TOP 15 World Famous Logos With Secret Messages

The logos we see from famous brands every day have been embraced by our social psyche, but did you know that many of these famous logos sport hidden meanings? Keep reading till the end to discover the TOP 15 World Famous Logos With Secret Messages.

We see logos all over the place. Whether it’s on the products we buy, in restaurants we dine in, or in ads we see on TV. Our society is so conditioned to the logo world, that we rarely examine them with any detail. Even those logos that are new to us are rarely given a second glance. We look at them once, decide if they stand out to us enough to be filed into our memory banks, and then we base whether it helps us psychologically trust the brand or not.

But while the designs are meant to be eye-catching and memorable, there is a lot of research that goes into the logo psychology than most of us think. Logos often communicate a particular message and incorporate meanings for the brands that utilize them to show us who they are. All of these are projected largely on a subconscious level, so we take in the messages without even realizing that we are doing so.

World Famous Logos With Secret Messages

Join us for a look at some of the most reputable logos in the world as we reveal some of their strange and hidden meanings that you likely never realized were there.

1. McDonald’s Logos With Secret Messages

McDonald’s - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

Perhaps one of the most recognizable logos across the globe is the golden arches of McDonald’s. The notorious logo actually has a strange meaning, and it isn’t even one that was intentionally placed into its design. In the 1960s, Mcdonald’s was looking to change its logo’s look, so they hired Louis Cheskin, a marketing design specialist to help them out. Cheskin, however, advised them against changing the logo as the rounded golden “M” subconsciously reminded people of a pair of breasts. This association actually linked back, he claimed, to our younger childhoods, where this image supposedly makes us hungry, in a strange Freudian effect.

2. Amazon Logos With Secret Messages

Amazon - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

The incredibly recognizable and iconic logo of the world’s largest, most successful online retailer appears everywhere associated with the company from their website to the packaging the products we order from Amazon arrive in. The logo seems, at first glance, as a cute little orange line underneath the name that resembles a smile. But the line is actually a small arrow that starts at A and points to Z in the company’s name. This is meant to represent the fact that when you look for a product on Amazon, you can find anything from A to Z.

3. Pepsi Logos With Secret Messages

Pepsi - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

Pepsi recently rebranded its logo. If you didn’t notice, you aren’t alone. The logo does look very similar to the older one, but Pepsi certainly noticed the difference. After paying $1 million for its creation to Arnell Associates, Pepsi was hoping for a return on its investment. What the new logo represents is a Da Vinci Code style message that incorporates a fusion of the theory of relativity, Feng Shui, the renaissance, the Geo-dynamo, and apparently many other factors. All of that in three colors and 4 lines? Was the investment worth the company’s while?

4. Toblerone Logos With Secret Messages

Toblerone - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

Located in Bern, Switzerland, a city known primarily for two things, Toblerone is a renowned chocolate manufacturing company. Bern’s claims to fame are that it is home to Matterhorn mountain and its nickname is the “City of Bears.” If you didn’t know that about Bern, you would not have thought twice about their logo. But now look at their logo again, and you will see a silhouette of a bear and a design of a mountain in it.

5. Google Logos With Secret Messages

Google - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

We all love the Google logo with its colorful appearance adorning our browsers. It makes fantastic use of the primary colors (red, yellow, and green), but there is one letter in its name that goes against the otherwise uniform trend. The letter l is green, the only one in a secondary color, somewhat ruining the primary flow. Why is that the case? Well, Google wanted to show that they are not all prim and proper, but rather fun and playful, being willing to break the rules here and there. Their play on colors has actually been regarded as a case of marketing genius.

6. FedEx Logos With Secret Messages

TOP 15 World Famous Logos With Secret Messages

You couldn’t get more simple than the two words in the company name, both in different bolded colors, as is the case with FedEx, right? Take a closer look at the logo next time you see it and note that there is an arrow between the E and the x. While you don’t see it if you look at the logo quickly, your brain certainly notices and associates the image and the company itself with the importance of efficiency and expediency expected from a top-notch shipping company.

7. Apple Logos With Secret Messages

Apple - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

What could be so hidden about the “on-the-nose” logo of Apple being, well….an apple? Seems like a fairly obvious logo, doesn’t it? But you also have likely noticed that the logo is missing a chunk. Did you ever wonder what that is? This was actually intentionally incorporated into the company’s logo to represent Adam and Eve’s biblical story and the symbol of the bitten apple represents the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge.” Tell us that is not a genius twist on a logo meaning?

8. Adidas Logos With Secret Messages

Adidas - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

The current Adidas logo has three slanted stripes, but they used to all be vertical. So why did the company change the logo? The slants to the lines are there to resemble the obstacles people need to overcome, and they do so quite well.

9. Mercedes Logos With Secret Messages

Mercedes - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

The tri-star logo of Mercedes-Benz is meant to exude dominance over air, land, and sea, translating to a powerful logo-communicated message.

10. Toyota Logos With Secret Messages

Toyota - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

Take a quick look at the Toyota logo and tell us what you think it means? Personally, the best we came up with is that the three ellipses resembled a “T” for the brand’s namesake. But what this logo actually represents is a triad of hearts: the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of technological progress. Now that’s deep stuff!

11. Baskin Robins Logos With Secret Messages

Baskin Robbins - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

The “BR” in the famous Baskin Robins logo has been distinguished by two different colors (pink and blue). This causes an optical illusion of the middle section of the two letters to look like the number “31”. Yes, 31….as in the number of different ice cream flavors the brand carries in stock.

12. Audi Logos With Secret Messages

Audi - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

The iconic 4 rings in the Audi logo may be iconic, but there is also meaning behind it. The rings each represent the family of companies founded by Auto-Union Consortium in 1932. Those are Audi, DKW, Wanderer, and Horch.

13. Tostitos Logos With Secret Messages

Tostitos - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

In another clever play of colors and letters, the two Ts in the middle of the Tostitos logo cleverly depict two people, both sharing a chip in their grip, getting ready to dip it into the bowl of salsa that is represented by the dot over the letter “i” in between them.

14. Volkswagen Logos With Secret Messages

Volkswagen - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

In the case of Volkswagen, it isn’t so much their logo having the hidden meaning, but rather their company name itself. “Volks” means people in German, while “Wagen” means car. If you have ever heard Volkswagen referred to as “the car for the people” or “the people’s car”, now you know exactly why that is.

15. IBM Logos With Secret Messages

IBM - Top 15 World Famous Logos With Hidden Messages

The final entry on our hidden message logo list is IBM. At first glance, there doesn’t look to be anything overly impressive or hidden about the three linearly drawn letters. But upon closer examination, you will notice “=” signs within the logo’s letters. IBM cleverly and intentionally put those in the logo to represent equality. That is a move that is both smooth and smart.

World Famous Logos With Secret Messages: Conclusion

Look at how massive the brands on this list are. Could their draw have anything to do with their timeless logos or the cleverly embedded meaning in their design? It can certainly be argued that it was a contributing factor.

Since you liked our amazing article of the TOP 15 World Famous Logos With Secret Messages, we suggest to you to check this one: Top 10 Anime Superpowers Based On Real Animals

Frequently Asked Question:

can you legally repurpose famous logos?

No, you cannot legally repurpose famous logos without permission from the owner of the trademark. Using a trademarked logo without authorization is considered trademark infringement and is illegal. It is always recommended to obtain permission or create your own unique design to avoid any legal issues.


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