TOP 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

There is something viscerally appealing about going away to vacation on an island. Whether traveling solo or with company, a trip to a remote part of the world such as a tropical island can be a fantastic getaway. But one would not just want to throw a dart at the world map and go to the island closest to where it lands. Keep reading till the end to discover the TOP 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real.

Certain islands and archipelagos are just downright unsettling, perhaps even haunted. Before traveling to an island, do some research to make sure the island is, in fact, a dream destination. The disturbing nature of some of the islands spans from their population of deadly creatures, others are desolate or abandoned, one even formally housed a mental institution.

Bizarre Things You Can Find Only on These 25 Islands

The following 25 bizarre islands may be fascinating in their history or facts about them, but they are not ones you would want to arrive on for some vacation fun.

1. La Isla De Las Muñecas Island

La Isla de las Muñecas - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

The island’s name translates to “Island of the Dolls”, but before you consider bringing your child there, it is no doll-filled paradise. The reason for the name happens to be due to a mentally disturbed man who arrived on the island to hide away from demons he believed were after him. To ward off the demonic forces, he covered the island with dolls.

2. Õkunoshima Island

Ōkunoshima Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Years ago, the Japanese military performed chemical weapons testing by using rabbits. Those rabbits were then brought and left on this very island. Since then, their population has grown, leaving an entire island full of chemically altered creatures. No thank you!

3. Deer Island

Deer Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island checks a lot of boxes in the weird category. It is isolated, filled with dilapidated cottage structures, and served as the base of operation of Yale’s infamous “Skull & Bones” secret society. Some strange, creepy rituals may be still conducted on Deer Island to this day, but even if they aren’t the creepy name alone should send you elsewhere.

4. Great Blue Hole Island

Great Blue Hole - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Technically, the Great Blue Hole is a deep sinkhole surrounded by a thin atoll. Located off the coast of Belize, this is a popular destination for divers. Clearly, some people just want to plunge into utter darkness to swim around.

5. The Isola La Gaida Island

The Isola La Gaiola - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island off the coast of Naples, Italy, has a serious owner retention problem. Every single person to live on the island has either lost all of their money or ended up dead, sometimes due to drowning, other times as a murder victim. All of this leads locals to believe that the island is haunted. Don’t know about you, but we wouldn’t be leading the charge on putting this to the test.

6. Ilha De Queimada Grande Island

Ilha de Queimada Grande - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Located about 100 miles from San Palo, Brazil, this island is forbidden from visitation by the Brazilian government due to its massive population of venomous vipers. Why anyone would want to visit such a place, to begin with, is beyond our comprehension anyhow.

7. Socotra Island

Socotra - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Located near Yemen, this fascinating island features some of the world’s most exclusive species, many of which do not exist anywhere else in the world. The species are both animal and plant varieties. While it sure sounds fascinating, if there are things there that don’t live anywhere else, it’s hard to assess their danger.

8. Christmas Island

Christmas Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island plays host to massive mating grounds for crabs. When we say massive, we are talking about 120 million or so. The crabs exist in the jungle, en masse, and head to the beaches to find mates. Clearly, this is not a time you would want to be caught unprepared sitting on a beach.

9. Tashirojima Island

Tashirojima Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

In the 1850s, this island had an exuberant number of cats brought to it to combat a massive mouse population boom. Over the years, many human residents left the island, but the cats stayed. More importantly, they exponentially multiplied. Sounds like a cat lady’s paradise, doesn’t it?

10. Fort Boyard Island

Fort Boyard - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

While initially constructed as a French military base, technological advances caused the military to abandon those operations. The island, instead, became a prison instead of an army fort.

11. Ramree Island

Ramree Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island is in the Guinness Book of World Records…for all the wrong reasons. Specifically, it holds a record for the most human fatalities by an animal as during World War 2, 500 Japanese soldiers stationed there were killed by the vicious saltwater crocodiles.

12. Palmyra Island

Palmyra - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

One could easily think that Palmyra is a tropical paradise when flying over the island, but this was the site of a gruesome 1974 murder, giving this island an aura of a dreadful locale hiding under the guise of beauty.

13. Howland Island

Howland Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island is historically significant because it is the place where Amelia Earhart was due to land during her transglobal flight. As history shows, she never made it there. Perhaps you can visit this island, but we suggest perhaps not flying to it.

14. Poveglida Island

Poveglia Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Located off the Venician coast, the isle of Poveglida was the former site of a mental institution. Moreso than that, it is said that this mental hospital is something akin in lore to a horror film where dastardly, inhumane experiments were performed on the institution’s unfortunate residents.

15. Hashima Island

Hashima Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island has a cringe-worthy history that few would want to be associated with, even if with a visit. The island used to be an old Japanese mining site were Chinese and Korean laborers were sent to work.

16. Floating Islands of Lake Titikaka

Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

When the Uros tribe wanted to avoid conflicts with neighboring tribes, they decided to create their own island, composed of woven reeds. It is quite a wonder that this was able to be done at all, but probably not the most ideal place for a visit.

17. Easter Island

Easter Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Most know Easter Island as the isle filled with mysterious rock face statues, known as the moai built by the ancient Rapa Nui population. How these people built and maneuvered these giant rocks around is a mystery that seems to be lost to time.

18. Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

The island off the coast of San Francisco was once used to contain some of the most dangerous convicts in the world, being the perfect holding spot as it is surrounded by ice-cold, shark-infested waters. Though the prison has not been in operation for more than half of a century, many say the island is rife with paranormal activity. This one is not exactly a thrilling vacation getaway, to begin with.

19. Palm Islands

Palm Islands - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Palm islands are actually man-made entities formed just of the coast of Dubai. Yes, Dubai is one of the richest places on the planet, but when we start making our own islands, perhaps it’s time for humanity to question its priorities, no?

20. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Island

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

As garbage has been dumped into the Pacific ocean for centuries, the ocean’s currents pulled it to a particularly central location. Over the years, the vast volume of trash that has been collected there amassed an entity larger than twice the size of the state of Texas (spanning nearly 618,000 square miles). Aside from being a major ecological calamity, as far as vacation places go, this one stinks.

21. North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be RealNorth Sentinel Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Technically, North Sentinel island is controlled by India, but it is populated by spear-brandishing native tribes that do not welcome visitors to their homeland. Coming for a vacation on this island? Prepare to run.

22. Sable Island

Sable Island - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Looking for a boat trip vacation to remember? Go anywhere, but to Sable island, located off the Nova Scotia coast. Leaving aside the fact that it is inhabited only by horses, the area of the Atlantic that surrounds it is riddled with shipwrecks spanning centuries. Appropriately named “The Graveyard of the Atlantic,” we suggest leaving this one off your cruise list.

23. Fiji Island

Fiji - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

Surprised to see Fiji on the list? We understand, considering that these days Fiji is a massively popular destination for tourists. Times have changed the nature of this island nation. When it was first encountered by explorers, they discovered it inhabited by cannibalistic tribes that tortured children and the elderly.

24. Vulcan Point Island

Vulcan Point - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

This island may not be haunted or filled with deadly snakes, but its geography is unquestionably weird. Vulcan Point is an island in the middle of a lake. The lake resides on an island itself, and that island is in the middle of yet a bigger lake that is also, you guessed it, on an island.

25. Izu Islands

Izu Islands - 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real

The Izu Islands sit atop an active volcano. Due to this, the content of sulfur in the air is potentially so high that residents are required to own and often wear a gas mask. Living on an island that requires a gas mask to breathe is not really our idea of a great vacation getaway.


So, how do those sound for vacation destinations? Personally, we are not fans of the idea of islands overrun by crabs or vipers, are potentially haunted, occupied by visitor-averse cannibal tribes, are uninhabitable, or residing next to volcanos. You won’t find us booking trips to any islands on this list. Maybe Fiji….we guess that one is ok.

Since you arrived till the end of this amazing article of the TOP 25 Things You Can Find On These 25 Bizarre Islands That Seem To Freaky To Be Real, means you like it, for that reason we suggest to you to check this one: TOP 15 Unexplored Corners Of The Earth

Frequently Asked Question:

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The job opportunities for women in Rhode Island have varied throughout history and have been influenced by cultural, economic, and social factors. In the colonial era, women in Rhode Island were often involved in agriculture, textile production, and trade. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many women in Rhode Island worked in factories and mills, while others worked as domestic servants.

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Island Pacific is a Filipino grocery store chain, and whether or not it accepts EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) as a form of payment depends on the specific store location. Some Island Pacific stores may accept EBT, while others may not. To find out if a specific Island Pacific location accepts EBT, it is recommended to contact the store directly or check their website for information on accepted forms of payment.


Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Idammah, and I am the founder of this site dedicated to exploring the world's mysteries, uncovering fascinating facts, and delving into science's weird and beautiful aspects. I have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and I love nothing more than digging deep to find the answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, investigating ancient civilizations, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, I am always on the hunt for new knowledge and insights. As a self-proclaimed weirdo and science enthusiast, I believe that there is always more to learn and discover, and I am constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to expand my understanding of the world around me. Through FoxPeek blog, I hope to share my love of all things strange and wonderful with like-minded readers and inspire others to embrace their inner curiosity and seek out the world's mysteries for themselves.

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