TOP 5 Naruto Characters Who can Take Out Thanos & 5 Who Cannot

Thanos is a well-renowned MCU villain who is powerful to a near god-like level. It takes a massive army of heroes and some devastating sacrifices to rid the world of his presence. But while few could compare to him in competition, there are a few Naruto characters who could bring him down.

Over the first 3 MCU phases, Thanos was the central figure of evil. However, he kept in the shadows at first, until he brought the fight personally to the doorstep of the heroes, delivering the galaxy’s biggest threat yet. If Thanos had brought the power of the infinity gauntlet to the world of Naruto, the threat he would pose would be just as dire.

But in the world of Naruto, several characters could give Thanos a run for his money. In fact, some of them could even battle him while he had all of the stones equipped in the gauntlet. Who are they? And what about those who would not be up for the massive challenge? Let’s take a look at 5 Naruto characters who can and 5 who cannot defeat Thanos.

Naruto Characters Who Can Take Out Thanos

1. Kaguya: Naruto’s Version Of A God

Kaguya Naruto’s Version Of A God - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Thanos is part celestial who hails from a different planet, so it would make sense that a comparable adversary would be also a partially divine being from another planet. Such is the case for Kaguya, a god-like creature, especially since she introduced shinobi and chakra abilities to Naruto’s world. If it were not for her, the shinobi people would be quite different.

The primary advantage Kaguya has, however, is while Thanos needed to magical powers of a gauntlet and a massive army to achieve his means, she would not need magical stones for her abilities to be supremely enhanced. Kaguya is adept at using every kind of Jutsu, so anything Thanos can throw at her with an infinity stone, she can counter.

2. Naruto: The Most Powerful Shinobi

Naruto The Most Powerful Shinobi - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

As a kid, Naruto couldn’t even pass exams at his Academy, but he can use forbidden Jutsu from an early age, making him a supreme being. After all, it is Naruto’s world, all the other shinobis are just its residents. Naruto doesn’t always understand the true power wielded behind the skills he uses, but he does come through under pressure.

Beyond that, he has incredible reserves of chakra which permit him to take on anything his opponents throw at him. Even if Naruto somehow lost all of his incredible shinobi skills, he has the “Talk no Jutsu” to fall back on. Naruto can even talk his enemies down from their madness, so perhaps he could prevent Thanos’s plight by getting to the root of his problems.

3. Pain: More Than One Path To Victory

Pain Has Many Paths To Victory - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Pain’s abilities inherently mean he is never alone. The Paths of Pain attack responsibilities. Each one specializes in a different area of attack, giving Pain access to control a whole shinobi village.

Pain’s abilities and powers allow him to take on the most powerful shinobi, besting Jiraiya and almost taking down Naruto himself. With the latter, Pain ends up coming around to Naruto’s point of view, sacrificing his life to bring other shinobi back from the dead. Thanos can have a lot of power with the stones, but that is not something he would likely be able to do himself.

4. Madara: The Shinobi Powerhouse

Madara Is A Shinobi Powerhouse - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Madara facilitates the bulk of the Naruto series’ conflict, with actions such as pushing Tobi to head down the path of villainy. He is also a formidable foe against powerhouses (in their own right) or Naruto and Sasuke. Beyond that, Madara is more intelligent than impulsive, relying on playing the long game, solidifying his plans over time in order to assure them being carried out.

Thanos collected the infinity stones over a number of years, but Madara’s lifetime is filled with actions to place the right pieces in the necessary spots to make sure her followers carry her orders out as desired.

5. Shikamaru: The Perfect Thanos Combatting Strategy

Shikamaru Has The Perfect Strategy To Beat Thanos - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

While Shikamaru had no interest in playing the hero nor working to be a shinobi, a fact that he relished telling people about when the time came to stand up to challenges, Shikamaru proved himself not just good, but arguably the best shinobi strategist there was. Once he focuses on a goal, there is nothing that can sway him from his path. 

For instance, Shikamaru figures out how to kill the basically immortal Hidan, a member of the Akatsuki, essentially on his own. He also acts as teenage Hokage’s advisor, then takes the role of chief strategist after his father’s death in the Fourth Shinobi World War.

It’s almost unthinkable that if Shikamaru were to go after Thanos, the gauntlet-wielding villain would even stand a chance. Shikamaru might even realize how to destroy the infinity stones before Thanos even got a chance to make use of them.

Naruto Characters Who Cannot Take Out Thanos 

1. Sakura: Strong Enough, But Lacks Strategy

Sakura Has The Strength, But Not The Strategy - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

After spending years honing her craft to become the best medical-nin shinobi in her community, with unrivaled dedication, Sakura achieves her goals, as well as the chakra that permits her to have a very powerful punch. However, those skills will not be enough to contend with a Thanos-level foe.

After all, Thanos takes on other MCU characters who are just as strong as Sakura, and they pack plenty of punch, but as Thanos’s dominance proves, one needs more than a super-strong punch to contend with him. Anyone hoping to get Thanos to not use the infinity stones will have to have a strategy of combat, or at the very least, a way to assure that he never acquires them at all.

2. Hinata: Sole REliance On Her Byakugan

Hinata Relies Exclusively On Her Byakugan - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Hinata deals with many insecurities, admirably striving to overcome most of them to become a formidable fighter. However, her strengths rely on the use of her Byakugan in confrontations rather than in an offensive manner. Hinata is a great tracker, but not so much as a fighter. Rather than a confrontational opponent, she makes a fantastic partner to a shinobi with more predominant powers.

While her Byakugan would offer the advantage for Hinata of allowing her sight to see through any reality twist that Thanos can conjure with the stones, it would not be sufficient in taking down the purple titan if things came to a head.

3. Jiraiya: Far Too Overconfident

Jiraiya Is Overconfident In His Abilities - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Jiraya has good reason to be confident in his fighting accolades. As one of the franchise’s best teachers, he believes that no enemy can surmount him. It is why he generally travels solo, like a lone wolf who believes he can best anyone in an encounter. This overconfidence is what proves to be Jiraiya’s downfall in the Naruto lore, as it would be against Thanos.

To be fair, Jiraiya likely would have the advantage against Thanos if the infinity gauntlet was taken out of the equation, as he possesses several fully mastered skills. But with the stones, Thanos can manipulate reality. Jiraiya has a weakness for falling for a pretty face, and Thanos can certainly fool her in that regard with the reality stone.

4. Kakashi: Not Enough Chakra

Kakashi Doesn't Have The Chakra To Withstand The Fight - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Kakashi becomes Hokage, which is an honor bestowed on only the smartest and most skillful shinobi. His intelligence would be invaluable to another shinobi who would seek his advice in the battle against the purple titan, but his skills would fail in helping him best Thanos in battle. Thanos would simply tire him out eventually.

For all of his accolades, Kakashi lacks the chakra levels possessed by other shinobi, like Naruto himself, to serve as a backup to his skills. His most powerful abilities are also his chakra’s greatest drain. Therefore, if it came to a stand-off with Thanos, Kakashi would best be served by turning the fight over to someone else.

5. Orochimaru: More Concerned On Surviving Than Winning

Orochimaru Would Put His Own Survival Ahead Of A Win - Naruto Charactes Who Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot)

Orochimaru would make a formidable competitor for Thanos. He hasn’t just figured out how to extend his life far beyond what was expected, he also experiments with dangerous Jutsu. The idea of the infinity stones would surely intrigue him, and his interest in beating Thanos would likely be based more on the acquisition of the stones than on stopping him from using them first.

Orochimaru is many things, but altruism is not quite in his nature. When his own survival is in peril, he would rather give up the battle and live to see another day. As fans of the MCU know, it takes far more dedication and personal sacrifice to win a war against Thanos, which is why Orochimaru is unlikely to best him in battle.


the world of Naruto is filled with powerful characters who possess unique abilities and skills. When compared to the Marvel villain Thanos, some characters have what it takes to defeat him while others do not. The top 5 Naruto characters who can take out Thanos are those who have exceptional strength, durability, and fighting skills. On the other hand, the top 5 characters who cannot defeat Thanos are those who lack the necessary power or have limitations that prevent them from facing the Mad Titan.

Ultimately, the outcome of a hypothetical battle between these characters and Thanos would depend on various factors such as strategy and the specific circumstances of the fight. Nevertheless, the comparison between these two fictional universes is a fun exercise for fans and highlights the diversity of characters and abilities in both worlds.

Since you have finished reading this amazing article of the TOP 5 Naruto Characters Who can Take Out Thanos (And 5 Who Cannot), we suggest to you to check this one: TOP 5 MCU Characters Deadpool Could Beat & 5 He Would Lose To

Frequently asked questions:

Who would win in a fight Naruto or meliodas?

It is impossible to determine who would win in a hypothetical fight between Naruto and Meliodas as it is a matter of personal opinion. Both Naruto and Meliodas are popular fictional characters with unique abilities and strengths. Some fans may believe that Naruto’s ninjutsu and determination would give him an edge, while others may believe that Meliodas’s immense strength and combat experience would make him the victor. Ultimately, the outcome of a hypothetical fight between the two characters would depend on various factors and interpretations.

Is Naruto taller than sasuke?

In the Naruto manga and anime series, Naruto is depicted as being slightly shorter than Sasuke. Naruto is approximately 165 cm (5’5″) tall, while Sasuke is approximately 170 cm (5’7″) tall. However, height differences between characters in anime and manga are not always consistent, and can sometimes vary between adaptations and depictions.

Why do Naruto characters wear sandals?

The characters in the Naruto series wear sandals as part of the traditional attire of ninja in the Naruto universe. Sandals are practical for ninjas as they allow for greater mobility and allow the feet to feel the ground, which is important for stability and balance during combat. In addition, sandals are easy to take on and off, making it easy for ninjas to quickly change their footwear to suit different situations. The use of sandals in the Naruto series is a nod to traditional Japanese ninja garb and is meant to emphasize the ninja aspect of the characters.


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