top 10 Facts About Veganism – You Didn’t Know!

A vegan is one who does not consume or use animal-based products. Though the concept of veganism has been prevalent in the world for many centuries now, it has only got quite popular in the last few years. As more and more celebrities have started endorsing the vegan lifestyle, the awareness of this concept has increased among the public today. This article will tell you some of the top 10 facts about veganism that you didn’t know.

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top 10 Facts About Veganism - You Didn't Know!

1. Abstinence from all animal products

Though veganism refers to a diet pattern, strict vegans follow this concept in all aspects of their lives. They refrain from consuming. animal products such as dairy, eggs, fish and more. They also stay away from using leather or fur products, as they don’t want to support animal cruelty in any way.

2. Reasons why people go vegan

Have you ever wondered why the vegan lifestyle is highly popular today? There are three main reasons why many people are becoming vegans.

  • Firstly, people cite ethical reasons for going vegan. They don’t want to be cruel to animals and livestock by using their skin, milk and flesh. So, they decide to opt for healthy and ethical alternatives to protect animals.
  • Secondly, plant-based vegan foods can reduce one’s risk of heart diseases, strokes, type 2 diabetes and other deadly diseases. Vegan diets have also brought about a reduction of weight in many people.
  • By protecting animals, vegans contribute to the health of the environment. Grazing animals and killing them for food are the major reasons for nitrous oxide emissions in the environment. So veganism is an eco-friendly alternative.

3. Types of Veganism

Many people are interested to know what is vegan food all about. In a broader concept, we all know that vegan foods are plant-based. However, the kinds of foods a person eats, depend on what kind of a vegan he is. In the following sections, we bring to your knowledge about these common types of vegans:

Vegans by diet:

people who use vegan products (plant-based products) only in their foods, but continue to use animal products (like leather and fur) in their lives

Vegans who eat whole foods:

If you are thinking of what vegan food is all about in these kinds of vegans, it is all about whole foods. These vegans eat whole nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables and seeds.

Vegans who eat junk foods:

While this type is quite rare because of health concerns, some people follow this lifestyle. These vegans always eat fries, non-dairy ice creams, frozen foods and other snacks all through the day.

Vegans who eat raw foods:

These vegans eat mostly raw food; however, sometimes, they also cooked foods, provided they are cooked below 48 degrees Celsius.

Vegans who eat low-fat, raw foods:

These vegans consume fruits mostly. They stay away from vegan foods that are rich in fat content. Though they eat raw, plant-based products, they choose such foods that are low in fat content.

4. Lacto Vegetarianism vs. Veganism

While talking about different diet styles, you may have also come across a style known as Lacto vegetarianism. What is this all about and how is it different from veganism?  The term, Lacto, refers to milk. Therefore, Lacto vegetarianism is a diet style, where people eat all vegetarian products and dairy products.

This diet includes all the dairy products that you can ever imagine. It includes milk, curd, ghee, butter, cheese, cream, and other things. Veganism, on the other hand, is a style that includes plant-based products only. It doesn’t include any dairy products in its system.

5. protein source of vegans

When they don’t include dairy products in their diet, where do vegans get their protein intake? Instead of animal-based milk, they have other soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk and any other nut milk of their choice. They also get their daily recommended dosage of protein from lentils, black beans and other nuts that can be included in their diet.

6. Risk of Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D gets absorbed into your bones and teeth only when your bones get enough calcium from the diet it eats. Since vegans don’t drink animal-based milk, they don’t get the required calcium. Hence, vegans have a risk of being diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency. This can affect the bone health and results in conditions such as joint pains, osteoporosis, etc.

Hence, it is highly recommended that vegans expose themselves to natural sunlight for 30 to 60 minutes per day to get the daily recommended dose of Vitamin D.

7. How to become vegan to lose weight

If you are looking to lose weight naturally, you can resort to veganism as quickly as possible. It is highly recommended that you consume a vegan diet consisting of healthy portions of grains, vegetables, fruits, non-dairy milk, beans & legumes and healthy fats. Physical exercise, mental conditioning and a healthy vegan diet can bring about a healthy weight loss.

8. Improves metabolism rate

Why does a vegan diet help in reducing weight? According to studies, a plant-based diet improvesthe metabolism rate in humans by at least 16%. Therefore, you can burn more calories in a plant-based diet than you can do in a meat-based diet. Increased metabolism rates are directly proportional to the reduction in weight as well.

9. Great for women against certain cancers

A study was conducted with two groups of people. The first group consisted of vegans, while the second group consisted of vegetarians and meat-eaters. After a few months of their diet style, they were analyzed for their tolerance to certain cancers. It was found that vegan women were at least 35% less risky than vegetarian or meat-eating women to breast cancer and cervical cancer.

10. Vegans foods are not boring

Many people are hesitant to convert to veganism due to the fear of eating boring and monotonous food every day. However, it is only a misconception in the minds of many people. Vegan foods contain many healthy, interesting and tasty alternatives for meat, milk and other animal-based products. It only requires you to be a little creative and open-minded while trying out new vegan recipes.


We hope these top 10 facts about veganism gave you enough insights into this lifestyle. If you plan to become vegan, always star at a small scale, before switching over to plant-based products completely. if you enjoyed this one you sure will need to take a look at: Top 10 facts about KETO DIET

Frequently Asked Questions:

is veganism a cult?

No, veganism is not a cult. It is a dietary and lifestyle choice based on ethical, health, or environmental concerns. While some vegans may be passionate about their beliefs, this does not make it a cult. Veganism is a personal choice that individuals make based on their own values and priorities.

how has veganism impacted the meat industry?

The growing popularity of veganism has had a significant impact on the meat industry, with increasing numbers of people choosing plant-based alternatives instead of meat. This has led to changes in the way that meat is produced, marketed, and sold, with some companies investing in plant-based products to meet consumer demand.

what is alkaline veganism?

Alkaline veganism is a dietary approach that focuses on consuming foods that are low in acid and high in alkaline compounds. The goal is to maintain a balanced pH level in the body, which is believed to support overall health and prevent disease. Alkaline veganism emphasizes plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and avoids acidic foods, such as meat, dairy, and processed foods.


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