Top 10 facts about river rafting you wish you knew sooner

If you are looking to try your hands on an adventurous water sports activity that gives you an immense thrill, river rafting is a great choice. Though it popular only in a few American and European countries today, river rafting is slowly gaining popularity in the last few years. Here are the top 10 facts about river rafting that will make you fall in love with this activity.

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Top 10 facts about river rafting

Top 10 facts about river rafting you wish you knew sooner

1. River rafting equipment you should know about

River rafting is an adventurous water sport that requires you to let loose and enjoy yourself. Before we get into some of the interesting facts about this sport, here is a brief overview of all the river rafting equipment parts that you will use:

  • Boats that can be inflated – usually made from synthetic rubber or vinyl fabric and other modern technologies that ensure that the boat doesn’t tear off during the activity
  • Life jackets for your safety
  • Paddles(carbon ones ) for smooth paddling
  • Wet suits and dry suits
  • Helmets to prevent injuries to the head
  • Rescue bags with essentials that are needed to rescue the rafter during accidents

2. White water rafting grades

River rafting is classified into various grades depending on the level of difficulty in the sport. The international grades for this sport are from Grade 1 to Grade VI. The white water rafting grades keep increasing with the complexity in the difficulty and danger levels.

Many factors play a role in classifying the white water rafting grades. They are – water current, dangers involved, nature of waves in the water, the flowing terrain, and more. This is a brief explanation of the grades of river rafting:

  • Grade 1 – water has very small waves and flows fast
  • Grade 11 – easy to raft through
  • Grade 111 – Complex to raft through
  • Grade IV – Highly difficult to raft through
  • Grade V – Extremely difficult, and should be done only by professionals as the water’s current can pose dangers to the rafters’ lives
  • Grade VI – Impossible to raft through; going into this type of water is only going to be suicidal for you

If you have only moderate swimming skills, it is highly recommended that you opt for Grade 1 or II of rafting.

3. Rafting was part of the 1972 Olympics for the first time

One of the interesting among the top 10 facts about river rafting is that this sport was included as part of the 1972 Olympics held in Munich, for the first time. This was the main reason for the popularity of the sport among adventure enthusiasts across the world.

In the USA, white water rafting became an indispensable part of the Summer Olympics thereafter. After it featured in the 1992 Barcelona Games, 1996 Atlanta Games, and more, the game became a great summer adventure for people.

4. White water rafting existing a century ago!

River Rafting was considered one of the top 10 extreme sports you need to try before you die only in the late 1980s. However, this sport was practiced almost a century ago, but not as a form of sport. Lt. John Fremont and Horace H Day, built the rubber boats, known as rafts, in 1840.

This was to traverse across the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. The became commercialized many years later, but rubber rafts served as great means of transport over 100 years ago!

5. Rafting techniques to know for your safety

You can be quite anxious when you get into your raft for an adventurous rafting experience. For a safe rafting trip, you should always remember to follow the basics of rafting techniques such as the following:

  • Choose an authorized and professional outfitter
  • Wear life jackets and safety gear compulsorily, even if you are an ace swimmer
  • Proper paddle-holding is a must, if you don’t want to fall into the water; holding the T grip of the paddle can help you bump when there are obstacles and remain in your boat
  • Always know the proper swimming techniques you need to follow when you fall into the water while rafting
  • Always listen to the safety talk that your guide gives you before you start rafting, so that you don’t miss out on any important details
  • Never panic in any situation; when you fall into the water, always look for your boat and swim towards it calmly

6. Life jackets are important

Life jackets are one of the most underrated yet one of the most important aspects of river rafting. You might be surprised to know that almost 80% of rafting accidents happen because of three main reasons:

  • The rafter hasn’t worn a life jacket
  • The rafter hasn’t worn the life jacket properly
  • The rafter hasn’t worn a proper life jacket

The life jackets that you choose should be of the highest quality. According to experts, it should be of the US Coast Guard Type III or V and should have a minimum weight of 6kg to help you stay afloat.

7. Most rafted river

The River Tray, located in Scotland, is the country’s most loved spot for rafting. It is the longest river in Scotland, and people love to raft across the not-so-complex rapids across this river. The 6-mile long white water section, between the Aberfeldy and Grandtully towns is the most rafted in this river. This one is one of the most interesting among the top 10 facts about river rafting discussed here.

8. Rockefeller introduced float trips in the 1950s!

One of America’s richest businessmen, John Rockefeller, introduced float trips on rafts on the resort he built at the Grand Teton National Park in 1956. However, since the sport wasn’t very popular then, there were not many takers to this idea, and his idea flopped.

9. Rafting across the Colorado River is possible

Many years ago, the Colorado River’s tough rapids in the Grand Canyon had made rafting impossible even for professionals. Today, thanks to modern equipment, safer paddles and innovating float boats, many tourists raft through these rapids every year.

10. The USA is the haven for river rafting

In the world’s 10 most rafted rivers list, at least 3 belong to the USA. They are the Colorado River, Middle Fork of the Salmon River, Nolichucky River in Tennessee. When you undertake rafting next time, please remember these top 10 facts about river rafting, so that you can be safe.


River rafting is a thrilling and exciting water sport that offers a unique experience to adventurers and nature lovers. Understanding the top 10 facts about river rafting can greatly enhance your experience and ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. From the different types of rafts available to the importance of proper gear and safety measures, these facts are essential for anyone looking to take on the rapids. So gear up, hit the water, and have an unforgettable time rafting down the river.

Frequently Asked Questions:

is river rafting dangerous?

River rafting can be dangerous, especially in challenging rapids or turbulent water conditions. There is always a risk of injury or drowning when participating in any water-based activity. However, with proper safety equipment, training, and experienced guides, the risks can be minimized and river rafting can be a safe and enjoyable adventure sport.

what to wear river rafting?

When river rafting, it’s important to wear appropriate clothing that is comfortable, quick-drying, and provides sun protection. This may include a wetsuit or drysuit, quick-drying shorts or pants, a synthetic t-shirt or rash guard, and a hat and sunglasses. You should also wear secure footwear with good traction and consider a personal flotation device (PFD) or life jacket.


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