TOP 10 Steps For New Riders to Become A Great Motorcyclist

If you are here, then we assume you are thinking about becoming a motorcyclist. We welcome you to our growing family! We are borderline religious with our love and admiration for motorcycles and we fully understand that those interested in joining the motorcycle community have some hurdles to overcome before making their official decision. We also get that there is a lot to learn on the topic and things can get pretty confusing. The alphabet soup of the model names alone can feel like learning another language. Keep reading to discover more about the TOP 10 Steps For New Riders to Become A Great Motorcyclist.

If you already have friends who ride, that’s great! You have resources that can advise you on many motorcycle-related matters and answer many of the questions you may have. Unfortunately, not all prospective riders have that kind of knowledge at their disposal. To help those who don’t we put together this hopefully helpful guide of 10 steps to take to become a great new rider.

Steps For New Riders to Become A Great Motorcyclist

1. What Type Of Ride Are You Looking For?

What type of riding do you want to do - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

The answer to this question will be easy for some and quite challenging for others. What bikes draw your attention? Is it cruisers, neo-retro models, adventure rides, or sportbikes in all their plastic wrapping? Or perhaps you’d be happiest with a standard motorcycle. As you learn and browse different models and manufacturer names, it helps to know what type of bike you’d be happiest with before you choose to buy one. If you are not sure or still can’t decide what appeals to you most, we hope the rest of this list will give you some more ideas to gauge that.

The decision of what bike suits you doesn’t necessarily have to be aesthetic either. Personally, I chose my first bike as a very practical decision. While conflicted on what type of bike I was drawn to most, I made the pragmatic choice of getting a bike with the largest gas tank since I was planning to do a fairly extensive tour not long after my purchase.

Whatever the reason for your decision, once you have narrowed your bike type (or types) down, you can start cruising around motorcycle websites to see what model and look you feel an instant visceral connection with. Make sure you note any brands and models that catch your eye, then dig deeper into researching those models and filter your list accordingly.

2. Visit Local Motorcycle Dealers And Shops

Visit your local dealerships and or motorcycle shops - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

There is more to being a motorcyclist than simply hopping on and taking off on a ride. It is about community. If you visit local motorcycle shops, you will meet other bikers who are all enthusiastic about their rides and experiences to varying degrees. As you begin to interact with them, you will establish close-knit relationships that will bring you together even when you are not atop your rides. In fact, the community aspect is baked into the very nature of most quality bike shops. New riders coming in to converse and interact with seasoned riders helps businesses to grow those interested and secure long-term customers.

Choosing the shop you visit will take us back to the first step where you filtered down the bike style that you might be interested in. Even more importantly, talk to the sales staff and listen to what they have to say. If you’re a new rider, don’t be surprised or put off if they try to talk you away from your dream bike as your first purchase, trying to help you get on a bike that is better suited for novice riders.

Riding a motorcycle has a steep learning curve, so you want to take gradual steps to get yourself more seasoned if you are new to it. So for your first bike, you will want to consider something on the smaller end of the displacement scale. As your skills progress, you can gradually move up through the displacement levels.

After some time, you will have your bike wish list narrowed down to just 2 or 3 bikes. Some new riders feel wary of used bikes, but that is a notion they should abandon outright. Not only are used bikes less expensive to acquire, but some newer ones can also turn into utter money pits.

The way to learn those aspects of a bike is to get a less expensive used bike, which, as long as it has been checked by the bike’s staff for the necessary safety standards, can help you learn what you want and don’t want in a bike in terms of expenditure. While most used shops have likely inspected the bikes, there is nothing wrong with requesting that they do so again before you make a purchase.

3. Research The Bikes You Are Considering For Purchase

Do your research on your possible purchases - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

Researching the bike you are considering is important, and too much research is never enough. The internet is loaded with information about pretty much any bike you might be considering, so there is certainly no shortage of resources to dig through. A great source for honest, quality information is motorcycle forums. Most have at least a few riders who are more than happy to help new riders get the information they need to start their motorcycling career.

Another tremendous benefit of forums is that they reveal something many reviews typically avoid: common problems with a model. While journalists who review bikes do a good job, they have the bikes in their possession for only a short time before needing to return them. So their assessment may be spot-on, but likely incomplete. Riders using the bikes for years regularly will be aware of many problems that may not be so evident to those strictly writing formal reviews.

4. Study The Licencing Requirements

Find out licensing requirements - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

You might be shocked to find out that many people aren’t aware of needing a motorcycle license. This is absolutely necessary. Crash data proves that unlicenced motorcyclists are overrepresented. The rules of obtaining a specific license for a motorcycle are different, so make sure you find out the details and your state’s motorcycle-specific laws on the DMV website.

5. Enroll In Motorcycle Safety Courses

Attend a motorcycle safety course - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

Here is a cold, hard fact: The risk of death from riding a motorcycle is real. The stakes couldn’t be higher so you don’t want to leave anything to chance, which is exactly what you do if you get on a motorcycle with just basic riding and accident avoidance skills. When you enroll in a motorcycle safety course, the course’s facilitators have all of the pertinent equipment to help you become a safer motorcyclist. Including training bikes, which is a good way to help you get some riding experience before you purchase your own expensive bike.

In our experience, 10% of those who take a motorcycle safety course choose that it isn’t an activity for them. Not that we encourage abandoning our own personal favorite pastime, but it isn’t for everyone. The earlier one finds that out, the better it is for everyone.

Motorcycle operation is not overly simple. A rider generally has four appendages responsible for operating five controls. Increased use of ABS has lowered the risk of panic stops in new motorcycles, acquisition of full proficiency in riding generally takes years to master. This is not meant to be a dissuading technique from taking up motorcycle riding, just a word of caution, one that can be assisted significantly by taking a motorcycle safety course and applying the skills learned there on your ride to reduce the chances of mishaps.

To find a motorcycle safety operation class in your area you can start by looking at the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, but they do not list courses offered in every state. For example, California has its own Motorcyclist Safety Program. If you haven’t found one through the MSF website, the next best place to look is your state’s DMV website.

6. Get A Motorcycle Licence

TOP 10 Steps For New Riders to Become A Great Motorcyclist

As you have now learned about the licensing requirements, the next step is to obtain a license. The good news is that many motorcycle safety courses actually qualify as a license test substitute. In other words, if you pass the safety course, the riding test requirement could be waived. If you can prove you have taken a safety course, most insurance companies will even lower your insurance costs for your motorcycle.

If you are still required to take a riding test, get a riding permit first, practice with it in a safe environment, and when you feel ready, return to the DMV closest to you to take a motorcycle test.

7. Purchase Riding Gear

Buy riding gear - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

Many people avoid buying proper riding gear when they purchase their motorcycle, claiming that they don’t have the funds to afford the gear alongside their bike purchase. Aside from the fact that most states require some essential riding safety gear, it is important to remember that a rider is the most accident-prone in their first year of riding.

Even tipping over without the proper gear can result in some personal and financial pain points. Even if you are just moving at 35 mph, a fall can result in everything from bruising to far more significant injuries without gear. In other words, don’t put off buying gear.

8. Purchase Your First Motorcycle

Buy your first motorcycle - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

While buying their first motorcycle is an important step, many people believe that to be the qualifier to being a full-on biker. When you purchase your first bike, try to savor the moment of making the purchase. You will remember the first time you turn the key to power it on once it is formally yours. The first time you power-up your bike on the mixture of excitement, terror, pride, and hope will not be something you can ever experience on that level again. With the purchase of your bike, you have truly and formally begun your motorcyclist journey.

9. Join The Riding Community

Build your riding community - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

While riding a motorcycle is great fun, it pales in comparison to riding with friends, fellow enthusiasts, and sharing stories. You can attend local bike nights to find out where local motorcyclists in your area go to ride. By hanging out with experienced riders, you don’t simply make friends, you also pick up on their experiences and become a better motorcyclist for it.

10. Keep Riding

Ride and then ride some more and keep riding and don’t stop - Ten Steps To Becoming A Motorcyclist

Now you are ready to be a real motorcyclist. All you need to do now is get on the bike and put some miles on that odometer. The more you ride, the fresher you will keep your biking skills. Pay attention to your riding technique and use it to refine and improve your ride. There is a steep learning curve but the payoff is more than worth it. Riding will provide you not only with joy and exhilaration, but a lifetime of learning on your adventures as well. Happy riding!


becoming a great motorcyclist requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and experience. The “TOP 10 Steps for New Riders to Become a Great Motorcyclist” provides a roadmap for new riders to follow as they develop their skills and confidence on the road.

By following these steps, new riders can establish good habits, learn from experienced riders, and hone their skills in a safe and controlled environment. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, following these steps can help you become a more confident, capable, and responsible motorcyclist.

Since you have finished reading this amazing article of the TOP 10 Steps For New Riders to Become A Great Motorcyclist, we suggest to you to check this one: Luxurious Top 10 expensive motorcycles owned by celebrities

Frequently asked questions:

How to become a motorcyclist?

To become a motorcyclist, you need to follow these steps:
1. Obtain a motorcycle license or endorsement through passing a written and practical exam at a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office.
2. Purchase or rent a motorcycle and gear, including a helmet, protective clothing, and gloves.
3. Practice riding in a safe and controlled environment, such as a parking lot or a riding course, before hitting the road.

Why do motorcyclists flip their plates backwards?

Motorcyclists may flip their license plates backwards for a few reasons, including:
1. Improved aerodynamics: The backward position of the license plate reduces drag, which can help improve the motorcycle’s speed and handling.
2. Better visibility: Flipping the license plate backwards can make it easier for the rider to see behind them, improving their overall visibility and awareness.
3. Aesthetics: Some riders flip their license plates backwards as a personal style choice, as they believe it looks better or adds to the appearance of their motorcycle.

How should a motorcyclist cross railroad tracks?

A motorcyclist should cross railroad tracks as follows:
1. Slow down: Approaching railroad tracks at a slow speed will help maintain control and stability of the motorcycle.
2. Cross at a 90-degree angle: Crossing the tracks at a perpendicular angle will minimize the chances of the motorcycle getting caught in the tracks.
3. Stay alert: Keep an eye out for any oncoming trains and be prepared to stop if necessary.


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