The World’s 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

All over the globe, young and retired hikers alike are lacing up their sturdy walking boots and hitting the long trails to experience the charm and wonder of the great outdoors. Many engage in the art of thru-hiking: a continuous, long-distance trek that takes months unless one is a marathon-style runner.

Thru-hiking is a pastime that really took off in the United States along the Appalachian Trail back in the late 1940s, and in the decades since, its popularity has only gained steam. Some of the world’s longest thru-hike-ready trails are not used solely by hikers, but also by equestrian travelers and cyclists.  

These trails are largely composed of several long-established hiking favorites, but to take them on requires serious training and adequate preparation. Here are 10 of the world’s longest trails.

The World’s 10 Longest Hiking Trails

1. The Great Trail, Canada – 24,000 km/14,912 miles

The Great Trail, Canada - 24,000 km/14,912 miles

Formerly known as the Trans Canada Trail, the newly named Great Trail, Canada is a chain of hundreds of pathways across the Canadian landscape. First imagined in 1992, this route weaves its way through 13 different Canadian territories and provinces, starting in St. John’s in Newfoundland, and completing way over Vancouver, British Columbia on the Pacific coast, with a Yukon inclusive northward loop in the center.

After officially opening in 2017, the multi-use trail has been credited for community connections and the incorporation of disused railway lines which were converted into hiking oaths. Some of the criticisms of this trail point to the fact that about 30% of the trail is off-road.

2. The American Discovery Trail – 6,800 miles/10,944 km

THE AMERICAN DISCOVERY TRAIL - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

The American Discovery Trail has the distinct honor of being America’s longest non-motorized (and first) coast-to-coast trail that permits hikers, skiers, and horseback riders to trek from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from as far east as Maryland and Delaware, through West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, concluding on the coasts of California.

Though the trail formally opened in the year 2000, it was completed for the first time by Marcia and Ken Powers (nicknamed GottaWalk), a power walking couple, who crossed the country with a 5000-mile romp in October 2005. However, the first person to conquer the entire 6,800 track, including the split in the trail that takes two paths for most of the trek until they rejoin was Mike “Lion King” Daniel, who completed the admirable accomplishment in November of 2008.

3. E1 European Long Distance Path – 4960 miles/7980 km

E1 EUROPEAN LONG DISTANCE PATH - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

The European Ramblers Association oversees 12 of the longest European Distance Paths, with E1 being the longest. The trek is a challenging one, starting in Norway’s upper reaches, and finally completing in Sicily Italy. In upper Norway, the trail is not sign-posted out of respect to the Sami people indigenous to the region, but starting in Nordkapp and moving southward, it is marked with cairns.

Once the path runs through Norway, Sweeden, and Finland, it continues through Denmark (though it requires a short ferry ride). The trail turns towards Germany next, eventually traversing Switzerland, and finally completing after hiking through the north to the south distance of Italy.

4. The Grand Italian Trail – 4455 miles/7170 km

THE GRAND ITALIAN TRAIL - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

The Sentiero Italia, or the Grand Italian trail, is the hiking trail for pasta lovers. The trail has an accompanying food blog. The blog is broken up by regions with recommendations of the best flavored local foods to try and natural delicacies available. When it comes to moving along this trail, you will need all of the fuel you can get.

The trail’s topography is largely mountainous, traversing the entire length of the Alpine Arc and the Apennine Chain, running through Sicily, and ultimately through Sardinia. The first idea for the trail came about in 1983, but the first hikers to complete the full trek didn’t do so until 1995, and then not again until 1999. In recent years the Grand Italian Trail has lost some traction in terms of interest. In an attempt to reignite the passion of global hikers, the trail’s organization launched free guides online in both Italian and English.

5. The Continental Divide Trail – 3100 miles/5000 km

THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE TRAIL - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

This trail is located in the US and involves hikers engaging in a challenging vertical trek running from northernmost Montana down to New Mexico. The Continental Divide is known as a “living museum of the American West” and bearing a designation as a National Scenic Trail since 1978.

The rough terrain is unsuitable for horses or mountain bikers, making this an almost exclusively hiking trail. Since 1995 just 15 people officially completed it, though about 150 attempts to complete it are estimated to be made annually. The trail is one of three trails that make up the triad of America’s “Triple Crown of Hiking”, along with the Appalachian and the Pacific Crest Trails.

6. The Great Himalayan Trail – 2800 miles/4585 km

THE GREAT HIMALAYAN TRAIL - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

Treks through the terrains of Nepal are challenging enough, but for those seeking a higher hiking workload, the yet-to-be-conquered Great Himalayan Trail awaits. The route stretches the entire length of the Himalayas, weaving through countries including Pakistan, India, Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan.

The topography is rough and the terrain is in very high altitudes, so this is a trail for the extremely fit and prepared, with the trail’s zenith being at a stunning 20,210 feet (6160 meters) above sea level on Nepal’s Sherpani Col Pass. Of course, few would take on such a treacherous trek. Luckily, a proposed lower route exists too, taking hikers through villages and mid-range hills of the region instead.

7. Hokkaido Nature Trail – 2848 miles/4585 km

HOKKAIDO NATURE TRAIL - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

On the northernmost island of Japan’s archipelago, Hokkaido, lies the longest of Japan’s nature trails. Most of the country’s trails were designed by the Japanese government in 1970, but this mega-hike first came to fruition in 2003.

Combining all of Hokkaido trails into a single loop, the trail isn’t yet entirely complete, with certain stretches still needing to be connected. However, the overall estimate for this nature trail’s completion is an estimated 230 days.

8. England Coast Path – 2795 miles/4500 km

ENGLAND COAST PATH - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

This project is still in progress, with the work initiated back in 2014. When completed, it would become the world’s longest coastal trail, traversing the entire English coastline. This trail draws its inspiration from a similar idea applied in Wales with its successful Wales Coast Path which runs through harbors, beaches, moors, marshes, cliffs, and farmland.

This trail was due to officially open in 2020, with plans being delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the Coast path’s longer stretches are now open, though Natural England, the path’s governing agency continues to consult with local residents regarding its final stretches.

9. Pacific Crest Trail – 2653 miles/4270 km

PACIFIC CREST TRAIL - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

The Pacific Crest Trail stretches nearly the entire length of the US Pacific coast. The trail was conceived in the 1930s, is currently overseen by the Pacific Crest Trail Association, and is estimated to take six full months to complete.

2014’s Reese Weatherspoon-led movie The Wild made the trail more renowned as she recounted the trek of writer Cheryl Strayed. However, the film does portray the trail as a solitary hiking experience, while it is quite a popular one. Of all of the world’s trails, the PCT is generally regarded as among the most scenic.

10. Te Araroa – 1894 miles/3000 km

TE ARAROA - The World's 10 Longest Hiking Trails A Bucket List for Every Hiker

Those looking for a challenging yet scenic trail may want to consider Te Araroa (or The Long Pathway). The path takes hikers through the full length of New Zealand, including both the North and South island. The path, maintained by the Te Araroa Trust, opened officially on December 3, 2011, with the estimated time of completion being about 6 months.

At night, hiking adventurers on the path can stay in a hut network managed by the Department of Conservation of New Zealand, renting their nightly lodging on a nightly basis, or reserving a 6-month pass. This trail has been completed before, with the record holder managing to do so well under its projected 6-month span, completing the trail in only 53 days in 2013.

The World’s 10 Longest Hiking Trails: Conclusion

For hiking enthusiasts, exploring new and challenging trails is a must-do activity. From the rugged terrain of the Pacific Crest Trail in the United States to the breathtaking landscapes of the Te Araroa Trail in New Zealand, there are plenty of options for those seeking a true adventure.

These ten hiking trails, each spanning over thousands of kilometers, offer breathtaking views, diverse terrains, and unique challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, these trails are sure to provide an unforgettable experience and should definitely be on every hiker’s bucket list.

While you’re exploring the great outdoors on one of the world’s longest hiking trails, have you ever thought about the impact of hunting on the local wildlife? Our next article sheds light on the controversial topic of bear hunting with 11 shocking facts you may not know. Read our article now to educate yourself and make informed decisions as a responsible hiker.

Frequently asked questions:

can you use trail running shoes for hiking?

While trail running shoes can be used for hiking, it’s important to consider the specific terrain and conditions of your hike before deciding to wear them. Trail running shoes are generally lighter and more flexible than hiking boots, making them ideal for shorter hikes on less rugged terrain. However, if you’ll be hiking on steep or rocky terrain or carrying a heavy backpack, you may want to opt for more supportive and protective hiking boots.

what is the longest hiking trail in the world?

The longest hiking trail in the world is the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), which spans 2,650 miles (4,265 km) from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington. The PCT crosses through 25 national forests and 7 national parks, offering hikers diverse landscapes and stunning views of the western United States. It generally takes hikers 4-6 months to complete the entire trail.

what is the longest hiking trail in America?

The longest hiking trail in America is the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), stretching 2,650 miles (4,265 km) from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington. The trail passes through a variety of ecosystems, from deserts to forests to alpine regions, and includes challenging terrain such as high mountain passes and river crossings. It typically takes hikers about 5 months to complete the entire trail.


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