Top 10 facts about Bigfoot You never heard of before

Over the last hundreds and thousands of years, many unusual creatures have lived and walked on the earth. We might not even have heard about some of them. The Bigfoot, also called Sasquatch, is one of them. Many people have claimed to have spotted the Bigfoot or its footmarks, but nothing has been verified so far. Here, we will tell you some of the interesting top 10 facts about Bigfoot.


Top 10 facts about Bigfoot You never heard of before

1. What is Bigfoot

The Bigfoot is a huge ape-like structure that is believed to between 6 and 15 feet tall. It has been part of many folk stories in America and Canada. Even today, many people believe that the strange animal lives in the forests of North America. This animal emanates a foul smell; sometimes, it moves by giving off a shrill crying sound. People living around the North American forests have spotted footmarks measuring up to 24 cm long of this animal, supposedly

Interestingly, among the top 10 facts about Bigfoot is that scientists still believe that this is not a real animal. Though many people have recorded this animal’s footmarks and sightings, scientists call these cases of misidentification.

2. First-ever Bigfoot sighting

Though there is no clear evidence about the exact time when Bigfoot was spotted, it was the British explorer, David Thompson, who first spotted this huge bear-like animal somewhere during 1811.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, many large bear-like structures were roaming in Canada and America’s forests. Due to their size and weight, all of them were known as Bigfoot. Hence, scientists believe that the Bigfoot or the Sasquatch may not be a new animal, but one of the region’s heavy apes or bears.

A huge ape and bear-like animal were spotted in 1895 in California. By the 1900s, people started spotting these huge bears in the Snake and Salmon rivers. Lots of myths and folklore were associated with these animals, as a result of which the Bigfoot was believed to have supernatural powers by the people of the community here.

3. BIGFOOT Sightings

Many people have posted almost convincing photos of the Bigfoot sleeping on trees or roaming around the mountains. They believe the animal is a bipedal primate that is a mix of a bear and ape.  People, who noticed the animal, also gave descriptions that the animal had brownish and reddish hair. With a weight of over 2000kg, this animal is believed to have toes and claws that stretch up to 5 feet in length

Despite being spotted by many people, scientists still don’t think that a strange creature like this can exist. They believe that people could have spotted huge grizzly bears and misidentified them as the Bigfoot.

4. Strange sounds supposedly of the Bigfoot

Many people living in the areas of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Great Lakes and other Southeastern regions had reportedly heard weird knocks on their doors for several nights. They said that huge logs of woods were being hit at their doors in the wee hours of the night. Simultaneously, they also heard loud moans, growls, whistles and howls from a strange animal.

The people recorded these sounds and sent them to a reputed cryptologic linguist, Scott Nelson, who had retired from the US Navy. After analyzing the sounds, Nelson confirmed that the sounds had not been faked and definitely not human. However,  he didn’t conclude that this was of the Bigfoot.

On the other hand, scientists and anthropologists believe that this could be the work of huge monkey species such as apes and chimpanzees. The evidence of limbs and footprints also suggested that the animal could have been a huge bear.

5. BIGFOOT Endangered species?

Even though there is still no evidence of this “creature”, countries like Russia, Germany, and France are categorized as the Bigfoot in their respective countries. After hearing about various sightings from the USA, they could have believed this to be a real animal.

While Russia termed the Bigfoot as endangered in 1965, France and Germany too did the same, a couple of years later, in 1967.

6. Face to face with a Bigfoot

What would you do if you are coming to face to face with a Bigfoot outside your $5000 a month apartment NYC? Would you run inside, leaving the animal to knock you down along with your apartment? Bigfoot experts, whoever they are, would like to differ with your opinion.

According to different teams researching the existence and characteristics of the Bigfoot, you should offer food to the huge animal when you spot it. Trying to shout or run away, will only put your life in danger. The Bigfoot supposedly calms down at the sight of food.

7. BIGFOOT is Only a mythical monster

According to scientists, the Bigfoot is not an actual animal but only a fragment of the imagination of the people living in the hills & mountains. As part of their folklore, there was a huge mythical monster used to scare people around. 

We already know of one such monster known as the Yeti or the Abominable Snowman, a native of the Himalayan regions. The Bigfoot is only the North American version of the Yeti, as per the facts.

8. BIGFOOT is the Protector of the forests

The Bigfoot wasn’t entirely a cruel creature in the rural North American folklore. Yes, its size and weight made it a monster, but according to the stories, the tribes of North America believed that the Bigfoot had exceptional spiritual power. This huge creature was seen as the protector of the forests, and the tribes worshipped it.

9. BIGFOOT Recent spotting

Over the years, many scientists have tried in vain to get evidence of the Bigfoot’s body. However, in early 2013, a veterinarian from Texas, Melba Ketchum stated that her team had enough results about the Bigfoot’s DNA.  Unfortunately, none of the science journals was ready to publish this information because they were not sure of the authenticity of her facts.

10. BIGFOOT Kindled a lot of interest

Whether they exist or not, Bigfoots have kindled a lot of interest of researchers and scientists.  One of the most updated top 10 facts about Bigfoot is that today, there are many organizations in the USA, pumping in funds to know the history and evidence of these creatures. The BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) is one of the most famous of these organizations. They are all trying to establish credibility to the sightings and sounds of the Bigfoot. if you are interested in such articles, then you need to see this one: top 10 facts about chupacabra


In conclusion, Bigfoot has remained a mystery and a subject of fascination for many people over the years. While there are many well-known facts about this elusive creature, there are also many lesser-known and intriguing facts that are worth exploring. From the various reported sightings and footprints to the potential cultural and historical significance of Bigfoot, these facts offer a fascinating glimpse into the enduring legend of Bigfoot. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, there is no denying the enduring appeal of this elusive and enigmatic creature.

Frequently Asked Questions:

what color is bigfoot?

Bigfoot is a legendary creature that is said to inhabit remote forests in North America. Its appearance is often described as having brown or black fur, standing over 7 feet tall, and weighing over 500 pounds. There is no definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot, and its appearance is largely based on eyewitness accounts and folklore.

how fast is bigfoot?

As Bigfoot is a mythical creature and not a real animal, it does not have a measured speed. Its alleged speed varies in different accounts and folklore, with some claiming it can run up to 30 mph (48 km/h) and others suggesting it can move silently and swiftly through the forest.

what do bigfoot eat?

As Bigfoot is a mythical creature and its existence has not been proven, it is unknown what it would eat if it were real. However, based on reports of other large, bipedal animals like bears and gorillas, it is speculated that Bigfoot may have an omnivorous diet consisting of plants, fruits, nuts, and small animals. But again, this is purely hypothetical.


Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Idammah, and I am the founder of this site dedicated to exploring the world's mysteries, uncovering fascinating facts, and delving into science's weird and beautiful aspects. I have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and I love nothing more than digging deep to find the answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, investigating ancient civilizations, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, I am always on the hunt for new knowledge and insights. As a self-proclaimed weirdo and science enthusiast, I believe that there is always more to learn and discover, and I am constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to expand my understanding of the world around me. Through FoxPeek blog, I hope to share my love of all things strange and wonderful with like-minded readers and inspire others to embrace their inner curiosity and seek out the world's mysteries for themselves.

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