TOP 10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist

A healthy lifestyle abundant with quality food, exercise, and lots of water consumption will always be superior to any gimmick diet. But that doesn’t stop the perpetual flow of new fad-diet ideas coming out, with many looking for a “quick fix” of shedding some pounds and having more energy, jumping on the bandwagon without stopping to think about it. Keep reading to discover the TOP 10 Bizarre Modern Diets

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To be fair, some diets do allow for dieters to quickly lose weight. Others are completely ineffective. There is a subset of other diets however that are just downright weird and bizarre. And those crazy diets are what we are here to share with you today. Let’s take a look at 10 bizarre modern diets you won’t believe exist.

Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist

1. The Urine Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - The Urine Diet

The urine diet, claiming to help you lose 1 pound (0.5 kg) per day is an extremely strange diet that involves restricting calorie intake to a mere 500 per day. It also involves injecting oneself with a pregnant woman’s urine. The craziest part is that the weight loss from this diet is not attributed to the low-calorie intake, but to the urine injection.

The reasoning behind this very odd practice is that a pregnant female’s urine contains hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a special, placenta-created hormone, that will, theoretically when injected into the body of a non-pregnant person, trick the individual’s brain into thinking they are pregnant, and in doing so, speed up their metabolism. Those who have attempted this diet seem to be happy with the results. And the reason they believe it to be the urine injections that are doing the heavy lifting is that their low-calorie intake would leave them hungry, though the urine’s chemical makeup keeps them from being perpetually starved

Not shockingly, skeptics argue that urine does not influence weight loss at all and that the drops in pounds are strictly stemmed from the sub-500 calorie intake. They go a step further in pointing out the dangers of urine injections. Rather than putting urine from another person into your arm, you can keep the low-calorie intake part, but take up exercise instead.

2. The Dukan Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - The Dukan Diet

Along with many fad diets that came up in the 2000s, a French doctor and nutritionist Pierre Dukan developed the idea for the Dukan Diet. This unique diet is mashed with the diet supposedly consumed by primitive people, who fed off the land and through hunting & gathering techniques. Those who follow this diet are restricted to eating a very finite number of food.

The grand total entities of this diet equal 100, with 72 coming from animals and the other 28 from plants. The dieters would theoretically lose up to 10 lbs (5 kg) per week when following its strict regimen. The one thing that is clearly beneficial about this diet is that it involves drinking nothing but water, which is good for people anyhow.

Four stages comprise the Dukan diet:

  • Stage 1: The Attack Phase (duration = 10 days)
    • Dieter is allowed to eat lean proteins such as eggs, fish, and beef in an unlimited capacity
    • Consume 6 cups of water minimum per day
    • Eat 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran, meant to stifle hunger
  • Stage 2: Cruise Phase (duration = indefinite, could be up to several months)
    • Dieter adds non-starchy veggies like lettuce and spinach to their diet
    • An additional half tablespoon of oat brand is added
  • Stage 3: Consolidation Phase (indefinite)
    • Specific foods are added to the diet including an occasional serving of hard cheese and one piece of fruit
    • A couple of starchy foods are permitted
    • 1 or 2 celebration foods are permitted per week
  • Stage 4: Stabilization Phase
    • The dieter can eat anything he or she chooses except for one day a week, during which the diet from the attack phase must be followed
    • 3 tablespoons of oat bran consumed per day
    • Walking for at least 20 minutes daily

3. The Prayer Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - The Prayer Diet

The idea of this dubious diet is achieving weight loss through constant communication with the divine. It argues that as long as one prays daily, preferably in the mornings, weight loss will ultimately come. Of course, the idea behind this is to have prayer keep one focused on keeping up a daily exercise regimen and making changes to their diet. But which prayers work best? The internet has no shortage of suggestions, like this resource for instance.

But let’s not get carried away. If you choose to couch potato and rely on prayer alone, you will not magically get those pounds to vanish unless divinity intervenes on your behalf. Even those that came up with the idea for this diet agree that prayer is just the first step.

All the other steps follow general nutritional education, eating smaller quantities of healthy foods, and getting lots of regular exercise. One could argue that this is a standard diet, and if you skipped the praying, you’d achieve the same results.

4. The Cotton Ball

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - The Cotton Ball Diet

This diet comes with pretty serious and obvious risks. The idea of a cotton ball diet is to dip cotton balls into lemonade, fruit juice, or smoothies, and once they have absorbed these liquids, swallow them whole. Supposedly eating cotton balls makes you feel full and crave snacking or overeating less. This is a bit of a foolish notion for a diet made popular by YouTube videos for teenagers.

The common credit for introducing this diet to the public goes to Bria Murphy, actor Eddie Murphy’s daughter. She got the idea from watching models desperate to keep themselves skinny, eating cotton balls. Of course, this diet should not be followed as it carries risks such as choking and malnutrition.

Beyond that, it can cause individuals to develop a mass called the “bezoar” that obstructs the function of the intestines. Commonly sold cotton balls aren’t made from cotton wool, but from bleached polyester fibers, manufactured with various additives. Therefore this diet is not just inefficient, it’s actually largely detrimental to one’s health and should not be attempted.

5. The Tongue Patch Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - The Tongue Patch Diet

Dr. Chugay, a Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon developed the tongue patch diet, claiming that it can help an individual drop as much as 30 lbs (15 kg) a month. This diet involves a cosmetic surgical procedure that stitches a stamp-sized restrictive patch onto a person’s tongue. This patch makes the consumption of solid foods overwhelmingly painful, forcing the person to consume their nutrients only in liquid form. For this kind of misery, one would pay $2,000.

Dr. Chugay’s website claims that patients who take up this bizarre practice are put on a liquid diet that is both easy to follow and gets them all of their nutritional needs, with the patients being under the direct supervision of Dr. Chugay and his staff.

Of course, there are some side effects and they are quite terrible. Sudden waking from sleep, tongue swelling, perpetual pain or discomfort, excessive drooling, and the real possibility of developing ulcers or contracting an infection. Even worse, it could restrict access for air to reach the person’s airways, forming an obstruction that makes it harder to breathe. We recommend saving that $2,000 for something useful and less dangerous.

6. Ear Stapling Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - Ear Stapling

Derived from an old Chinese acupuncture practice, the ear stapling diet involves surgically affixed staples to the ears’ inner cartilage. This supposedly forces the body to think that it isn’t hungry. Those who promote this diet recommend leaving these in for 2 to 3 months. This practice has been around since the 1970s, referred to “staplepuncture” but only gained notoriety as a “diet” in the 2000s.

However, to make the stapling work, one needs to exercise and eat healthily. This makes stapling seem kind of pointless since it is just a standard diet regardless. When unregulated, this activity can cause actual physical harm in the form of disfigurement or ear infections. Is this strange “diet” worth it? We disagree.

7. Kangatarian Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - Kangatarian Diet

This diet is the strangest on this list yet. It involves a person consuming only veggies and kangaroo meat. Kangatarians, a term for those who eat kangaroo meat, regard themselves as largely vegetarian, with the occasional red meat consumption instances.

They believe that consumption of kangaroo meat is more ethical than other varieties of red meat, since kangaroos primarily eat vegetation, emit far less methane than nature’s greatest methane contributor (the cow), and are overall less destructive to the environment. Additionally, unlike livestock who are bred and kept in horrific conditions only to be slaughtered when they are large enough, kangaroos live their entire lives outdoors.

Kangatarians regard kangaroo meat as free-range and organic thus surmising that it is the best choice for those who want to eat healthy meats. In 1993, sales of kangaroo meat became legalized, and this pushed the idea that kangaroos are now being farmed, which, for the record, is not the case. Of course, one could come by kangaroo meat with any type of ease only on the Australian continent, so the chances of this diet catching on globally are pretty slim.

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - Cookie Diet

This one may leave you scratching your head. Eating cookies to diet? Well, Dr. Sanford Siegal, a weight loss expert, and author, claimed that his cookie diet actually helped people lose up to 15 lbs (7 kg) per month. He argues that the biggest enemy of a diet is hunger, so rather than watching calorie intakes and eating smaller meals, it’s best to have one standard meal and nin small snacks per day. But these snacks have to be specially formulated cookies, each containing only 60 calories.

The cookies are made in Dr. Siegal’s own bakery, offered only to patients of his clinic, and cost $50 to $60 per box. The permitted dinner can only include seafood, chicken, or turkey, and must only contain 500 to 700 calories. Alongside that, a cup of vegetables and 8 glasses of water per day is permitted.

9. Clay Cleanse Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - Clay Cleanse Diet

Let’s get even stranger, shall we? Next up is the clay cleanse diet which involves the dieter ingesting a type of volcanic ash called bentonite clay. Supposedly, this clay carries detoxification properties that absorb toxins and then purge them from a dieter’s body. Dubbed “healing clay” is infused with magnesium, calcium, and a host of other essential minerals. When it is consumed alongside water, the clay reacts by swelling up inside the body, making the dieter feel full and less prone to consume calories through food and snacks.

In 2005, Texas Tech University in Lubbock conducted a study to test the clay’s safety. During the study, 50 volunteers consumed various amounts of it, and in the end, the study found that generally speaking, the products that bentonite clay contained were overall safe for consumption. What was not confirmed through evidence is whether consuming the clay was actually beneficial for detoxification.

Playing it safe, even promoters of the diet agree that no more than a teaspoon of bentonite clay be taken daily, with the dieter taking in a lot of water throughout the day for the desired effects.

Of course, there are obvious risks to putting clay in one’s body. The “clay cleanse” diet can result in constipation, dehydration, bowel obstruction, low blood pressure, and a lack of certain nutritional components in a healthy diet. Pairing that with the fact that there isn’t any real scientific evidence to point to this diet actually driving weight loss, it would seem the risks do not merit the supposed reward.

10. Baby Food Diet

10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist - Baby Food Diet

Another strange dietary approach, supposedly started by fitness guru Tracy Anderson, would see the dieter replacing both their breakfast and their lunch with a total of 14 jars of baby food, finishing it off with a healthy dinner that involves no fatty meats and lots of vegetables.

The thing about this diet is that it isn’t a weight loss diet per se, but rather one for maintenance. In other words, this diet isn’t necessarily for those who are looking to lose weight, but rather for those individuals who have achieved their desired weight loss but are concerned about putting it back on. So the baby food diet, allegedly, helps to maintain the already lost weight rather than allowing the pounds to come back.

The reasoning behind the baby food diet is that baby good consists of nutritious vegetation (fruits and vegetables) served in limited serving sizes, which helps to control the amount the dieter actually takes in. The bright side, of course, is there is far less cooking involved.


Having said all that, how all of that baby food really affects a dieter’s body has not been properly studied or vetted, so there is no scientific research to corroborate what would come about from observing the baby food diet.

What is evident is that this diet would cause a shortage of fiber. It also is not proven to help reduce weight. Plus, baby food isn’t particularly appetizing, and without any true scientific research to back up this diet’s efficacy, who would volunteer to go through this when there are many other dietary and lifestyle change options out there?

Since you finished reading this amazing article of the TOP 10 Bizarre Modern Diets You Wont Believe Exist, we suggest to you to check this one: Top 10 Most Unusual Foods that Only Exist in China

Frequently Asked Question:

can you gain weight on carnivore diet?

Yes, it is possible to gain weight on a carnivore diet. The carnivore diet consists of only animal products and eliminates all plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. Despite its restrictions, the carnivore diet can still lead to weight gain if a person consumes more calories than they burn. Consuming high-fat animal products, such as red meat and dairy, can contribute to weight gain, especially if portions are not controlled.

can you eat bread on ayahuasca diet?

No, bread is typically not consumed on an Ayahuasca diet. The Ayahuasca diet, also known as the dieta, is a spiritual practice used by indigenous people in South America in preparation for Ayahuasca ceremonies. The diet is designed to purify the body and prepare the mind for the spiritual journey. The diet typically involves avoiding certain foods, including sugar, salt, processed foods, and alcohol, and emphasizes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

is diet dr pepper gluten free?

No, Diet Dr Pepper is not gluten-free. It contains caramel color, which may be derived from wheat, barley, or rye, and therefore may contain trace amounts of gluten. People with celiac disease or gluten intolerance should avoid Diet Dr Pepper and consult a healthcare professional for advice on a gluten-free diet.


Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Idammah, and I am the founder of this site dedicated to exploring the world's mysteries, uncovering fascinating facts, and delving into science's weird and beautiful aspects. I have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and I love nothing more than digging deep to find the answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, investigating ancient civilizations, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, I am always on the hunt for new knowledge and insights. As a self-proclaimed weirdo and science enthusiast, I believe that there is always more to learn and discover, and I am constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to expand my understanding of the world around me. Through FoxPeek blog, I hope to share my love of all things strange and wonderful with like-minded readers and inspire others to embrace their inner curiosity and seek out the world's mysteries for themselves.

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