TOP 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

Mjolnir, the infamous hammer of Thor has been wielded by the Marvel-famed demi-god for decades on the pages of comics and on the big screen features of the MCU. Mjolnir was enchanted by Odin, Thor’s father, to be yielded only by those who are worthy. Some characters from the Marvel universe (as well as the DC realm) were in fact worthy of wielding Mjolnir, while others were able to hold it while being off the ground on a technicality. Keep reading till the end to discover more about the 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer.

Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

1. Thor

TOP 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer thumbnail

Mjolnir was meant for the worthy, and Thor was its primary wielder. It goes without saying that Thor is the easiest guess on this list.

2. Wonder Woman Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

WONDER WOMAN - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

A DC character, wielding a Marvel weapon?? Yes, DC and Marvel did cross over in 1996 named “DC vs. Marvel” and Wonder Woman was able to wield Mjolnir in that storyline. Her being worthy was, in fact, voted on by fans. As Wonder Woman and Stormed engaged in battle, Captain Marvel became involved. In attempting to deflect a lightning bolt, a seismic boom forced Thor to lose his grip on Mjolnir which was thrown some distance away.

Wonder Woman stumbled upon it, and as a descendant of demi-gods herself, she was able to lift and wield the worthy’s hammer. However, upon realizing that this would give her an overwhelming edge and it did not make for a fair fight, Diana put Mjolnir down. That alone proved Wonder Woman to be worthy of being Thor’s successor had the need ever arisen for someone to take his mantle.

3. Captain America Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

CAPTAIN AMERICA - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

His pure heart and well-intentioned honesty made Steve Rogers a character who can lift Mjolnir. In fact, he has wielded the weapon of the Thunder God on three different occasions. First in “The Mighty Thor Vol.1 #139” Steve Rogers abandoned the name Captain America and went just by Captain. In that story, Rogers met up with Thor at the Avengers compound, only to be sabotaged by Grog and his death demon. During the battle, Thor loses Mjolnir, which is when The Cap picked it up and sent it back to him. Thor had claimed that only a person pure of mind and soul could lift Mjolnir and the Cap fit the bill.

Later, the “Fear Itself” story featured a Serpent who shattered Cap’s unbreakable shield. At that time, Thor was battling his uncle, losing Mjolnir in the process. As it crashed to Earth, Cap was again able to wield it.

In Secret Empire #10, it was Hydra Captain who was able to lift Mjolnir. However, in this case, it was because Elise, Hydra’s mother, manipulated reality with the cosmic cube, and changed Mjolnir’s inscription to make it possible for Hydra Cap to lift it.

4. Hulk Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

HULK - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

While the Hulk tried to lift Mjolnir in the MCU Avengers movie and was unsuccessful, the smash-loving green giant was able to lift Mjolnir in Journey Into Mystery #112 when Thor asked Odin to briefly remove Mjolnir’s enchantment, to find out which of the heroes was a more potent wielder. The Hulk was able to lift Mjolnir then, as well as in Avengers Assemble #4 when his mind was taken over by Thanos. The possessed giant was able to not only lift Mjolnir, but he was also able to hit Thor in the face with it.

5. Superman Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

SUPERMAN - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Yes, another DC character, and perhaps the most famous superhero of all time, was able to lift Thor’s mighty Mjolnir. The original DC and Marvel crossover planned for 1979 was canceled before it came to be, but in 2003’s JLA/Avengers crossover came out and it was worth the wait. Clark Kent was able to not only get his hands on Thor’s hammer but also on Steve Roger’s shield. He then used them both to defeat the mighty Krona, after which he reunited Mjolnir with its master.

But how is it that Superman was “worthy” in the eyes of Odin, a being from a different universe? Well, it turns out that the ability to lift Mjolnir is not strictly due to worthiness, but the enchantment upon it. Thor asked Odin to remove the enchantment, which is what permitted Superman to wield the hammer of the gods.

6. Loki Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

LOKI - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

One would hardly think that Thor’s mischievous and troublesome younger half-brother would ever be worthy for any reason. However, when Scarlet Witch and Dr. Doom devise an inversion spell In Avengers & X-Men, the polarities of heroes and villains reverse. During this time, Loki decides to fight Thor and is able to lift that hammer as under the spell he was the worthy hero. However, the spell wore off eventually, rendering Loki incapable of wielding Mjolnir any longer.

7. Deadpool Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

DEADPOOL - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Deadpool is many things, but being unable to be out-clevered is not one of them. When Loki convinces him to steal Thor’s hammer, Deadpool is able to lift Mjolnir, and even takes it to a carnival to play games with it. The catch is that the Mjolnir that Deadpool stole from Thor wasn’t real. While Thor was on a mission, Loki devised a fake Mjolnir, then manipulated Wade Wilson into stealing it. So in a sense, Deadpool did lift Mjolnir, it just wasn’t the real one.

8. Storm Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

TOP 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

In a crossover event, Storm, one of the X-Men mutants, ended up on Asgard. Loki created a fake Mjolnir called Storm Caster, which was not enchanted, and therefore able to be picked up by Storm. However, she chose to instead lift Mjolnir with Thor’s assistance, smashing Storm Caster into bits.

9. Thunderstrike Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

THUNDERSTRIKE - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Thor’s friend Erik Masterson (Thunderstrike) was an architect who got severely wounded while trying to help Thor fight off Mongoose. To save his life, Thor pleaded with Odin to merge the life forces of the two beings, an act that unified them into one entity. Odin also absolved Loki of all his powers and handed them to Masterson who now possessed a physical form similar to Thor. He also gifted Thunderstrike with a mace bearing the same name as the architect hero. While merged with Thor, Erik was able to lift Mjolnir, but once the two separated he could only lift this Thunderstrike mace. When Erik fell in battle to Bloodaxe, his ex-girlfriend, Thor inscribed the words: “The World Still Needs Heroes” on Eric’s gravestone.

10. Jane Foster Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

JANE FOSTER - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

While you will have to wait till Thor: Love And Thunder to see Jane Foster wield Mjolnir on the big screen, you can look back to the comics when Jane became female Thor. As Thor battled Nick Fury, he lost Mjolnir on the moon where the arriving Jane Foster was able to lift it. The act of lifting Mjolnir made her the female version of Thor, enhancing her appearance. Thor was not a fan of the idea since Jane was battling breast cancer, but ultimately accepted it. Jane would not stay as a female Thor for long, and when she reverted to her human form, cancer made her life significantly harder. However, during her time of Mjolnir wielding, she was the most powerful version of Thor of them all.

11. Awesome Andy Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

AWESOME ANDY - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Based on the work for Mr. Fantastic, the Mad Thinker created the Awesome Android and empowered it with the ability to absorb the powers of those that it battles. When the Mad Thinker set his sights on Thor in “She-Hulk Vol.2 #14, the Awesome Andy was able to replicate everything about Thor’s abilities, including his nobility and worthiness. Technically, this made him able to lift Mjolnir but he never quite got to do it. Copying his worthiness, however, did allow Thor to get the upper hand on the Mad Thinker and defeat him.

12. Beta Ray Bill Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

BETA RAY BILL - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Beta Ray Bill defeated Thor twice in Thor #337. Separated from Mjolnir, Thor assumed his human form of Donald Blake. Relying on a walking stick, Thor was even further handicapped when Bill took his stick and smashed it against the wall, with this act turning the stick into Mjolnir. Since Bill had now defeated Thor, he had laid claim to wield Mjolnir. Odin deemed that Thor and Bill must face off again, this time in Skartheim, a realm filled with lava. This was more advantageous to Bill than Thor, so he triumphed over the Norse demi-god again. Instead of permitting him to wield Thor’s hammer, however, Odin granted Bill another weapon, Stormbreaker.

13. Rogue Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

ROGUE - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

In Marvel’s What If series, Rogue and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants fought the Avengers. When they were able to kill Thor, Rogue was confronted with Thor’s spirit. In his absence, Loki decided to go after Odin in an attempt to dethrone him and take over as Asgard’s ruler. Thor’s spirit was able to convince Rogue to stop him, however, and in that, Rogue was deemed worthy of wielding Mjolnir. This was not canonical to the main Marvel storyline, but Rogue’s ability to lift the hammer still counts.

14. Magneto Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

MAGNETO - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

In the Ultimate Marvel universe, a separate realm from Earth-616, Magneto was able to use his powers of magnetism to lift Mjolnir, an act that would not have been possible in the main story. To be exact, he was able to lift it in that his loss of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver drove him insane, extenuating his powers to the point of giving him the capability of controlling the air surrounding Mjolnir. By controlling the air, he was able to lift Mjolnir off the ground.

15. Red Hulk Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

RED HULK - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Red Hulk did not lift Mjolnir, but he did grab onto it mid-fight, making him a character who held the hammer while it was off the ground. In a space battle, Mjolnir was launched by Thor for an attack. On its way back, Red Hulk latched onto the handle.

16. Throg Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

THROG - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Loki once transformed Thor into a frog. During his time as the amphibian, the aptly named Throg met Puddlegup, a human shapeshifter capable of taking on a frog form. After they defeated an army of rats aimed at taking over Central Park in NYC, Throg proved his worthiness and obtained his own version of Mjolnir that he was able to lift.

17. Conan The Barbarian Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

CONAN THE BARBARIAN - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

The What If series brought about the meeting of Thor and Conan The Barbarian in Conan’s land of Hyboria thanks to Loki’s mischievous plan. Both heroes had a similar backstory and possessed similar builds, as well as resided among a society of gods. Thor ended up having amnesia when he faced Conan, and the two engaged in battle. However, when Conan prevailed, the two mended just before Thor’s death, and he bequeathed Mjolnir to Conan, he became the new thunder god.

18. Black Widow Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

BLACK WIDOW - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff was able to lift Thor’s hammer in another installment of Marvel’s What If series. This happened when she was sent to retrieve the hammer during the events of Ragnarok. When she found it, she was able to lift it, if only for a moment. While also not canon to the main story, this can be considered another character who was able to lift Mjolnir.

19. Odin Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

ODIN - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

As the deity with powers to enchant Mjolnir, Odin possessed the ability to lift it as well. When he had the Elves of Nidavellir craft the hammer for being a tool to build and a weapon for battle, Odin himself was surely worthy of lifting the hammer himself. His enchantment of worthiness to anyone else was what made Thor need to work for his ability to prove himself capable of lifting it.

20. Vision Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

VISION - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

In Avengers: Age Of Ultron, the Avengers try their hand at lifting Mjolnir. Steve Rogers moves it slightly, which Thor notices, but in order to not bruise Thor’s ego, Rogers decides not to lift it. However, when Vision is crafted from Jarvis and Ultron, he is created with no malintent or evil purpose, so he is inherently worthy, and is able to lift Mjolnir.

21. Hela Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

HELA - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Before Mjolnir was Thor’s to wield, fans speculate that it belonged to his wayward older Sister Hela. She and Odin ran a conquest of realms, but when she had lost her way and Odin softened at heart, he enchanted the mighty hammer to only be lifted by those who are worthy. In Thor: Ragnarok, Hela catches Mjolnir and crushes it into powder. The fact that she was able to wield such control has long had fans speculating that the hammer was made for her, and the enchantment did not apply to those it belonged to before it was cast upon Mjolnir. Therefore, Thor had to prove his worthiness, while his evil older sister was able to hold the hammer in her grasp without the worthiness factor involved.

22. A Coat Hook Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

A COAT HOOK - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Perhaps, before Thor: Dark World came out, fans never truly considered whether or not the enchantment only applies to living beings, but when Thor hands the hammer on Jane Foster’s coat rack, it became plausible that inanimate objects were not subject to the enchantment of Odin. If they were, no floor or ground would be able to hold Mjolnir when it was put down either, right?

23. Groot Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

GROOT - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Groot never lifted Mjolnir, but he did lift Stormbreaker in Avengers: Endgame. Stormbreaker is not worthiness enchanted, however, but with Groot’s mighty strength, it would seem that Stormbreaker is liftable for anyone with great physical prowess, rather than a qualification of their worthiness.

24. Thanos Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

THANOS - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

Similar to Groot, Thanos possesses immense physical strength, so he too was able to pick up Stormbreaker. Because there is no enchantment on Thor’s ax as there is on his hammer, beings of immense physical prowess seem to be able to lift it regardless of their worthiness.

25. Steve Rogers Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

STEVE ROGERS - Characters Who Can Lift Thors Hammer

While the Cap already made this list, it’s worth noting that in one of the most satisfying moments of Avengers: Endgame, the Cap is able to lift Mjolnir to help Thor combat the assaulting Thanos. Steve Rogers was even able to wield the power of lightning. The enchantment is for those who are worthy, and Steve Rogers acquiring Thor’s powers, albeit temporarily, proved him to be just as mighty and worth a second mention.


The TOP 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer list showcases the immense strength and power of some of the most iconic characters in the Marvel Universe. From gods to mutants and even beyond, these characters possess the strength and worthiness to wield the legendary weapon of Thor.

It’s interesting to see how some unexpected characters made it to the list, while others, despite their immense power, could not lift the hammer. Nevertheless, it just goes to show how Marvel continues to surprise its fans with unexpected twists and turns in their storylines.

Since you have finished reading this amazing article of the TOP 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer, we suggest to you to check this one: Top 10 Avengers accessories you can buy for cheap

Frequently Asked Question:

can black widow lift thor’s hammer?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is established that only those who are worthy can lift Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. In the comics and films, Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) has not been depicted as being able to lift Thor’s hammer. The characters who have been shown to be able to lift Mjolnir include Thor, Captain America, and Vision.

can godzilla lift thor’s hammer?

No, Godzilla cannot lift Thor’s hammer as it is enchanted and can only be lifted by those who are worthy, which Godzilla is not. The worthiness to lift the hammer is determined by Odin, the Allfather and creator of Thor’s hammer, and is a matter of character and worth, not physical strength. Only characters such as Thor, Captain America, and others deemed worthy by Odin are able to lift the hammer.

can saitama pick up thor’s hammer?

No, Saitama from One Punch Man cannot pick up Thor’s hammer as it requires immense strength and worthiness, which Saitama does not possess. The hammer can only be lifted by those who are deemed worthy by Odin, Thor’s father. Saitama’s ability to defeat opponents with a single punch is not a testament to his worthiness to wield Mjolnir.


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