Unbelievable Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them

Viewers of Trese were introduced to an eerie world of supernatural and magical creatures, most of which had their origins rooted in Philippine folklore. Alexandra Trese and her family were introduced to the world in 2021’s Trese and captivated them with a world filled with mysterious supernatural specters, floating heads of fire, and anthropomorphic horses. Keep reading to discover more about the Unbelievable Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them.

Those not familiar with Philippine lore are introduced to a universe of unique and fascinating creatures encountered by Alexandra. But it is the deeper exploration into the mythos of these supernatural beings that truly inform viewers of how the show’s unique paranormal world was inspired.

Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them

Join us as we tough upon 10 of Trese’s most fascinating paranormal entities and how the unique supernatural world of Alexandra was inspired.

1. The White Lady Trese Supernatural Creature

Unbelievable Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them

In one of the show’s first cases, Alexandra investigates the murder of the White Lady from Balete Drive. Her body is found surrounded by crime scene tape and multiple curious and visibly disturbed observers. This woman’s ghost refers to an actual Philippine street in Quezon City. It is there, the legends say, that passers-by are haunted by the spirit of the White Lady.

The speculation is that her death was caused by a drunk driver, or perhaps a violent lover, but no matter the story, her death is said to have come about in a very violent manner. Just like in Trese, her spirit is still said to roam the streets, bitterly trapped in the human realm on account of her untimely demise.

2. Kapre Trese Supernatural Creature

Kapre - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

While not major players in the Trese world, kapre do appear in council meetings. They also make their presence known by sending cigars as Alexandra’s baptism gifts (ill-fitting for a child). The cigars for gifts do make a bit of sense when one considers the kapre lore. They are huge hairy giants who spend their time puffing cigars in trees. While they can be vengeful to those who cross them or upset the peace of their living abode, the kapre are generally passive.

They are jokesters though, messing with travelers who get lost in the woods confused by the cigar smoke. Travelers are often warned by suspicious locals that if they smell cigar smoke in the woods, to turn their clothing inside out. Legend claims that if one gets disoriented in the woods, it’s probably the kapre playing their tricks.

3. Duwende Trese Supernatural Creature

Duwende - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

Comics portray a duwende as the best kind of sidekick, but the show displays a much more sinister side. Amang Paso, a kind of duwende, a goblin-like creature, helps an actress become famous (but the price is steep). Another almost duwende serves as Alexandra’s informant and goes by the name Nuno sa Manhole. This name is a play on ‘Nuno sa punso,” also known as ‘nuno on a mound’, which describes the typical location where the duwende are found.

The closest thing to associate with these creatures within Western Lore is dwarves. Whether they are malevolent or benevolent depends on the person they are interacting with, their mood, or their conscience (also known as their ‘budhi’). If one wants their help and not their wrath, one better be respectful.

4. Aswang Trese Supernatural Creature

Unbelievable Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them

The Aswang make an appearance in Trese as well. Alexandra infiltrates one of their gangs to fight Ibwa, the gang’s leader, who has violated an agreement between the paranormal and physical worlds. There is even a rival gang of aswang, led by Dominic, the Prince of the Aswang, that comes to battle too later in the show.

The Aswang is not a creature of a specific type, as in Philippine folklore it is an umbrella term that refers to Manananggal, witch-type beings who separate from their physical form and have their specters fly around seeking victims from above. It also encompasses Tik-tik creatures, who are essentially vampires, but rather than their toothy bite, they use their extremely long tongues to feast on babies from the bellies of pregnant women.

5. Talagbusao Trese Supernatural Creature

Talagbusao - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

One of the most powerful supervillains to appear in Trese is Datu Talagbusao and his evil intentions and unrelenting bloodlust make him the prime antagonist of the show. The Talagbusao is a south Phillippine deity whose tales are infamous in the Bukidnon province. He is a war deity that demands that his unsatiated bloodlust be filled with the flood of poultry, chickens, pigs, and other livestock. While it seems that Alexandra defeated him entirely, fans would not be surprised if Datu finds a way to resurface in the series again.

6. Santelmo Trese Supernatural Creature

Santelmo - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

Alexandra can summon a fireball (the Santelmo) with her burner phone. Throughout the Trese family history, Santelmo has helped the family solve paranormal crimes, as a debt owed from a time long gone by. The origins of Santelmo in the Trese world go back to the Binondo fire in which Santelmo originated after losing the love of his life.

If you are curious why Santelmo sounds so much like St. Elmo, it’s not a coincidence. Both are based on the same strange weather phenomenon when a ball of lightning appears during storms. Past generations regarded it as a spirit of the past and it was deeply feared by the locals, especially those living by the seaside. It was thought that it disoriented fishermen at sea, leading them to dangerous waters.

7. Tikbalang Trese Supernatural Creature

Tikbalang - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

 Senor Armanaz and Maliksi are loyal allies of the Trese family in the series and often offer their assistance to Alexandra in solving cases. But that doesn’t make them particularly safe. Maliksi, whose name in Tagalog means agile, loves to recklessly street race and often endangers others through his freewheeling and arrogant use of magic.

This brand of supernatural creatures is among Phillippine folklore’s most prominent. These horse-headed humanoids are not known for their kindness, but rather for their mischievous nature, specifically in misleading travelers and surprising women with pregnancies. Can these wild creatures be tamed? Supposedly, one can do so by mounting one, riding it until it has been exhausted, and plucking three hares from its mane.

8. Ibu Trese Supernatural Creature

Ibu - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

While Ibu does not appear in Trese, her emissary does speak to Alexandra on several occasions. This creature is similar to the ferryman Charon to the underworld in Greek mythos, as it uses ferries to guide the dead into their afterlife in the underworld, although in a more technologically sophisticated manner, using the MRY (a local train) instead of a boat to cross the River Styx.

This makes sense once we learn that Ibu is a Manobo goddess of death who rules over the spirits of the undead, with members of the community offering up their loved ones who were recently deceased in order to secure them a safe passage to the afterlife. Alexandra is yet to meet the death diety, but it will be interesting to see if she does in future seasons.

9. Tiyanak Trese Supernatural Creature

Tiyanak - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

Of all of the supernatural entities in the Trese-verse, few are more unnervingly creepy than the Tiyank, gruesome, bloodthirsty babies are next to impossible to thwart once they have chosen a target to pray upon. These vampiric children are portrayed in Trese similarly to their actual lore, by tricking grieving mothers or couples who cannot have children to bring them home.

The origins vary, with some versions saying they are abandoned, unwanted babies brought out to the woods by their mothers, while others say they are babies who died before being able to be baptized. They may take the form of babies, but once they are ready to attack, the Tiyanak transform into violent and terrifying creatures that devour their poor victims.

10. Sigbin Trese Supernatural Creature

Sigbin - Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures _ The Folklore Behind Them

Bntay (which translates to ‘guard’) and Puti (meaning ‘white’) are the show’s two Anton Trese’s familiars. These are two very common Phillippine dog names. But these creatures are shapeshifters of the werewolf-like variety, with the ability to change from humans to giant dogs, and track enemies with their uncanny scent.

While they are helpful to the Trese in the show, their folklore is much less kind to their reputation. Known as a hideous combination of a kangaroo and a hornless goat, these terrifying monsters come searching for human blood at night, with their heads tucked between their hind legs, walking backward the entire time. Now that is just unnerving.


In conclusion, “Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them” showcases the rich cultural heritage and diversity of Philippine folklore. It highlights the existence of a variety of supernatural creatures that have been passed down through generations. Each creature has its own unique story and characteristics, making the collection of tales both fascinating and eerie. This book is a testament to the enduring power of folklore and the importance of preserving and sharing these cultural treasures.

Since you have finished reading this amazing article of these Unbelievable Trese 10 Supernatural Creatures and Folklore Behind Them, then we suggest to you to check this one: TOP 25 Powerful Characters Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer

Frequently asked questions:

Is Trese the first Filipino anime?

No, Trese is not the first Filipino anime. There have been other animated productions in the Philippines prior to Trese. However, Trese is notable for being one of the first Filipino anime series to gain widespread recognition both domestically and internationally.

What type of anime is Trese?

Trese is a supernatural and mystery anime. It is based on the graphic novel series of the same name created by Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo. The anime follows the story of Alexandra Trese, a detective who solves crimes involving supernatural elements and creatures in Manila, Philippines.


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