TOP 5 MCU Characters Deadpool Could Beat & 5 He Would Lose To

It is now virtually a lock that Deadpool will surface in the MCU at one point. As any Marvel fan can imagine, Deadpool’s unique bluntness, sarcasm, and personality will likely be of annoyance to both villains and superheroes alike. Assuming Ryan Reynolds reprises the role of Deadpool and considering that the X-Men, Mutants, and many other Marvel comic mainstays are getting set for their Marvel Universe debut, their interactions with the Merc with a Mouth are eagerly anticipated by Marvel fans.

One of the most fun activities for Marvel fans is anticipating who new characters to the MCU will interact with, run into, and how well they would fare against each other in a fight. This is certainly the case with Deadpool. Certainly, there are beings far more powerful and he would stand no chance against them in battle, but some others would not be wise to tangle with the wit-spitting, katana-wielding crusader.

So just who will he fare best against and who should Deadpool make it a point to avoid when possible? Let’s take a look at 5 Marvel characters who Deadpool would not do well against, and another 5 that he would likely triumph over.

Characters Deadpool Would Lose To

1. Deadpool Would Lose To Hela

LOSE TO Hela Is Just Too Powerful

Hela was Thor and Loki’s older sister. Her villainy and thirst for domination grew so vast, that Odin sought to banish her when he had a change of heart about how she regarded other beings’ presence in the world. It was not until Odin’s death that Hela’s banishment was abdicated and she showed up to wreak havoc in Asgard.

Her power was too much to handle for Thor and Loki combined, and it’s fair to say that either one of those two would be too much to handle for Deadpool. If it wasn’t for Surtur himself, it’s doubtful that Hela could have been stopped at all. The best Deadpool can hope for in a battle against her is to annoy her into ripping him to shreds, then distributing them among the nine realms, never to come back together again.

2. Deadpool Would Lose To Doctor Strange

LOSE TO Doctor Strange Would Erase Him From Reality

Hand-to-hand combat is Deadpool’s forte, as well as weapon-based battles. He doesn’t win all of these either. Sometimes he just irritates his enemies into bailing out of the battle entirely. However, Dr. Strange just simply does not need to put up with Deadpool in his manner. As one of Marvel’s most powerful heroes, it would take a snap of his fingers for him to transport Deadpool into another reality, which the mouthy mercenary would have no ability to escape from given his set of powers.

3. Deadpool Would Lose To Groot

LOSE TO Groot Would Run Him Over

Anyone would be hardpressed to argue that Groot may be the least communicative of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but he is almost certainly the most powerful. The MCU hasn’t even explored all of his powers yet. His powers might be subtle, but they are undeniable. Deadpool would simply be no match, and that’s just to the powers Groot posses that MCU fans are already aware of.

Groot has fought and defeated opponents, killing multiple of them at a time. He even saved his fellow Guardians from death on board if a crashing spacecraft. Much like Deadpool, Groot has regenerative abilities, but unlike Deadpool, his abilities are largely unknown and unpredictable. In this battle, Deadpool stands no chance.

4. Deadpool Would Lose To Thanos

TOP 5 MCU Characters Deadpool Could Beat & 5 He Would Lose To

Thanos’s mission was to eradicate half of life in the universe, something he successfully accomplished. It took some luck, cleverness, and time travel for the Avengers to set things right. On top of everything, Thanos is akin to the Eternals, a group of divine creatures far more powerful than any beings in existence.

Thanos may have needed the Infinity Gauntlet to win against the Avengers, but he is supremely powerful without it, much more so in that regard than anything Deadpool can bring to the table. The beating of Deadpool by Thanos would be quick, swift, and doubtless.

5. Deadpool Would Lose To Scarlet Witch

LOSE TO Scarlet Witch Would Wipe Him From Existence

Scarlet Witch’s powers are immense. She nearly took out Thanos on her own in Avengers: Endgame. But as powerful as Wanda is with her abilities, she is still very new to them, and it is clear from the Wandavision series that she has yet to even scratch the surface of her real power. Once she learns to wield her powers to their full extent, there is essentially nothing and no one that can stop her.

That being said, Deadpool wouldn’t stand a chance against the power of that magnitude. He would be obliterated within moments if it ever came to a battle between the two, maybe faster than Hela would deal with him. Now Scarlet Witch against Hela, that would be an interesting battle.

Characters Deadpool Would Defeat

1. Deadpool Would Defeat Red Skull

DEFEAT Red Skull Would Go Insane Trying

An undoubtedly dangerous player in the MCU, Red Skull was the head of the Hydra organization when it formed in the mid-1900s. While Red Skull’s access to weaponry and ruthless drive to dominate the world may have been a stiff challenge for the recently formed Captain America, but Deadpool would present a whole different type of opponent.

Unlike Steve Rogers who had moral qualms about killing at certain points, Deadpool is a straight-up killing machine who would not hesitate to put Red Skull down. That’s before even mentioning the fact that Red Skull would have a tough time killing the regenerative and self-healing Deadpool, to begin with.

2. Deadpool Would Defeat Maria Hill

TOP 5 MCU Characters Deadpool Could Beat & 5 He Would Lose To

Few characters in the MCU have been as in tune with the goings-on of the universe as Nick Fury, though the closest to him is definitely Maria Hill, his right hand. But while Maria Hill is a superb fighter, she has the limitation of being a mortal being with no self-healing powers. Could she give Deadpool a fight? Perhaps. Would she win? Unlikely.

Maria Hill is a very no-nonsense kind of woman, which is different from the unpredictable ball of insanity that Deadpool tends to be. Her instincts might be good, but her attitude would serve as a distraction against such a crazy, unpredictable foe.

3. Deadpool Would Defeat Killmonger

DEFEAT Erik Killmonger Literally Can't Kill Him

Erik Killmonger is a former Navy Seal with a loose, though the distant right to the lineage of the Wakandan throne. He certainly proves his might be defeating T’Challa for Wakanda’s leadership. He is most certainly a dangerous character and a skilled fighter. But is he ready for a battle with Deadpool? That’s unlikely. Killmonger is a killer, of that, there is no doubt, but those skills could fall short when dealing with the healing powers of an equally adept fighter like Deadpool.

4. Deadpool Would Defeat Hawkeye

DEFEAT Hawkeye Has Nothing On Him

Hawkeye is the Avenger least talked about, unless you are Kate Bishopp, seeing as while he is a supremely talented archer, he has no superpowers. He is equipped with seriously powerful arrows and if he missed his target, it’s likely intentional. But his arrows could only get him so far in a battle with someone like Deadpool. All the well-placed arrow shots in the world wouldn’t off Deadpool, which means eventually Hawkeye would be worn down and not be able to take down the self-regenerating mercenary.

5. Deadpool Would Defeat “Star-Lord” Peter Quill

DEFEAT Star-Lord Would Lose Badly

Peter Quill, or as he likes to be called, Star-Lord, unintentionally put together the Guardians of the Galaxy. He is also the offspring of a divine being, Ego, and he makes up for what he lacks in his fighting skill in his scrappiness. But while he has some great weapons on hand and a willingness to be brave, Deadpool is far better armed and has a much greater killing mentality. It would not be wise for Star-Lord to tangle with Deadpool, as he simply wouldn’t match up.


The question of which MCU characters Deadpool could beat or lose to is a matter of speculation and debate. While Deadpool’s regenerative powers and irreverent humor make him a formidable and unpredictable opponent, there are certain characters in the MCU who possess unique abilities or strengths that could give them an advantage in a fight.

Moreover, the outcome of any hypothetical matchup would depend on various factors such as the characters’ motivations, the context of the fight, and their levels of preparation and cunning. Overall, the possibility of seeing Deadpool interact with various MCU characters is an exciting prospect for fans of the franchise.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

how many Deadpool movies?

There are currently two Deadpool movies. The first one was released in 2016 and the second in 2018. Both movies star Ryan Reynolds as the titular character and are rated R for their mature content, humor, and graphic violence. A third Deadpool movie is in development, but its release date is yet to be announced.

how old is Deadpool?

In the comics, Deadpool’s age is not clear, but he is believed to be in his late 30s or early 40s. However, in the movies, Deadpool is portrayed as a former Special Forces operative named Wade Wilson, who becomes a mercenary with accelerated healing powers after undergoing an experimental treatment. It is not explicitly stated how old he is, but Ryan Reynolds, who plays the character, was born in 1976, making him 45 years old as of 2021.

is Deadpool on Netflix?

As of February 2023, Deadpool is not available on Netflix in the United States. However, the movie is available to stream on other platforms, such as Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video. Additionally, the animated series “Marvel’s Deadpool” is available to watch on Hulu.


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