TOP 10 hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

Whether it was during his childhood or his adult years, Goku is everyone’s favorite anime character created by Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball fans admire Goku’s secret battle techniques and his extensive superpowers, but it is his willingness to challenge opponents who are more powerful than he is that truly makes him such an appealing and renowned character.

While it is true that Vegeta achieves almost the same levels of power as Goku, the latter stands out from all of the other Dragon Ball characters in the fact that he attains new transformations every season.

From his first transformation to a Super Saiyan in the Frieza Saga, all the way to the Ultra Instinct in Dragon Ball Super, Goku attained several superpowers, some of which came in quite useful in his most critical battles. Via his Ultra Instinct transformation, Goku likely surpassed Beerus, the Universe 7 God of Destruction, and grew into the franchise’s strongest character.

Has Goku achieved the ultimate power though? Perhaps not. In the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta suggested that the limitations of Saiyans’ powers are unknown, so it is entirely possible that they could grow more, allowing Saiyans to achieve a God status.

Goku and Vegeta fought countless battles over the decades, and they used many of their powers and techniques during them. The following is a list of 10 powers and abilities possessed and utilized by Goku.

hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

1. Super Kiai Abilities Of Goku

SUPER KIAI - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

The Super Kiai attack is the most commonly employed in the Tournament of Power by Jiren. While the attack itself isn’t new, appearing quite a few times throughout the Dragon Ball series, it was used repeatedly in Dragon Ball Super by Jiren. Being the strongest character to date, he doesn’t even need to use any of his other powers, as the super technique can be utilized by using none of his body parts.

The Super Kiai works by influencing the air currents around foes and opponents, producing shockwaves that manifest in the forms of punches and kicks delivered to the opponents. Aside from that, it can be used for various other purposes including explosive air bombs, loud screams, and numerous others. Jiren and Goku are seen using this technique so calmly that their eyes don’t even move at the time of usage.

2. Super Teleportation Abilities Of Goku

SUPER TELEPORTATION - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

Goku puts on his improved use of teleportation powers to full use in Dragon Ball Super. While Goku and Vegeta train with Whis, the resurrected Frieza attempts to invade Earth once more. Whis is informed of this by Bulma, but even he states that it would take him a half hour to reach Earth. But Goku has the solution in the form of this Instant Transmission technique.

However, at the time Goku was on Beerus, a planet 2-millennium kilometers removed from Earth. Instead, Goku advised Gohan to power up so that he could combine their energies, allowing Goku to teleport directly back to Earth. This ended up being Goku’s first instant teleportation attempt to Earth, and it proved successful.

3. Super Spirit Bomb Abilities Of Goku

SUPER SPIRIT BOMB - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

The trigger of Goku’s incredible Ultra Instinct ability is well-known. During the 1-hour special episode where Goku battled Jiren, Goku tried to topple Universe 11’s most dominant being but didn’t even get a scratch on Jiren in the process. He was left with no options except to leverage the Spirit Bomb. He did this by siphoning the energy from all his friends, save Vegeta, to generate a gigantic Spirit Bomb that was powerful enough to blow the entire arena stage away.

Goku used the Spirit Bomb multiple times throughout the Dragon Ball series by gathering energies from living organisms around him to make a spherical shape of Ki energy. He put it to use in his battles against Vegeta, then Freiza, Kid Buu, and ultimately against Jiren. With such efficacy as to be able to hurt a juggernaut like Jiren, it is easy to conclude that the Spirit Bomb (Genki-Dama) is one of Goku’s most potent signature moves, though it requires loads of energy and time to take effect.

4. Destructo Disc Abilities Of Goku

DESTRUCTO DISC - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

One of the most destructive techniques in the Dragon Ball series is the Destructo Disc, one that was used by Krillin, and then was passed on to Goku. This method harnesses Ki energy into a shape of a razor-sharp disc, allowing it to cut through any object. The Destructo Disc has many variants (Hi-Speed, Triple Blade, the recent Hexa Blade, etc.), so it is versatile in its utility.

In his second battle against Jiren, Goku used the Hexa Blade, invented by him in Dragon Ball Super, nearly making him fall out of the Tournament of Power arena stage. The energy of Ki may appear to be irrelevant at times, but it carries enough power to cut through nearly anything.

5. Healing Powers Abilities Of Goku

HEALING POWERS - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

The Battle of the Gods arc of Dragon Ball introduced Goku’s ascension to the Super Saiyan God state as he battled Beerus, Universe 7’s God of Destruction. When Beerus stabbed Goku during their space fight, the Saiyan plummed into the Earth’s orbit, Goku remembered how much hope his friends instilled in him, and somehow his injuries healed without a trace. While the reason for this was never explicitly explained, fans have gathered that recovery from wounds is one of the many advantages of achieving the Super Saiyan God state for Goku.

Goku was able to use the healing powers in other situations too. During the Tournament of Power, Master Roshi was fatally beaten, but Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue allowed him to heal Master Roshi, and help him recover. These powers are truly divine and acquired only by those who attain enough power to transform into Gods.

6. Kamehameha Abilities Of Goku

KAMEHAMEHA - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

One of Goku’s most frequently use power moves is the Kamehameha, though it originally belonged to Master Roshi. Goku was even using this move in Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Champions against his adversaries. He had an especially memorable scene after attaining half Ultra Instinct in a battle against Super Saiyan Kefla, performing multiple splendid versions of the Kamehameha.

Akira Toriyama, the boss of the Dragon Ball franchise, worked hard to make amazing poses for characters who utilize the Kamehameha, and they only got better as the seasons went on. Master Roshi spent years perfecting the maneuver, but it only took Goku one attempt to successfully execute the maneuver after seeing it be performed.

One of Goku’s prominent powers, one he did not care to talk about much, is the ability to copy the techniques of others. He even developed several variations of the Kamehameha including the Giant, Atomic, Initiation, 10x, and other versions. Even though Goku possesses many abilities, including the Ultra Instinct, the Kamehameha remains his favorite and most used battle technique.

7. Kaio-Ken Abilities Of Goku

KAIO-KEN - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

Another technique that Goku did not invent but used prominently, especially in Dragon Ball Super, was the Kaio-Ken. Originally, Kaio-Ken was invented by King Kai. Son Goku would end up being the first mortal being to execute it successfully. We mentioned Goku’s ability to observe others’ powers and mimic them, something often referred to as Mimicry. That in itself allows him to be essentially the strongest person on Earth since he apprehends all of these techniques.

The Kaio-Ken increases Goku’s Ki energy exponentially, boosting his powers, speed, and ability to withstand damage in battle. But as Goku himself noted in the Universe 6 arc, if not used properly, it would take a heavy toll on his body.

The way he finds around that is by combining with Super Saiyan Blue state which calms the mind of its user, allowing them more readily focus their Ki. In that sense, using Kaio-Ken enables Goku to harness multiple abilities. Goku has used the Kaio-Ken 20 times combined with Super Saiyan Blue in Dragon Ball Super anime, however, even this level of power was not enough alone to topple the mighty Jiren.

8. God Split Cut Abilities Of Goku

GOD SPLIT CUT - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

God Split Cut was the most powerful energy introduced in Dragon Ball Super after the Destructo Disc. This technique was invented and perfected by Universe 10’s Zamasu and is a version of a highly dangerous Energy Blade. In its utilization, the Ki energy observes the form of a sword that can cut through anything. It is also a weapon that Zamasu wielded and used to murder Goten, Chi-Chi, and Goku.

The God Split Cut was seen being used in the Future Trunks Saga as well by Zamasu and Goku Black. This is another one of the many techniques that Goku wanted to learn.

Goku was finally able to match Zamasu when he fused together with Vegeta, transforming into Super Saiyan Blue Vegito. But even then, things didn’t go great, so when Zamasu attempted to utilize the sword energy to kill Vegito, the Saiyan used the mimicry ability to simulate the Split Cut. This marked the first time the God Split Cut was used by anyone other than Zamasu, and since then Goku had yet another ultra-powerful ability to use in battles.

9. Hakai Abilities Of Goku

HAKAI - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

Hakai was used by the God of Destruction in Dragon Ball Super as a staggeringly strong ability that could decimate inhabited planets. This power is possessed solely but Destruction Gods and those who are candidates to become future Destruction Gods. Toppo performed this continuously in the Tournament of Powers during Dragon Ball Super. The first character to use it was Beerus, channeling it as full destruction energy.

Whis, Goku and Beerus visited Universe 10 to learn about Zamasu’s sinister plan, at which point Beerus used Hakai to kill him right away. When Goku mimicked this technique and added it to his power portfolio, he never used it in the anime series.

In the manga story, however, he did. In the manga version of Dragon Ball Super, Goku transformed into the Perfected Super Saiyan Blue state in his final battle against Fused Zamasu, concentrating the entirety of his energy into his hand. This allowed him to destroy half of Fused Zamasu’s body without much effort.

Goku still had the ability in the anime version to utilize the Hakai, but it looks like Vegeta was the only one who would employ it upon transcending into the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution. This would vastly improve his stamina flow, granting him unimaginable powers.

10. Ultra Instinct Abilities Of Goku

ULTRA INSTINCT - hidden Powers And Abilities Of Goku

The series has teased fans about the existence of the Ultra Instinct ever since Vegeta and Goku began their training with Whis, but it was nowhere on display. This is by far the strongest ability and was introduced in the 1-hour special during which Goku fought Jiren. Goku attained it then, but not in a perfect manner. By the end of episode 130 however, Goku finally mastered it.

This ability cannot be achieved through a focused mental state, a Super Saiyan transformation, but a combination of many factors that is difficult even for the Gods of Destruction to master. Whis told Goku and Vegeta during their training that when one overthinks, his fighting ability is limited.

When you think instead of reacting, the thoughts lose precious fighting time. Whis believed that the end goal of one’s training should be the ability to independently move every body part not dependent on any other body parts. He did admit that it was a virtually impossible technique to master. Certainly had to be the case even if a god-like Lord Beerus was not able to do so.

Vegeta was unable to achieve Ultra Instinct in this battle against Jiren. He was not able to clear his mind and reset all his thoughts before acting, allowing his body parts to operate independently. Goku, caring more about his family and friends, was able to focus enough in the battle with Jiren to do so. Of all of Goku’s many abilities, this is unquestionably his most powerful


The legendary anime and manga series of Dragon Ball offered some fantastical adventures and compelling stories. Goku, one of the series’ main protagonists could experience far more powers than others, but this was also costly in that he had to use his abilities in ultimate battles.

In conclusion, Goku has many hidden powers and abilities that have been revealed throughout the Dragon Ball series. From his ability to harness the power of the Super Saiyan transformation to his mastery of the Kaio-ken technique, Goku is a formidable opponent to any enemy. He also possesses the power to use the Instant Transmission technique and can sense and locate power levels. These hidden powers and abilities have helped Goku become one of the most important and beloved characters in the Dragon Ball universe.

If you enjoyed reading about Goku’s hidden powers and abilities, check out our next article, “TOP 10 Best Things Gon Has Done in Hunter X Hunter“, for more exciting content about your favourite anime and manga characters.

Frequently asked questions:

How powerful is goku?

Goku is one of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball franchise. He can achieve several power levels, including Super Saiyan and Ultra Instinct. His power is virtually limitless, and he can easily defeat some of the most vigorous opponents.

Is sailor moon more powerful than goku?

Sailor Moon and Goku are characters from different franchises and different genres. Therefore it isn’t easy to compare their power levels. Sailor Moon possesses magical abilities and powers, while Goku is a mighty warrior with superhuman strength and abilities. It would depend on the context of the scenario and the specific abilities used to determine which character is more powerful.

What is goku’s most powerful form?

Goku’s most potent form is Ultra Instinct, also known as “Mastered Ultra Instinct” in the Dragon Ball Super anime series. It is a state of mind where the user can instinctively react to any situation without conscious thought, allowing them to dodge and attack quickly. In this form, Goku can fight on par with the god of destruction, Jiren, and defeat him.

How powerful is xeno goku?

Xeno Goku is a version of Goku from the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series of video games. As a time-traveller, he possesses all the powers and abilities of Goku from the main timeline and can access the same forms and transformations. He can also use the Time Patrollers’ power to access new forms, such as the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form. Overall, Xeno Goku is considered one of the most potent versions of Goku in the Dragon Ball franchise.

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Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku -Dragon Fist Explosion, Bandai Spirits Figuarts Zero

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