Top 10 facts about Kayaking you never heard of before

Kayaking is one of the adventure sports or extreme sports done by paddling a kayak in a river, lake, pond, or water body. It is an extreme sport, in which a person has to use the upper body to paddle the kayak rather than just their hands. A kayak is a small canoe-like boat that can fit in 1 to 3 people depending on the kayak’s size. Let us see some of the top 10 facts about kayaking in the following sections:

The people in the kayak have to sit with their legs stretched facing forward. Apart from some interesting facts about the sport, we will also tell you about the kayaking equipment used in the adventure sport.

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Top 10 facts about Kayaking

Top 10 facts about Kayaking you never heard of before

1. Equipment needed for kayaking

Before we know the facts about kayaking, let us see some of the kayaking equipment needed for the same. The kayak is the essential equipment. The next main equipment is paddles. The type of kayak that should be chosen depends on the water body the people decide to go kayaking.

The other equipment needed for kayaking is an offset paddle, one or more buoyancy aid, life jacket, helmet, whistle, throwing ropes, a diving knife and water shoes. Kayaking can also be done on the sea; therefore, one can find different sea kayak types.

The following are the top 10 facts about kayaking that might not be known to many people.

2. Kayaking is an age-old sport

Kayaking has been around for as long as one can think of. The extreme or adventurous sport has been there for more than 4000 years now, far earlier than most of the famous sports we know of.

3. Meaning of the term kayak

The word kayak is derived from a word that has the meaning called “hunter’s boat.” A kayak does have the build and strength of a hunter’s boat because of its agility.

4. People who created the kayaks

The people who created the kayaks were known as the Inuits. When these people created the Kayaks, they didn’t know that their creation would become one of the most-loved and most-enjoyable adventure sports across the world.

5. Different types of kayaks

It is said that there are as many as eight different kayak types. All of these eight are for varying levels of water and risk involved.

6. Kayaks and their speed

The speed of the kayaks lies in the ability of the kayaker or kayakers to paddle the kayak. However, there is also another factor that determines the speed of the kayak. That is the size of the kayak. The smaller the kayak, the slower it is. The converse is also true. The longer the kayak the faster it is.

7. How kayaks were made earlier

In the early days of making kayaks, the kayak makers used the skin of the seals to make the kayaks waterproof.Inuits were people, who lived in the polar and frigid zones. Seals were one of the most common animals in these zones, so their skin was used.

8. The earlier usage of kayaks

The ancient tribes used kayaks as a means of transporting their entire family across the waters. These kayaks were calledUmiak, and they were 60ft long.

9. First kayaker to cross the Atlantic ocean

Franz Romer is the first kayaker to kayak across the Atlantic Ocean in the year 1928. This distance is a whooping 4000miles from Lisbon to Puerto Rico!

10. Kayakers and river speed

To specify the strength of the river’s rapid speed, the kayakers usually use the international scale of river difficulty. There were 6 grades according to this class. They are as follows:

  • Grade I – Easy
  • Grade II – Novice
  • Grade III – Intermediate
  • Grade IV – Advanced
  • Grade V – Expert
  • Grade VI – Extreme rapids

Country that is in the leading in the Olympic sports of kayaking

Germany is the country that is always in the leading position in the Olympics, when it comes to the sport of Kayaking, with a total medal tally of 81.

Benefits of kayaking

Some of the kayaking benefits are the following:

  • Helps a person to have a proper heart health
  • Increases one’s endurance
  • Tones muscles
  • Increases one’s upper body strength

Kayaking benefits also include mental health benefits like reducing stress, increasing happiness, etc.

Surprising facts about river rafting

Now that we know a lot about the water sports kayaking, let us know more about kayaking’s close cousin – river rafting. The name itself suggests that a raft is needed for this water sporting activity.

The rafts used in river water rafting are usually inflatable, and they come along with paddles. In the following section, we will take you through a quick overview of the top 10 facts about river rafting:

  • River Rafting, as a sport, became popular only in the 1950s.
  • River Rafting is an extreme sport, because of the risks that are involved in it. People’s lives will be in danger when it is not done correctly.
  • The old or the initial rafts were made out of rubber so that they can easily float and at the same time, carry the weight of the people.
  • The rafts that are made today are made out of advanced nylon or kevlar infused plastic such as PVC or urethane.
  • The paddles used in the river rafting sporting activity are made with plastic, carbon fiber, layered wood, aluminum and other advanced composites.
  • The river water rafting is said to have been traced back to the year 1811. This was a result of people trying to navigate the snake river in Wyoming.
  • There are 6 grades of difficulty in river rafting, and they are similar to what we mentioned above for kayaking.
  • There is an organization called as International Rafting Federation that looks after all the aspects of the sport.
  • Oars are also used in place of paddles in River rafting.
  • Small equipment like pins, clips, and oar-locks help the oars and paddles from not slipping away.

Facts about kayaking Conclusion

We hope you have some clarity on the top 10 facts about kayaking, its benefits, and the different sea kayak types from the above. We request you to take all safety precautions that are necessary before kayaking to protect your life and the lives of your fellow kayakers.

Frequently Asked Questions:

do you get wet kayaking?

Yes, you will likely get wet when kayaking. Kayaking is a water-based activity, so it’s common to come into contact with water, especially in rapids or choppy conditions. Wearing appropriate clothing and a personal flotation device (PFD) can help to keep you comfortable and safe while kayaking.

what to do if you see an alligator while kayaking?

If you see an alligator while kayaking, it’s important to stay calm and avoid approaching or disturbing the animal. Give the alligator plenty of space and do not attempt to feed or touch it. If the alligator begins to approach you, paddle away slowly and steadily without making sudden movements.

can you go kayaking while pregnant?

While there is no definitive answer, kayaking while pregnant is generally not recommended. The physical demands of kayaking, including the need to paddle and maintain balance, can be challenging during pregnancy. Additionally, there is a risk of falling or capsizing, which could be dangerous for both the mother and baby. It’s best to consult with a healthcare provider before engaging in any physical activity while pregnant.


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  1. My sister would like to try kayaking, and that is why she has decided to start looking for a tour that may guide her safely. Thank you for sharing here the importance of buying the necessary gears. We’ll also keep in mind to consider the water levels.

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