Based On Your Zodiac Sign, Which Haikyuu Character Are You

The Haikyuu series features a roster of emotionally diverse characters. Have you ever wondered which character you are most like based on your Zodiac sign? While on its face, Haikyuu is not unlike most shounen anime, centered around the idea of highlighting the daily trials of teenagers, prompting tales of underdogs, and featuring athletic actions.

However, underneath the dramatic layer, it is the well-written characters that really distinguish Haikyuu from the rest. With a wide assortment of characters, each finding their own way through the ups and downs of school, Haikyuu displays a roster of kids looking to live up to their true love of volleyball. Even viewers not invested in the sport relate to the series’ diverse personalities. It is especially fun to relate them based on the traits commonly associated with the signs of the Zodiac.

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Which Haikyuu Character Are You

1. Keishin Ukai: Aries (April 5, 1986)

Keishin Ukai Aries (April 5, 1986)

When most see Keishin, they just see a lazy coach who casually muses about alcohol and reads newspapers for the majority of his time. However, when necessary, he can be fiercely competitive with others which fuel his leadership skills and passion to guide his team. He shares this competitive trait with many others who are born under the Aries Zodiac sign.

Keishin served as a figure of leadership to struggling underclassmen, helping them find their way through high school and college, all before he was ever a coach. While he was not at the top of the academic spectrum in his class, his critical thinking and analytical skills are on full display on the volleyball court.

2. Satori Tendo: Taurus (May 20, 1994)

Satori Tendo: Taurus (May 20, 1994)

When he was younger, Satori’s seemingly offbeat demeanor made it hard for him to fit in with others, but his confidence grew when he became a successful middle blocker, allowing him to ignore those who criticize and look down on him, learning to accept who he is. This is a natural predisposition of most people born under the Zodiac sign of Taurus, as they strive for perfectionism in everything they do, never questioning their abilities to do so.

Through his ambitious nature and tenacity, Satori is intimidating to others, often taking for granted how much he grates on the nerves of his opponents. With his friends, however, he is typically generous and always willing to impart words of wisdom when the situation calls for it.

3. Shoyo Hinata: Gemini (June 21, 1996)

Shoyo Hinata Gemini (June 21, 1996)

Hinata is outgoing, loud, and nearly always cheerful, aligning with the traits of a typical Gemini. He doesn’t allow any of his shortcomings to bring him down and adapts readily to new challenges. He is very easy to get along with because of the welcoming and comfortable nature of his demeanor. Even his quietest peers open up to him because of his personality.

While such adaptability helps him be more focused on his performance on the volleyball court, he does tend to be impulsive there too. Sometimes he makes last-minute decisions that do not always favor his desired outcome, sometimes hurting his team in the process. For him personally, it induces anxiety.

But regardless of how hard things get, Shoyo always prioritizes his team over all else and shows incredible fortitude. These personality traits are a major aspect of one of his pivotal scenes in the Haikyuu series.

4. Tooru Oikawa: Cancer (July 20, 1994)

Tooru Oikawa: Cancer (July 20, 1994)

Oikawa is the resident goofball, acting childish to amuse everyone around. In that way, he is putting his Cancer traits on display. He is driven by his intuitive nature and his emotions, being able to leverage his wit to see right through opponents to their weaknesses. He utilized this ability to help out his friends when they need him.

But he can also get too overwhelmed with his emotions, which results in him wallowing in severe self-doubt. When he is going through this downturn, he contemplates giving up on volleyball altogether. However, in the end, his ambition overcomes his temporary pessimism, and he reminds himself why he loves volleyball in the first place as much as he does.

5. Wakatoshi Ushijima: Leo (August 13, 1994)

Wakatoshi Ushijima: Leo (August 13, 1994)

Like most Leos, Wakatoshi is prideful and confident, even being so self-assured at times that he is utterly blinded to the reality of how things really stand. He doesn’t say much, but his courageous and bold actions prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a quality leader. He does not stray from establishing authority and exuding strength on the court, a trait that often leads his teammates to view him as a bit too brash. But they do appreciate his sincere praise when they work hard and succeed, and his being a straight shooter who doesn’t needlessly sugar things are attributes about Wakatoshi that they also value.

6. Hitoka Yachi: Virgo (September 4, 1996)

Hitoka Yachi Virgo (September 4, 1996)

Hitoka makes a perfect manager for Karasuno High because of her organizational abilities and knack for negotiation. She is grounded, practical, and methodical like most Virgos, but she stresses herself out due to her overactive imagination. While others know she is a great manager, she undermines her importance in a self-effacing manner. However, these are the exact attributes that keep her humble and grounded, allowing her to keep her eye on exactly what her team needs.

7. Kenma Kozume: Libra (October 16, 1995)

Kenma Kozume: Libra (October 16, 1995)

One of the most analytical and thoughtful characters in Haikyuu is Kenma. He always thinks before speaking or acting. He despises conflict, which often keeps him from voicing his opinions or confronting those that have far more impractical ideas. While he is not a big talker, she does a great job of listening. This leads those who don’t know him to see him as stoic, but when others experience changes in behavior, especially his friends, he always reaches out to make sure they have someone to hear them out and talk to if they need him.

8. Tetsuro Kuroo: Scorpio (November 17, 1994)

Tetsuro Kuroo: Scorpio (November 17, 1994)

Tetsuro perfectly embodies all the notable leadership traits of a Scorpio. He generally has a powerful presence on the volleyball court, and he grates on the nerves of his opponents with his biting and belittling remarks. Behind the scheming, laid-back attitude, however, Tetsuro embraces a strong sense of sportsmanship. It is glaringly on display in times when his team is in trouble. While he believes he keeps that aspect of his personality closely guarded, he shows his kinder side time and again, proving that there is more to him than meets the eye.

9. Keiji Akaashi: Sagittarius (December 5, 1995)

Keiji Akaashi Sagittarius (December 5, 1995)

Keiji’s sense of humor is the trait that represents him best. On the court, his teammates can expect him to call out any foolish mistakes they make. Anything out of the norm that catches his eye is usually met with some witty comments. But as a Sagittarius, handling pressure isn’t his finest forte, something that is evident in Karasuno’s last match against Mujunazaka High. As he uses his analytical abilities, however, Keiji surprises his teammates by scoring the team points in the most critical situations through seemingly spontaneous, yet pertinent decision-making.

10. Tobio Kageyama: Capricorn (December 22, 1996)

Tobio Kageyama: Capricorn (December 22, 1996)

The first impression of Kageyama is that he is a rude, short-tempered perfectionist who is blunt with his critique and cares solely about mastering the game of volleyball. His peers even labeled him the “King of the Court” to reflect his often self-centered attitude in volleyball matchups. But as time passes, Kageyama shows that he has a softer side, and his teammates begin to recognize his sensitivity.

He is also very disciplined and committed to his sport, with his ambition often getting in the way of being cordial to those around him. All of this stems from his struggle to cope with his often overbearing emotions.

11. Hisashi Kinoshita: Aquarius (February 15, 1995)

Hisashi Kinoshita: Aquarius (February 15, 1995)

As is the case with most Aquariuses, Kinoshita is a perpetual worrier. He possesses great leadership qualities, but his nerves and self-questioning nature often causes him to need time and space to find his footing. When his head is in a good place, and the struggles with extreme anxiety are alleviated, Kinoshita brings his best game to the volleyball court and exhibits a compassionate bond with his teammates.

Sometimes his commentary to his teammates has bite with a mischievous flavor, but he never goes too far, showing that his contributions, while spicy, are always coming from a good place.

12. Ryunosuke Tanaka: Piesces (March 3, 1996)

Ryunosuke Tanaka: Piesces (March 3, 1996)

Tanaka gets along with others just fine, but he is prone to easily lose his temper and get into squabbles. As a Pisces, Tanaka tends to prioritize pleasure over work. He often shows up late for practice, which is an annoyance to his teammates. But on the court, his anger brings his the best in his competitive nature. While his demeanor is quite brash, he does support his teammates, especially when it comes to looking out for the underclassmen.


In conclusion, your zodiac sign can offer insight into which Haikyuu character you may share traits with. This article provides a fun and entertaining way to explore the similarities between yourself and the characters in the popular anime series. If you enjoyed this article, check out the next one in the series, “TOP 5 MCU Characters Wolverine Could Beat & 5 He Would Lose To” for more thrilling character comparisons and analysis.

Frequently asked questions:

Who is the most hottest haikyuu character?

It is subjective to say who the “hottest” character in Haikyuu is, as attractiveness is a matter of personal preference. However, many fans have noted that Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, and Bokuto Koutarou are considered to be some of the most popular and attractive characters in the series.


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