Top extreme sports you need to try before you die

People around the world enjoy sports.  It is carried on as hobbies, recreational activities, and as a profession. Sports enthusiasts are people who are interested in specific sports, and are entirely dedicated to it. There are four main types of sports- are individual sports, partner sports, team sports and extreme sports. This article will talk about the top extreme sports you need to try before you die.

  • Individual sports -Players compete individually
  • Partner sports – Players pair up as partners and play against another pair of players.
  • Team sports – A number of players come together as a team and play against other teams
  • Extreme sports – All type of sports that are dangerous, extreme, thrilling; also known as action sports or adventure sports

Top Extreme sports to try before you die

Top extreme sports you need to try before you die

1. Cliff face camping

Cliff faces camping is as dangerous as the name sounds. It is like camping, but a thousand times riskier and scarier. That is because, this sport involves camping on a hanging tent, which hangs thousands of feet above the ground. This sport is not for the faint-hearted. People, who usually go cliff face camping, are the ones who can scale mountains.

2. Bungee jumping

Bungee jumping is one of the riskiest top 10 extreme sports ever. This is because it involves the person jumping from a very tall structure. The person is connected to an elastic cord that keeps the person safe. It is the best free-falling experience one can have, and is great when done from a mountain-top or a beach.

3. Rock climbing

Rock climbing is another extreme sport that is very risky in nature. It involves a person climbing rocks and mountains as a sport. It is more of a challenging sport than a freaky one. One of the best countries for a great rock climbing experience is India.

4. Snorkeling and diving

This extreme sport is not as risky as the above mentioned top extreme sports. It is all about scuba diving. All one does is dive into the ocean to experience some of the “too good to be true” view of the coral reefs. They are not completely risk-free, because sharks can attack them.

5. Canyoning

Canyoning a risky extreme sport because it involves a person jumping into a mountain stream that is fast flowing, and let the stream carry them at a very high speed.

6. Sky diving

Sky diving is another extreme sport that is not for the faint-hearted. This is because you need to jump off the plane mid-air in this sport, and land with a parachute opens up during your jump.

7. Snowboarding

Snowboarding is an extreme sport that is a combination of skateboarding, sledding, skiing and surfing. This is done as a winter sport and can be done on snow-covered mountains.

8. Surfing

Surfing is an extreme sport where the rider rides a surfboard on the surface of the water waves and the waves carry the rider to the shore.

9. Rafting or kayaking

Rafting or kayaking is an extreme sport where people go on groups in a raft for fun and enthralling experience.

10. ATV riding

ATV riding is for people who love to ride.It is an extreme sport that is usually done in the desert regions. They are a great experience.

Top 10 athletes that are in top extreme sports

After seeing the different extreme sports one must try before they die let us get to know some of the extreme sports athletes.

  • Bethany Hamilton is an extreme sports athlete and quite famous across the world. She is a surfer. As a kid, when she was surfing,she was attacked by a tiger shark. She lost an arm to that accident.
  • HenrikHarlaut is a freestyle skier.
  • Ryan Doyle is an athlete of the extreme sport parkour.
  • Alana Blanchard is an athlete in the extreme sport of surfing. She has been surfing since the age of 4.
  • Ken Block is an extreme sports athlete. He has been a skateboarder, Motocross athlete and snowboarder.
  • Xavier De Le Rue is another extreme sports athlete who is a mountain snowboarder.
  • HoracioLlorens is an extreme sports athlete who is a paraglider.
  • Chris Mcdougall is a professional base jumper and a wingsuit pilot, who travels around the world. He shares his experience of extreme sports on his social media.
  • Travis Pastrana is another extreme sports athlete who is a very influential extreme sports athlete. He has rich experience in Motocross, Rallycross, stunt performing and NASCAR.
  • Marie France Roy is a snowboarder who started snowboarding at theyoung age of 11.

Top 8 Benefits of playing top extreme sports

The benefits of extreme sports are listed in detail in the below points:

  • Extreme sports help people burn calories easily because of the vigor and thrill one has while playing sports.
  • Extreme sports help a person in gaining a sense of humility.
  • Extreme sports offera lot of social interaction with others.
  • Extreme sports help a person to boost their self-confidence.
  • Extreme sports help the person playing it to gain the ability to stay centered.
  • Extreme sports help a person to know the importance of stretching to relax the body.
  • It helps a person with managing their fears.
  • Extreme sport is the only sport that makes a person to work different muscles in the body.

These are some of the benefits of extreme sports. These are reasons enough to answer the question of why do people do extreme sports and why extreme sports company promote their sports so much.

Top extreme sports Conclusion

After the above discussion now we have an idea of why do people do extreme sports and top 10 extreme sports you need to try before you die we and why there is so many extreme sports company around the world promoting the extreme sports. Extreme sports is so much fun and adventurous than the other kind of sports because it has its own element of risk factors. But what is life if you aren’t ready for some risks? If you enjoyed this article, then you need to check this one too: top 10 facts about River Rafting

Frequently Asked Questions:

should extreme sports be banned?

There is no clear consensus on whether extreme sports should be banned. While these activities can be dangerous and carry a high risk of injury or death, they also provide a sense of excitement and challenge for many people. Some argue that extreme sports should be regulated to minimize risks, while others believe that individuals should have the freedom to engage in these activities as they see fit.

are extreme sports worth the risk?

Whether extreme sports are worth the risk is subjective and depends on individual values and preferences. Some people find the thrill and challenge of these activities to be worth the potential dangers, while others prioritize safety and caution over excitement.

what else are extreme sports sometimes called?

Extreme sports are sometimes also referred to as action sports or adventure sports. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe activities that involve high levels of physical exertion and risk-taking, such as surfing, snowboarding, and rock climbing.


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