman Arkham Games Gadgets

Grapnel Accelerator - Best Gadgets In The Batman Arkham Games

The explosive gel is the most common gadget in the game series, but it is the grapnel accelerator that is by far the most consequential. With only his gliding ability, getting out of Arkham City can be daunting for Batman. Therefore, if the player can complete the augmented reality trials, their prize is the grapnel accelerator. This pertinent device permits Batman to speed up his grapnel and transition into gliding instantly.

While it was merely a prototype in Arkham City, the mechanic became so popular that the game makers risked tampering with continuity to use in a game that chronologically takes place ahead of its source of popularity, Arkham Origins. In the Arkham Knight game, it is upgraded for expedient gliding, allowing Batman to traverse the cityscape with far more efficiency.


In conclusion, the Batman Arkham series offers various gadgets that enhance gameplay and provide unique gameplay experiences. From the trusty Batarang to the powerful remote-controlled Batarang, these gadgets will surely delight the series’ fans. Check out our next article, “TOP 10 One Piece Strong Characters Who Started Weak“, for more exciting content. Take advantage of this and read now!

Frequently asked questions:

How many batman arkham games are there?

There are a total of five Batman: Arkham games. These include Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009), Batman: Arkham City (2011), Batman: Arkham Origins (2013), Batman: Arkham Knight (2015), and Batman: Arkham VR (2016).

Which batman arkham game is first?

The first Batman: Arkham game is Batman: Arkham Asylum, released in 2009. It was developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Eidos Interactive and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game was released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows.

Is arkham knight the last batman game?

No, Batman: Arkham Knight is not the last Batman game. It was the fourth and final game in the main Batman: Arkham series developed by Rocksteady Studios and was released in 2015. However, other Batman games have been released since then, such as Batman: Return to Arkham, Batman: The Telltale Series, Batman: The Enemy Within, Batman: Arkham VR and others.


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