Top 10 Most Unusual Foods that Only Exist in China

We all love Chinese cuisine for the sheer abundance and variety it offers. Food is an integral part of Chinese culture.Chinese cuisine’s popularity has made Chinese-specific items, such as rice, soy sauce, tea, tofu, noodles, wok and chopsticks popular across the globe. This article will introduce you to the top 10 most unusual foods that only exist in China.

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The vast historical differences and varying cultures of China have resulted in the country having many cuisine styles. While we may all have heard about the most famous foods like noodles and soy sauce, this article gives youinsight into the country’s unusual foods. Keep reading to get surprised.

China and its craze for unusual foods

Top 10 Most Unusual Foods that Only Exist in China

We all know that different countries have different styles of food. However, only a few of them are bizarre or unusual. These foods are so uncommon that your eyes will pop out while reading them. These foods exist only in China. Let us take a look at the top 10 most unusual foods that only exists in China:

1. Bee pupae

Bee pupae can be prepared in many ways including deep frying them until they are golden brown, steaming them, cold-frying them in various sauces, stir-frying them, or making them beautiful crispy bee pupae cakes. Sounds quite bizarre, isn’t it? The Chinese food recipes for this varies according to the different regions of China.

2. Bat soup

The bat soup got its fame after the outbreak of the coronavirus throughout the world. This is one of the most bizarre and unusual foods, available only in China. We are sure that this food will never figure on the list of”Chinese food you need to try”anytime soon.

3. Scorpions and insects

Chinese cuisine has lots of insects and scorpions as snacks. These are usually served like deep-fried food. If you are looking for some of the bizarre types of Chinese food, insects have to feature at the top of your list.

4. Wormwood dumplings

Wormwood dumplings are another unusual food that exists only in China. It is one of the unique foods of Chinese cuisine, because it is quite challenging to replicate. This dish is known as Futsu rice cakes or ai ban by the Hakka ethnic group. These dumplings are a staple during the Qingming festival that happens every year. The Chinese food recipes for this dish differs according to the ethnicity of the tribes.

5. Bird’s nest soup

Bird’s nest soup is one of the expensive foods in Chinese cuisine. Itis also known as the Caviar of the East. It is madefrom a very rare and valuable material- the nest of swiftlets.

6. Balut

A balut is nothing but a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled and cooked. The balutis also eaten in its shell like a soft-boiled egg.

7. Stinky tofu

The name of this dish is self-explanatory, isn’t it? This dish is prepared by fermenting tofu in fermented milk and fish or meat or vegetable brine.

8. Crocodile meat

This unusual food in China has a story that is attached to it. In the year 2016, a reporter named Echo Hang, a Quartz reporter in Chinawas diagnosed with hay fever. The reporter was not healing or showed any signs of getting better, despite taking all types of Chinese medical remedies.

Eventually, his parents made a soup with crocodile meat. This was very thick. The reporter consumed this soup, and got better almost immediately. The reporter herself described the soup to be as thick as a milkshake.

9. Century egg

You may have got a faint idea of the food’s texture by reading this name. A century egg is also called as 1000-year eggs and millennium eggs. A century egg is made from quail, duck, or chicken eggs. These are prepared by immersing the eggs in a solution of clay and salt.

10. Jellyfish salad

This salad is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine, and it has a very similar flavor to that of an octopus. It is sour in taste and chewy in texture.

Rules differ in different geographies

Now that we know about the food trends in China, let us get to know about another geography. We are referring to Germany. We will see what not to do in Germany when traveling there for personal or official purposes.

Germany is known for its nightlife and art. It is also the country where many sites that relate to World War II. In the following section, let us find out the 10 things to not to do in Germany.

  • One of the things one must never do in Germany is jaywalking. One should always remember to respect the traffic lights when in Germany.
  • Germany is one of the countries that take recycling very seriously.So, you need to be aware of the rules while you are here.
  • Germany is very strict when it comes to anything that relates to the Nazis. So, a person should never show any Nazi salute or Nazi symbol. If they do so, they will be fined and sometimes imprisoned for 5 years.
  • One should know the rules on driving on the German Autobahn. Not following the rules might get one in trouble.
  • It would help if you never were late for any appointments or meetings.
  • One should never walk into another person’s house with their shoes on without asking their permission. This is because Germans have the habit of not wearing shoes inside their homes.
  • A person should never walk in the bicycle lane in Germany because it is reserved for cyclists only.
  • You should never address another person by their first name in Germany, as it is considered bad manners to do so.
  • It is considered very offensive and insensitive to sing the first verse of Germany’s national anthem because of its past.
  • A person using Germany’s public transport system should never get on any public transport without a ticket.

Most Unusual Foods in China Conclusion

Now that you know of the top 10 most unusual foods that only exist in China, what are you going to do? Are you going to go bold and experiment with these intriguing foods, or are you to stay as far as possible from them? The choice is yours!

Frequently Asked Questions:

what was the first fast food restaurant in china?

The first fast food restaurant in China was the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant, which opened in Beijing in 1987. KFC has since become a popular fast food chain in China, with more than 6,000 locations across the country. Other fast food chains, such as McDonald’s and Pizza Hut, have also established a presence in China in recent decades.

is Nutrisystem food made in china?

No, Nutrisystem food is not made in China. The company sources its food from a variety of suppliers in the United States and other countries, and all of its products are manufactured to meet strict quality and safety standards. Nutrisystem is a popular weight loss program that offers a range of pre-packaged meals and snacks to help users achieve their weight loss goals.

how to tell if food is from china?

It can be difficult to tell if food is from China, as many products are not labeled with their country of origin. However, some products may have a “Made in China” label or other indicators of their origin. Additionally, it is a good idea to research the brands and suppliers of the food you buy to ensure that they meet your standards for quality and safety.


Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Idammah, and I am the founder of this site dedicated to exploring the world's mysteries, uncovering fascinating facts, and delving into science's weird and beautiful aspects. I have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and I love nothing more than digging deep to find the answers to some of life's greatest mysteries. Whether it's exploring the depths of the ocean, investigating ancient civilizations, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, I am always on the hunt for new knowledge and insights. As a self-proclaimed weirdo and science enthusiast, I believe that there is always more to learn and discover, and I am constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to expand my understanding of the world around me. Through FoxPeek blog, I hope to share my love of all things strange and wonderful with like-minded readers and inspire others to embrace their inner curiosity and seek out the world's mysteries for themselves.

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