TOP 10 Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

It’s gear month again! No matter the weather, life on your bike is always better when you are riding in style with your latest biker gear. Bike-heads always look to the future, dreaming of breakthroughs to buck the trends that came before. Who doesn’t want rocket-propelled drones that blast your Buick hovercraft off in 0.001 of a second, right? Keep reading to discover our list of the TOP 10 Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride.

Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

We can dream of future gear that will antiquate contemporary bike gear into its own version of the stone age, but for now, we have to go with the best we have today. The following ten must-have motorcycle gear pieces span all types; some for wearing now, some for wearing later, and some to just spruce up your ride and your riding experience. If we have to revel in what we have right now, let’s get to it!

1. Leather

Leather - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Wearing animal hides and skins have been a tradition of men for centuries. It is believed that going back in time as far as Australopithecus, leather was worn without the fur being removed most of the time. Bike enthusiasts maintain that tradition by wearing leather to style their outfits as they ride to this day. But before you consider it just a stylistic outfit, consider that leather serves another purpose: rider safety.

Aside from just being haute couture, the material of leather is strong, supple, and resists most abrasive contacts. Taking the open road is bound to result in some stinging from flying debris and even hard rain, not to mention the gusting wind resistance is bound to result in a chilly ride. Leather protects in all of those regards. When the temperatures are higher, plenty of perforated leather wear options is also available to riders.

2. Cargo Net & Bungee Hook

The Cargo Net and the Bungee Hook

Before the cargo net and bungee hook came around, the burden was on the rider to make sure anything they needed to store or bring with them (though clearly could not hold in their hands) was effectively tied down with knots that would not slip or let go. Some motorcycles do not come equipped with carrying capacity, so a cargo net and bungee hook combination are an essential must-have stretched across your back seat. After all, you likely need things with you on your ride, plus, you never know what you might find along your journey.

3. Locking Saddlebags

Locking Saddlebags - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Ever since man domesticated a horse, the steed has been adorned with some type of storage compartment in the form of saddlebags. The modern mount is the motorcycle, and it too needs a way to store necessary cargo. Trust us, it is a lot more convenient than a backpack on your back during the ride. What’s even better is when the pair of hard compartments lock and unlock with the same key as the one powering your ignition or even an electronic fob.

We all want to protect our things, and though civilization has come a long way, we haven’t yet rid ourselves of thieves. Not only do the saddlebags help you protect your stuff from being taken by grubby thief hands, but they will also keep everything you have dry far better than a cloth backpack would.

4. Airhawk And Bead Seats

Airhawk and Bead seats - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Over the last couple of decades sport and upscale touring bikes, as well as ADV ones have come a long way in terms of their stock seats. But perhaps you love your older bike, but not feeling very fresh down below when riding it can be a total downer. What can really go a long way in bolstering your mental attitude after a few long days is the use of bead seats or an Airhawk. That’s because they allow more air to circulate near the seat region and help to eliminate many of the pressure points as well.

5. Earplugs

Earplugs - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Even if your only life interaction with motorcycles was being passed by one or two on the street, you can fully attest to their ridiculous noise levels. Many bikers in the past have lost most of their hearing due to the noise, but these days, earplugs are making a huge difference when it comes to the ability to hear. If you have ridden a motorcycle you are well aware that it’s not just the pipes that deafen you, but the engine, and the ripping wind.

Whether you are rocking Bose noise-canceling tech or just a pair of foam plugs from the local drugstore, you are certainly going to experience the restorative serenity that every biker deserves to have in their travels.

6. Cordura And Gore-Tex

Cordura and Gore-Tex - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Originally a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company in 1929, Cordura was acquired by Invista (a Kock Industries subsidiary. It is composed of nylon, though also thought to be blended with other natural fibers such as nylon. Mr. Gore’s Gore-Tex, a material some regard as a miracle fabric, both prevents rain from entering while allowing sweat to perspiration out, yielding excellent results and rider satisfaction. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that it is the most highly endorsed riding suit on the market. While riding in the rain is no picnic, wearing this type of rain-resistant gear creates a whole new type of experience.

7. Heated Gear, Grips, And Seats

Heated Gear, Grips and Seats - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Stories of bikers keeping warm in the old days of motorcycle riding are always fascinating to hear. It was said that in certain races engine oil was routed through the handlebars to warm the rider’s palms and fingers. Perhaps one of the most overlooked and underrated dangers of motorcycle riding is traveling in the cold.

The cold numbs and cramps up fingers, and since a rider relies on their fingers operating their vehicle, anything that keeps hands limber and warm should be, one would argue, mandatory on every bike. The same goes for the seat and riding gear. Nowadays, riding in the cold is easily surmountable with various heating gear, as well as heated seats and grips.

8. Throttle Lock Or Cruise Control

Cruise control or simple throttle lock - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

More and more new bikes are featuring electronic CC systems. While originally bikes started with just a mechanical throttle lock, eventually graduating to the Throttlemeister, this feature on a bike is a must. Technically, this doesn’t qualify as bike riding gear, it does alleviate the necessity of constantly holding the gas throttle down and monitoring one’s speed. Setting a comfortable speed and not having constantly hold the gas throttle down, makes long rides (or traffic-filled ones) far more enjoyable.

9. GPS/GoPro/Communicators

GPS Communicators GoPro - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Driving at night is greatly assisted by a soothing GPS voice providing navigational directions to the driver. But the surrounding ambiance of a motorcycle makes hearing GPS directions much harder, especially when rain is factored into the mix. There is also the safety element, and the element of proof in case something unfortunate occurs.

Making GPS directions and phone calls audible through communicator devices is an essential addition to any biker’s experience, though those types of distractions are not encouraged. But a GoPro mounted on a bike has helped to resolve some difficult situations for drivers in the past like when other dangerous drivers act out on the road. Look no further than the Texas kid whose footage put William Sam Crum in prison.

10. Full Face/Modular Helmets And Transition Shield

Full-Face Modular helmets, Transitions shield - Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride

Many riders still ride open face on local trips, but accidental swerves and face-plants still result in some gory situations. That is not even considering what can fly at your face when you are riding. Pebbles from under other vehicles, bugs, and even stinging raindrops are no fun when meeting with a rider’s face. A full-face covering helmet may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but modular helmets offer the flexibility of riding open-faced or protected when the driver chooses.

Modular helmets are sold under several different brand names including Scorpion, Bell, HJC, and Shoei Neotec II (largely regarded as the top of the modular line). The advantage of riding with a Shoei or a Bell is that they also incorporate Transitions face shields that darken when the sun is too bright and become less tinted when it isn’t. However, these particular face shields are available only on full-face helmets, and not modular ones. The design is out there though, and it gives bike enthusiasts something else to look forward to!


Being prepared with the right gear is essential for a safe and enjoyable motorcycle ride. The “TOP 10 Must Have Motorcycle Gear before Your Next Ride” provides a comprehensive list of the most essential items that every rider should have before hitting the road. From helmets to gloves, these items provide protection, comfort, and peace of mind for riders. By ensuring that you have all of the necessary gear before your next ride, you can stay safe and enjoy your motorcycle experience to the fullest.

Since you have read all this amazing article of the TOP 10 Must Have Motorcycle Gear before your next ride, we suggest to you to check this one: Top 7 Gadgets To capture the best memories of rides

Frequently asked questions:

How to change gears on a motorcycle?

To change gears on a motorcycle, follow these steps:
1. Use the clutch: Squeeze the clutch lever on the left handlebar to disengage the transmission.
2. Shift gears: Move the gear shifter up or down with your left foot to select the desired gear.
3. Release the clutch: Slowly release the clutch lever while giving the throttle a twist to smoothly engage the new gear.


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