TOP 6 Health Benefits of Eating Cherries

Most people are aware of what cherries are, but many don’t realize that there are two kinds of cherries in existence The first type is sweet cherries. These are the cherries usually found as cocktail garnishes or the satisfying poolside snack that people eat to stay hydrated on a sunny day. Sour cherries, on the other hand, are utilized for cooking and baking purposes. They also are agents used in many syrup-textured medications, since their particular taste helps neutralize either the bland or bitter flavor of the med. Keep reading to discover the best Health Benefits of Eating Cherries.

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If the only thing you know about cherries is that they are delicious, you may be curious to find out six other benefits that you get from eating this delicious berry.

TOP 6 Health Benefits of Eating Cherries

TOP 6 Health Benefits of Eating Cherries

Fun fact about cherries: they are so rich in dietary fiber that one feels fuller when eating them.

1. Cherries Are Full Of Antioxidants

You have likely heard the term “antioxidants” before, but you may not be certain as to its meaning. Oxidation of molecules is a perfectly natural process, but the process by which it happens is largely unstable. It disrupts the molecular structure by creating molecular bodies that are unstable. These molecules often referred to as “free radicals,” destabilize other molecules by siphoning their electrons away, creating more “free radicals.” This becomes a perpetual occurrence that leads to the degradation of cells.

Antioxidants combat this by slowing down the oxidation process. By preserving the quality and health of cells, antioxidants in cherries lower the chances of the prominence of many ailments including various types of cancers, as well as preserving brain cells that stave off mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s and dementia. While some individuals may believe that they are too young and healthy for these things to affect them, by consuming more antioxidants the risk of diseases later in life can also be greatly reduced.

It’s important to note that frozen cherries, and especially canned ones, lose a great deal of their antioxidation prowess, though they continue to remain delicious. Fresh cherries are the way to maximize the antioxidants content, but even the other variants still maintain some molecule and cell healing prowess.

2. Good For Your Belly And Your Brain

A prime nemesis of fruit freshness of produce is the damages incurred from microbes and insects. Luckily for cherries, their flavonoid (a chemical compound) content is high, which means they have a greater resistance to the detrimental effects, keeping cherries fresher for longer time periods. As everyone knows, eating fresher fruit is better for digestion.

Flavanoids promote neuron prosperity by strengthening their bond with other neurons. Beyond that, another compound, anthocyanin, with its anti-inflammatory properties are plentiful in cherries. Both of these attributes drive brain health by slowing down brain cell deterioration, sharpening memory, and improving cognition.

Best of all, when cherries are consumed in their pure form, they offer only positive effects on the body. This does not apply to canned cherries or medicinal flavorings, however, but the cherry in its natural state is immensely healthy for the mind and body alike.

3. Natural Hangover Remedy

Many of us enjoy a drink or a cocktail. What we do not enjoy are the hangovers that come after their consumption. People are always looking for ways to cure hangovers, but the truth is that when it comes to hangovers, a good prevention strategy is the best approach. Let’s keep it real: if you do enough drinking, you will get hangovers. However, consuming cherries will actually lessen the misery of your experience.

The only true cure for a hangover is time, but cherries have natural fructose that has been found in studies to speed up the metabolization of alcohol, not to mention the replenishment of electrolytes to get the body back into workable shape. In other words, hangover cures will still take time, but eating cherries shortens that recovery time to some degree.

4. Post Workout Recovery Tools

We all love feeling like we got a good workout, but once our body realizes what we put it through, it reacts with soreness the next day. The continuous side-effects of exercise are one of the main deterrents of people from going to the gym. This soreness is due to muscle fatigue, something that the aforementioned anthocyanin assist in the recovery process.

Aside from that, the antioxidant content gives the body more oxygen, which, in turn, helps reinvigorate the muscle cells, resulting in less muscle damage. The result, therefore, is fewer sore muscles, which leads to an increased willingness to exercise more regularly.

5. Promote Weight Loss

As noted earlier, cherries help to make a body feel full quicker. This is due to their dietary fiber content. If one was to eat a bowl of cherries ahead of a meal, their body would feel fuller going into the meal, which would result in them eating less during the meal. The lower consumption of food will drive weight loss

Based on that knowledge, we can surmise that eating cherries as a snack will result in feeling fuller going into meals, therefore limiting the consumed portions without the irritating effect of feeling hungry afterward. But, do not forget that cherries are not calorie-free either. Each one can contain up to 5 calories, so if one was to overdo it on eating cherries, the weight loss would result in diminishing returns in terms of weight loss.

6. Sleep Improvement

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is well known for promoting quality sleep and is found in human bodies, but particular human habits tend to reduce that hormone’s efficacy. While there are not a ton of foods that have melatonin in their makeup, cherries happen to contain about 13 nanograms per berry. Though this does not sound like a lot, experts believe it is not an insignificant amount either.

One way people intake melatonin is through drinking a couple of glasses of cherry tart juice about a half-hour to an hour before bedtime. The influx of melatonin into one’s body permits for the person to not only fall asleep but to stay asleep at night, maximizing their restfulness for the next day.

Health Benefits of Eating Cherries: The Verdict Is In…

For a tiny fruit, cherries pack an impressive nutritional punch to be sure. Since they taste great, consuming their beneficial attributes never feels like a chore. So next time you are food shopping or visiting your local farmer’s market, pick up some cherries to consume all their tremendous benefits.

Since you liked this amazing article of the best Health Benefits of Eating Cherries, we suggest to you to check this one: Top 10 reasons why you should drink black tea every day

Frequently Asked Questions:

do cherries have any health benefits?

Yes, cherries do have health benefits. They are a good source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Consuming cherries has been linked to a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and aiding in sleep.

what are the health benefits of eating cherries?

Cherries are high in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. They also contain fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, which support digestive health, immunity, and blood pressure regulation.


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