TOP 9 MIND BLOWING Mysterious Plane Crashes

Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, man’s once forlorn dreams of flying have now been made real. Of course, airplanes are still machines that need experienced pilots, mild weather conditions, many working parts, and a bit of luck to make their trip safely. The gift of flight mankind has afforded themselves, however, does not always meet those criteria and has paid a price for it. Minor errors can have deadly consequences. Keep reading to discover more about the TOP 9 MIND BLOWING Mysterious Plane Crashes.

MIND BLOWING Mysterious Plane Crashes

Any plane crashes that mankind has experienced are unfortunate. But we try to take away from them lessons of how to better prepare for unforeseen situations in flight. But sometimes, crashes leave us utterly dumbfounded. Join us as we explore 9 of the most mysterious plane crashes.

1. Flight 19

Flight 19 Mysterious Plane Crashes

Flight 19 may have started as a standard US Navy training mission, but it ended with one of the most historically baffling mysteries that involved 6 airplanes disappearing within the Bermuda triangle. On December 5th, 1945, five Navy Avenger planes led by Charles Taylor, making up the Flight 19 excursion, departed from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The planes were accompanied by a highly experienced flight instructor. The weather was clear and mild. It was an ideal day for flying.

90 minutes into this same flight, the pilots became disoriented, not being able to recognize landmarks below them, confusing the Florida keys for the Bahamas due to a strange compass malfunction as communicated via concerning radio transmissions. The control tower began to try to get Taylor and his students back to their departure point in Fort Lauderdale. His students pleaded with him to reverse the course as well. But Taylor, confidence in his own experience continued to lead them in an erratic flying pattern, as the planes continued flying eastward, going further and further out over the Atlantic.

Not long after, the control tower lost its ability to communicate via radio with any of the planes. Once the transmissions went silent, the pilots went missing and were never seen or heard from again. A rescue plane was dispatched after the missing pilots, and it too went missing. No one is sure what happened to any of the planes. Did they explode mid-flight and crash into the depths of the Atlantic?

Even stranger is that leading into this exercise, Taylor asked to be removed as the missions lead instructor, a request that the navy denied. We will always stay curious about what prompted him to request to be left off what proved to be the ill-fated mission of Flight 19.

2. EgyptAir Flight 9900

EgyptAir Flight 990 Mysterious Plane Crashes

In its trans-Atlantic flight on Halloween day of 1999, EgyptAir Flight 9900 crashed into the waters of the Atlantic, killing all 217 passengers on board. Due to the crash happening in international waters and Egypt’s limited resources to investigate the crash, the country requested assistance from the US NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). They were happy to help until it was determined that foul play was involved. At that point, they suggested that the investigation be turned over to the FBI, one that was adamantly refused by the Egyptians who insisted that NTSB continue the investigation. As evidence of foul play mounted, the Egyptians worked out their resources and pursued the investigation on their own via the ECAA.

The two investigations came to conclusions that had a bit of disparity to say the least. The NTSB determined that the copilot was suicidal, and for reasons unknown, took the plane down. The ECAA concluded that this was a case of a mechanical malfunction. Onboard the doomed Flight 9900 were 33 members of the Egyptian General staff, prompting conspiracy theories to point to an act of terrorism intended to execute a plot to assassinate them while seeming like an accident.

We will never know what truly happened on board EgyptAir Flight 9900, but the final transmissions recorded from the cockpit are quite telling. It is the pilot stressfully asking “What is this? What is this? Did you shut the engines?” The copilot’s reply was just a repeatedly cold phrase: “I rely on God.”

3. Star Dust

Star Dust Mysterious Plane Crashes

Registered to the British South American Airways, Star Dust was a civilian version of the Lancaster Bomber. During its flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile, the flight disappeared minutes before its scheduled landing over the Andes mountains. The final transmission from the pilot of the plane was a cryptic “STENDEC.”

After an exhaustive search for Star Dust, the investigators came away determining that the flight was not able to be found and the whereabouts of its presume wreckage would never be recovered. That was all the way back in 1947.

Fifty years passed when a group of hikers exploring a melting glacier stumbled upon the Star Dust wreckage. The conclusion drawn was that visibility was low, and rather than entering what they believed to be a range of clouds, the Star Dust descended into a cloud-covered range of mountains. Though the wreckage mystery was now solved, half a century later, the mystery of “STENDEC” endures.

4. Flight 191

Flight 191 Mysterious Plane Crashes

191 has been a very unlucky flight number. In fact, there isn’t just one singular Flight 191 that we refer to because it has plagued a range of flights with this number configuration. There have been so many, in fact, that airlines have completely abandoned using that number out of sheer superstition, much like the missing 13th floor in many hotels.

Five distinct flights numbered 191 since the 1960s have resulted in fatal crashes. One of these “191s” was an American Airlines flight the crash of which took the lives of 273 people on board. Jet Blue Airline Flight number 191 had an unnerving incident as recently as 2012 when the pilot went crazy, ranting about terrorists, Jesus, and 9/11. Luckily he was forced out of the cockpit by his co-pilot and subdued by the passengers. His next stop was a mental institution.

Of course, all of these flights being numbered 191 is most certainly a grim coincidence, but it didn’t stop numerologists from studying the number to find its hidden meaning.

5. Flying Tiger Flight 739

Flying Tiger Flight 739 Mysterious Plane Crashes

The Flying Tiger Flight 739 was charted to transport US military supplies from California to Saigon, Vietnam during the Vietnam war to members of the armed forces. The long flight required a refueling stop in Guam, but when the Super Constellation L-1049 took from there, it vanished over the Phillippine Sea without a distress call or any evidence of turbulent weather. The plane simply disappeared. Four military branches searched for the aircraft, but to no avail. The 107 personnel aboard were presumed dead and the wreckage of the flight was never located.

Without the plane’s remains, investigators could not determine what actually occurred on Flight 739, but as is usually the case, the absence of facts elevates conspiracy theories. Supposed eyewitness testimonies recalled that a bright flash of light occurred near the expected position of the aircraft and a trail of vapor tailing the plane.

6. USAir Flight 427

USAir Flight 427 Mysterious Plane Crashes

What should have been a short and safe flight turned into a deadly crash when all 132 people aboard USAir Flight 427 plummeted to the ground at 300 mph just 10 minutes away from their destination due to a sudden inexplicable malfunction of the aircraft, perishing on impact. The scene was so jarring and gruesome that even seasoned veterans of war who have seen some horrors in their day were shocked by the carnage left behind.

Typical investigations of plane crashes can be established within a week or two, but in this case, it took investigators more than four years to get to the root of the problem and to determine the malfunction that led to the tragedy. After exploring every imaginable theory, the determination was made that a defective rudder resulted in the pilots losing control of the plane.

This brought up a vital question: did USAir know that their rudders had a defect in 737 planes. This wasn’t the first time a USAir flight crashed. There were similar crashes back in the 1990s, and it became apparent to many that if the investigations carried out at those crashes were more thorough, the fate of Flight 427 could have been very different. This led to many lawsuits filed against USAir Inc. and the Boeing Co. by the families of 427’s victims. Finally, the airline companies agree to pay out damages of $50 million to settle out of court.

7. TWA Flight 800

TWA Flight 800 Mysterious Plane Crashes

TWA Flight 800 exploded and crashed just 12 minutes after taking off from the JFK airport in Queens, NY. All 230 people on board died in the tragic crash, prompting a 4-year, exhaustive investigation by the NTSB which concluded that the plane’s fuel supply was ignited by a spark caused by a wiring defect.

Hundreds of FBI witnesses, however, seemed to contradict these findings, noting that they witnessed a rising light reach the part of the plane that ultimately exploded into a massive fireball, leading to the theory that it was actually shot down by a missile.

But who would shoot down a civilian aircraft? The most prominent theory holds that it was a mistaken hit performed during a Navy training session scheduled to be take place that same day off the coast of Long Island. The disparity between the FBI theory and the radar data and explosive residue on the parts of the wreckage fueled the claims that the evidence was tampered with by the FBI in order to preserve the real reason for the crash.

8. Air France Flight 447

Air France Flight 447 Mysterious Plane Crashes

228 people on board the Air France Flight 447 plunged into the Atlantic Ocean mid-flight in 2009. There was no indication of trouble provided at all. The pilots didn’t hail a mayday call and it wasn’t realized until hours later that the plane even went down when the planned contact that pilots were expected to make with air traffic control didn’t happen. This was a “self-flying aircraft” that was modern and equipped enough to be generally regarded as one of the safest ways to travel.

With the wreckage spread all about the floor of the Atlantic, piecing together the reason for the disaster was extraordinarily challenging. Investigators sought the flight’s black boxes, which would have been transmitting a beacon for 30 days, but never found them. That didn’t satisfy the French authorities, who pushed on with the search.

In 2011, a team privately hired to continue the search found the wreckage in a week among the field of debris. This allowed the French Navy to then recover more than 100 bodies and the black boxes from the flight. The real cause ended up being pilot error which occurred once the autopilot disengaged. The oddest aspect of it all is that the situation was entirely manageable, leading to questions of how experienced pilots would lose control of the aircraft.

9. Pan Am Flight 7

Pan Am Flight 7 Mysterious Plane Crashes

The 44 people on board Pan Am Flight 7 were kicking off the globe-trotting journey in luxurious comfort, when the plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean on November 8, 1957, killing them all. A week later a US Navy aircraft spotted floating bodies in the water northeast of Hawaii’s Honolulu island and reported it.

The cause of the crash could not be pinpointed, but there were some strange notes about the crash. First, the plane’s debris was significantly off-course from where the flight was to travel and there was never issued distress at all. One very revealing finding noted that high levels of CO (carbon monoxide) were found in the recovered bodies during the toxicology screens. But more questions remain, and now, well over half of a century later, many wild theories including everything from insurance fraud to engine failure, as well as an angry crew member’s revenge.


the top 9 mysterious plane crashes remain unsolved and continue to captivate people’s imagination and raise questions about what really happened. Despite extensive investigations and advancements in technology, many of these incidents remain shrouded in mystery, and the true causes behind these tragedies may never be fully understood. Nevertheless, the lessons learned from these crashes have greatly contributed to making air travel safer and more secure.

Since you finished reading this amazing article of the TOP 9 MIND BLOWING Mysterious Plane Crashes, we suggest to you to check this one: TOP 8 Alien abduction accounts that suggest Underwater Activity

Frequently Asked Questions:

why do planes crash on takeoff?

Planes can crash on takeoff due to various reasons such as mechanical failures, pilot error, bad weather conditions, or bird strikes. In some cases, takeoff crashes can be caused by a combination of factors, making it difficult to determine a single cause.

what does dreaming about plane crashes mean?

Dreaming about plane crashes can have different interpretations, depending on the context of the dream and the individual’s personal experiences. However, it is often associated with feelings of fear, uncertainty, and loss of control. It may also represent anxieties about change, making a significant transition or embarking on a new journey.

how to survive a plane crash in water?

To survive a plane crash in water, it is important to remain calm and act quickly. Here are some steps to follow:
1. Put on a life jacket if possible and fasten it properly.
2. Exit the plane as quickly as possible, taking care to avoid any sharp objects or flames.
3. Swim away from the wreckage and try to stay afloat by treading water or using flotation devices.


Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Idammah, and I am the founder of this site dedicated to exploring the world's mysteries, uncovering fascinating facts, and delving into science's weird and beautiful aspects. I have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and I love nothing more than digging deep to find the answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, investigating ancient civilizations, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, I am always on the hunt for new knowledge and insights. As a self-proclaimed weirdo and science enthusiast, I believe that there is always more to learn and discover, and I am constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to expand my understanding of the world around me. Through FoxPeek blog, I hope to share my love of all things strange and wonderful with like-minded readers and inspire others to embrace their inner curiosity and seek out the world's mysteries for themselves.

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